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Is it a female or a shemale? (1 Viewer)

Some of those women looked like men. 13/16
ngdawg said:
Some of those women looked like men. 13/16

LOL Yes they do. :mrgreen:
Deegan said:

Deegan, tell us your score. :lol:
aps said:
Deegan, tell us your score. :lol:
Deegan got half of them right...

He knew who the men were...

some of them personally...:2wave:
cnredd said:
Deegan got half of them right...

He knew who the men were...

some of them personally...:2wave:

Ahhh, hence the shock face. :lol:

What was cnredd's score? And did he find any of the "men" attractive? ;)
I got 13/16, but the point was, I was really guessing all the way through, except for one who I thought was obvious. Tis a strange world we live in, hence the :shock:
aps said:
Ahhh, hence the shock face. :lol:

What was cnredd's score? And did he find any of the "men" attractive? ;)

And may I point out that the test was irrelevant...

As long as they take the money I've left on the counter and keep what happened secret, I am fine with it...:shock: :doh
Interesting that you two got higher scores than I did. :lol:
Deegan said:
I got 13/16, but the point was, I was really guessing all the way through, except for one who I thought was obvious. Tis a strange world we live in, hence the :shock:

I got the same...13/16 and I was just guessing for the most part too...some of those shemales were really pretty ladies...but can you imagine what they look like as dudes? :shock:
aps said:
Interesting that you two got higher scores than I did. :lol:
The one picture of you I got wrong...cheesy smile...
cnredd said:
The one picture of you I got wrong...cheesy smile...

Well I never! :2wave:
I knew I should have just waved at this thread as I sped by!:doh :3oops:

I was gonna say that all the ones i got wrong were chicks i thought were dudes, so at least I wouldn't make that mistake, but then one got me at the end.

oh boy.
RightatNYU said:

I was gonna say that all the ones i got wrong were chicks i thought were dudes, so at least I wouldn't make that mistake, but then one got me at the end.

oh boy.

Yeah there was that one filipino transvestite in Albany...man that was one crazy yom kippur!!!
jallman said:
Yeah there was that one filipino transvestite in Albany...man that was one crazy yom kippur!!!

I am loving the commentary on these pictures. :cool:
12/16, but in all fairness, I'd run screaming if I woke up to either in my bed.
I've always been able to pick'em out...only ones I missed were women I thought were guys, but got all the guys right.
At a dance bar one night with friends. This blonde is surrounded by guys at the bar and is dancing most of the night away with different ones. Not ONE noticed the adam's apple or the huge feet! All of us real females were invisible and Mr. Not A. Girl was the most popular thing there.:2rofll:
I pointed out the discrepancies to the bartender( a friend of one of us who was also fawning over this person) and it took him quite a few seconds to be convinced. Come on, guys!!! Women do NOT have adam's apples!!!
13/16....missed two shemales that were very convincing (these pictures do a good job at hiding the Adam's apple, which I'm sure was the intent, as that would be a dead giveaway), and one female that just looked kinda....off. :lol:
Stace said:
13/16....missed two shemales that were very convincing (these pictures do a good job at hiding the Adam's apple, which I'm sure was the intent, as that would be a dead giveaway), and one female that just looked kinda....off. :lol:

I don't know where all of you get this "Adams apple" thing as a know all verification for a male?:confused:

No man in my family has one, and I know a few women who do, this is not a scientific example of a male person, not by a long shot.
14/16. Its not that difficult to tell which one is a man and which is a woman. You just look for imperfections or features that stand out. Some of the woman though already had those though are a little ugly so it can trick you.
11/16....and that was tough. I haven't concentrated that hard in at least 2-3 days.:mrgreen:
Deegan said:
I don't know where all of you get this "Adams apple" thing as a know all verification for a male?:confused:

No man in my family has one, and I know a few women who do, this is not a scientific example of a male person, not by a long shot.

When the larynx grows larger during puberty, it sticks out at the front of the throat. This is what's called an Adam's apple. Everyone's larynx grows during puberty, but a girl's larynx doesn't grow as much as a boy's does. That's why boys have Adam's apples. Most girls don't have Adam's apples, but some do. It's no big deal either way.

But why is it called an Adam's apple? If you think it's called that after the story of the Garden of Eden where Adam ate a piece of the forbidden fruit that got stuck in his throat, you're right. An Adam's apple sometimes looks like a small, rounded apple just under the skin in the front of the throat.


The Adam's apple is a pretty good sign that the person is a man. But men can get their Adam's apple shaved if it's too prominent, and they want to look like a woman (For some transwomen, the Adam's apple remains more prominent than desired, and this is sometimes remedied by a trachea shave, a type of plastic surgery to reduce the size of the Adam's apple. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Adam's_apple).
Good gravy! That sounds painful. Aiieee!

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