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Is it "christian" to bomb Abortion Clinics? (1 Viewer)

Is the bombing of abortion clinics the christian thing to do?

  • Yes, An eye for an eye!

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • No, though shalt not kill

    Votes: 11 100.0%

  • Total voters

Youve Got To Be Kidding!

Active member
Jul 24, 2005
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Political Leaning
:shoot Is it the christian thing to do: Bombing Abortion Clinics?

I understand Its illegal Im just curious if the Bible permits it.
Can you give me some reasons why its not?


I believe this will be a "Sound Debate" for all you people who think I am worthless here.
Last edited:
Unless, there is a part in the bible that says CLEARLY: bombing abortion clinics is Ok, then it's safe to say that bombing abortion clinics is wrong. Killing is wrong. Killing in Gods name is the ultimate ultimate wrong. Thats why GWB and friends are going to burn in the firey pits along with the muslims that flew into the WTC's. Eye for an Eye = Wrong, Diplomacy = Good, Turn The Other Cheek = Good, and so forth... But, that's just my opinion. Now, I dismount from the soapbox.
I find that it's "Christian" if you say it is, and most other Christians will agree with you if your idea is backwards enough. Killing gays, bombing abortion clinics, beating Islam, actively attempting to dissolve the courts, all given the ok by the likes of Pat Robertson, Falwell, and a few others, who seem to dictate what is and isn't Christian more so than the bible these days.
No it is in no way Christian. Actually by doing so you insult God. Praying to supposed to be your weapon against evil. Invoking the name of Christ is supposed to be the way. I am not going to get deep into this because I don't want to start a holy war, but those who bomb abortion clinics have sinned. It is radical Christians who don't understand there is no greater sin in God's eyes. Whether you abort a child, or lie to your wife about having a beer with the guys, sin is sin.
Is it christian when God throws someone into HELL?

I am tired of people using the word christian to define opinions.

Why dont you say is it ok to bomb abortion clinics?
I am asking for proof such as scripture on how it is not a christian thing to do. The reason I am polling this is because I want to use your reasons to argue my belief that the death penalty is not Christian. That is why I am asking for scriptures. Before this all the responses I get is "an eye for an eye" is their way of Justifying and Rationalizing it. Under that pretense it should be ok for someone to kill an abortionist. I am not sure if its Gods work does that mean I cant do it or that it HAS to be done in the courtroom with due process of law.

I am just at a loss how christians can support the death penalty and be against abortion. It seems to me that punishing someone to death is a bigger sin than one commiting abortion. At least the abortionist is not judging anyone. "ye without sin may cast the first stone".

I am just at a loss how christians can support the death penalty and be against abortion. It seems to me that punishing someone to death is a bigger sin than one commiting abortion. At least the abortionist is not judging anyone. "ye without sin may cast the first stone".

So let me get this straight, you would rather kill a innocent little baby and not kill a rapist/murderer like that of Manson? You have got to be kidding. O thats your name, :lol:
So you would rather judge a innocent baby who has committed no sin then judge a rapist/murderer? You seriosuly have some issues sir.

I would suggest seeing a priest or something casue the devil has gotten ahold of your brain cells.
You are ignored as you just make me sick. You are the FIRST PERSON to make that list of mine. You should be thrilled to death. You are the only one actually. I know I know Im on a lot of peoples myself I am sure. But rejoice cause your the ONLY one on my ignore list.

I guess you missed the point entirely. Your not judging the baby when you abort it you are judging the person who is condemned to the death penalty. Anyways tata.
Youve Got To Be Kidding! said:
You are ignored as you just make me sick. You are the FIRST PERSON to make that list of mine. You should be thrilled to death. You are the only one actually. I know I know Im on a lot of peoples myself I am sure. But rejoice cause your the ONLY one on my ignore list.

I guess you missed the point entirely. Your not judging the baby when you abort it you are judging the person who is condemned to the death penalty. Anyways tata.

PLEASEPLEASEPLEASE!!!!!!...Can I be on your ignore list, too?

Debating is a lot easier when you have everybody agreeing with you...

May I suggest democraticunderground.com?

This place was set up to be non-partisan, but if you only want to hear what you want to hear instead of listening to all sides, I suggest the above forum where you can continue your groupthink mentality. They will embrace you...You tow the party line well...
Actually you dont make me as sick as he does. He has been trolling my posts and just talking out of his ass. He does not have a point he justs spouts off your points. He dont know ****. Much easier to ignore him and read your posts. At least you offer stuff to the forum.
Actually you dont make me as sick as he does. He has been trolling my posts and just talking out of his ass. He does not have a point he justs spouts off your points. He dont know ****. Much easier to ignore him and read your posts. At least you offer stuff to the forum.

Whata whine baby. I ask him a simple question from what he stated and he gets all mad casue he knows I am right.

You see cnredd. Like I said you come quietly and just regurgitate what they said and they cant argue with it casue its what they said so they put you on ignore. This is how you win a discussion. Becasue now he cant say anything becasue you just debacled his whole argument. By just restating his post. I just simpole asked him if thats what he was really saying and it was. So becasue he knew that killing an innocent baby was dumb compared to not killing a murderer he couldnt win that argument.

I am getting very good at this. :lol:
Youve Got To Be Kidding! said:
:shoot Is it the christian thing to do: Bombing Abortion Clinics?

I understand Its illegal Im just curious if the Bible permits it.
Can you give me some reasons why its not?


I believe this will be a "Sound Debate" for all you people who think I am worthless here.

I should think the overwhelming majority of christians are opposed to it.
Whata whine baby. I ask him a simple question from what he stated and he gets all mad casue he knows I am right.

You see cnredd. Like I said you come quietly and just regurgitate what they said and they cant argue with it casue its what they said so they put you on ignore. This is how you win a discussion. Becasue now he cant say anything becasue you just debacled his whole argument. By just restating his post. I just simpole asked him if thats what he was really saying and it was. So becasue he knew that killing an innocent baby was dumb compared to not killing a murderer he couldnt win that argument.

I am getting very good at this. :lol:

Your not "getting good at this" at all!

Look who your competition is....You're debating people who showed up for the gunfight with water ballons!:2wave:
I disagree. The overwhelming majority of the Christians I see in the media and have personally talked with seem violently opposed to homosexuality, religious freedom, scientific advancement, and the right for abortion, just like their televangelist counterpart. At one time it may have been that the majority would have opposed it, but that time has now passed. The religion, at least in this country, has been damaged (irreparably IMO) by the petty ambitions of a few who supposedly practice it, far beyond the capacity to stand up against this sort of thing. The next abortion bomber will be given a hero's memorial on CBN.
I should think the overwhelming majority of christians are opposed to it.

Your right I am. Becasue God will judge.

"Revenge is mine sayeth the Lord"
"And we are his holy instrument" sayeth his followers. The majority are not opposed.
oops bad spelling I mean tto say

"Revenge is mine saith the Lord"

the whole verse is

Dearly beleoved avenge not yourselves but raher give place unto wrath for it is written vengeance is mine I will repay saith the lord.

Romans 12:19
Well I wuldnt be opposed if God sent a meteor that ran into a abortion clinic with the abortioners in it. :lol:
The spelling error is irrelevant next to the reasoning error of assuming that the lords followers care what he has to say on anything these days. They pay far more attention to his nationally famous preachers than they do to him.
But I would be against someone using C4 to terrorize people.
Well I wuldnt be opposed if God sent a meteor that ran into a abortion clinic with the abortioners in it. :lol:
I likewise won't be opposed when the more enlightened among us remove your religion once it's outlived it's usefulness. Only an imperfect and incompetent lord could create followers that would advocate the murder of abortioners and anyone inside their clinic, including those fetuses inside the patients, simply because they were getting rid of the fetuses. Thy lord would be ashamed of thee.
Your not "getting good at this" at all!

Look who your competition is....You're debating people who showed up for the gunfight with water ballons!
Today 04:10 PM

Lol, thats true.
I likewise won't be opposed when the more enlightened among us remove your religion once it's outlived it's usefulness. Only an imperfect and incompetent lord could create followers that would advocate the murder of abortioners and anyone inside their clinic, including those fetuses inside the patients, simply because they were getting rid of the fetuses. Thy lord would be ashamed of thee.

This is one of the most insightful and objective posts I have seen in along time aside from cnredd and gysgt.

Very good
And that was one of the least argumentative posts I've ever read. A wave of disappointment is washing over me.

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