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Is Howard Dean the right man to lead the Democratic Party? (1 Viewer)

Is Howard Dean the right man to lead the Democratic Party?

  • Yes

    Votes: 16 47.1%
  • No

    Votes: 18 52.9%

  • Total voters
I voted yes, because Howard Dean is exactly the kind of unreasonable, bitter, petty, hysteric Republicans need in charge of the DNC. Michael Moore might be better though. ;)
Navy Pride said:
Your comments please....

I'm actually having dinner with the good Doctor tomorrow in Pittsburgh. IMHO he has the vision to lead the dems back form being purely an opposition party. If you look at where America stands - most people agree with him now, unfortunately he was too far ahead of his time.

Most Americans are against the war - as was Dean.
Most Americans are for universal health care - so is Dean
Most Americans thnk that governemt spending is out of hand - so does Dean.
Most Americans support a woman's right to choose - so does Dean.

As governer - Dean balanced the budget and was supported by the NRA.
He supported gay rights and civil rights for his state.
He ran a campaign that invigorated the Dems again. The amount of volunteers and small donors that he received was unparrelled in American politics.

By the time of the Dean Scream - he was already done.

Howard recognises that the Dems MUST compete in all 50 states and is preparing to unleash a new bold platform for the 2006 elections.

Dean is not afraid to call a spade a spade and tell it like it is - a quality that is severely lacking in politics today.

As a bonus - he'll NEVER go on Bill O'Leilly's show.

I scream - you scream - we all scream for Howard Dean!

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aquapub said:
I voted yes, because Howard Dean is exactly the kind of unreasonable, bitter, petty, hysteric Republicans need in charge of the DNC. Michael Moore might be better though. ;)
I love the hate you all have....very enthralling.

Dean's main job is to raise money for the Party, something he is exceptionally good at.

No one votes for a candidate based on the head of the national party, no one. Do you think people are voting for Republicans because of Ken Mellman (isn't he gay)?

No matter how much you guys love to hate Dean the bottom line is that Dean doesn't set policy, isn't on any ballots and he does helluva job bringing in the green...which is what he's supposed to do.

Don't you get it? The Republican zealots in this forum and in this country are never going to vote for a Democrat so your zeal is misguided, totally, again.

The question itself is idiotic, plain dumb, completely stupid...but then again consider who started this thread?
I just cast my vote...........I voted yes to because he is the best thing to happen to the Republican Party since Barney Frank got caught dorking his pages............
Navy Pride said:
I just cast my vote...........I voted yes to because he is the best thing to happen to the Republican Party since Barney Frank got caught dorking his pages............
Thanks again for proving my point. You're one frickin' genius Navy Pride!

BTW - Do you even know what my point is? :thinking
26 X World Champs said:
Thanks again for proving my point. You're one frickin' genius Navy Pride!

BTW - Do you even know what my point is? :thinking

your point is half right-a guy like Mellman is a non controversial figure (I love the party that is supported by NAMBLA spends so much time calling GOP operatives "gay") won't get anyone to vote for the party's candidate but a flaming idiot like Dean can hurt it
Here's what Republicans said about Clinton and Kosovo

Navy Pride said:
Your comments please....

Here's what Republicans said about Clinton and Kosovo

Why did they second-guess our commitment to freedom from genocide and demand that we cut and run?

"President Clinton is once again releasing American military might on a foreign country with an ill-defined objective and no exit strategy. He has yet to tell the Congress how much this operation will cost. And he has not informed our nation's armed forces about how long they will be
away from home. These strikes do not make for a sound foreign policy."

-Senator Rick Santorum (R-PA)

"No goal, no objective, not until we have those things and a compelling case is made, then I say, back out of it, because innocent people are going to die for nothing. That's why I'm against it."

-Sean Hannity, Fox News, 4/5/99

"American foreign policy is now one huge big mystery. Simply put, the administration is trying to lead the world with a feel-good foreign policy."

-Representative Tom Delay (R-TX)

"If we are going to commit American troops, we must be certain they have a clear mission, an achievable goal and an exit strategy."

-Karen Hughes, speaking on behalf of presidential candidate George W. Bush

Why did they demoralize our brave men and women in uniform?

"I had doubts about the bombing campaign from the beginning...I didn't think we had done enough in the diplomatic area."

-Senator Trent Lott (R-MS)

"You think Vietnam was bad? Vietnam is nothing next to Kosovo."

-Tony Snow, Fox News 3/24/99

"Well, I just think it's a bad idea. What's going to happen is they're going to be over there for 10, 15, maybe 20 years"

-Joe Scarborough (R-FL)

"I'm on the Senate Intelligence Committee, so you can trust me and believe me when I say we're running out of cruise missles. I can't tell you exactly how many we have left, for security reasons, but we're almost out of cruise missles."

-Senator Inhofe (R-OK )

"I cannot support a failed foreign policy. History teaches us that it is often easier to make war than peace. This administration is just learning that lesson right now. The President began this mission with very vague objectives and lots of unanswered questions. A month later, these questions are still unanswered. There are no clarifiedrules of engagement. There is no timetable. There is no legitimate definition of victory. There is no contingency plan for mission creep. There is no clear funding program. There is no agenda to bolster our overextended military. There is no explanation defining what vital national interests are at stake. There was no strategic plan for war when the President started this thing, and there still is no plan today"

-Representative Tom Delay (R-TX)

"I don't know that Milosevic will ever raise a white flag"

-Senator Don Nickles (R-OK)

"Explain to the mothers and fathers of American servicemen that may come home in body bags why their son or daughter have to give up their life?"

-Sean Hannity, Fox News, 4/6/99

Why didn't they support our president in a time of war?

"Victory means exit strategy, and it's important for the President to explain to us what the exit strategy is."

-Governor George W. Bush (R-TX)

"This is President Clinton's war, and when he falls flat on his face, that's his problem."

-Senator Richard Lugar (R-IN)

"The two powers that have ICBMs that can reach the United States are Russia and China. Here we go in. We're taking on not just Milosevic. We can't just say, 'that little guy, we can whip him.' We have these two other powers that have missiles that can reach us, and we have zero defense thanks to this president."

-Senator James Inhofe (R-OK)

"You can support the troops but not the president"

-Representative Tom Delay (R-TX)

"My job as majority leader is be supportive of our troops, try to have input as decisions are made and to look at those decisions after they're made ... not to march in lock step with everything the president decides to do."

-Senator Trent Lott (R-MS)

For us to call this a victory and to commend the President of the United States as the Commander in Chief showing great leadership in Operation Allied Force is a farce"
-Representative Tom Delay (R-TX)

Why did they blame America first?

Bombing a sovereign nation for ill-defined reasons with vague objectives undermines the American stature in the world. The international respect and trust for America has diminished every time we casually let the bombs fly."

-Representative Tom Delay (R-TX)

"Once the bombing commenced, I think then Milosevic unleashed his forces, and then that's when the slaughtering and the massive ethnic cleansing really started"

-Senator Don Nickles (R-OK)

Clinton's bombing campaign has caused all of these problems to explode"

-Representative Tom Delay (R-TX)

"America has no vital interest in whose flag flies over Kosovo's capital, and no right to attack and kill Serb soldiers fighting on their own soil to preserve the territorial integrity of their own country"

-Pat Buchanan (R)

"These international war criminals were led by Gen. Wesley Clark ...who clicked his shiny heels for the commander-in-grief, Bill Clinton."

-Michael Savage

"This has been an unmitigated disaster ... Ask the Chinese embassy. Ask all the people in Belgrade that we've killed. Ask the refugees that we've killed. Ask the people in nursing homes. Ask the people in hospitals."

-Representative Joe Scarborough (R-FL)

"It is a remarkable spectacle to see the Clinton Administration and NATO taking over from the Soviet Union the role of sponsoring "wars of national liberation."

-Representative Helen Chenoweth (R-ID)

"America has no vital interest in whose flag flies over Kosovo's capital, and no right to attack and kill Serb soldiers fighting on their own soil to preserve the territorial integrity of their own country"

-Pat Buchanan (R )

"By the order to launch air strikes against Serbia, NATO and President Clinton have entered uncharted territory in mankind's history. Not even Hitler's grab of the Sudetenland in the 1930s, which eventually led to WW II, ranks as a comparable travesty. For, there are no American interests whatsoever that the NATO bombing will
either help, or protect; only needless risks to which it exposes the American soldiers and assets, not to mention the victims on the ground in Serbia."

-Bob Djurdjevic, founder of Truth in Media
hipsterdufus said:
I'm actually having dinner with the good Doctor tomorrow in Pittsburgh. IMHO he has the vision to lead the dems back form being purely an opposition party. If you look at where America stands - most people agree with him now, unfortunately he was too far ahead of his time.

Most Americans are against the war - as was Dean.
Most Americans are for universal health care - so is Dean
Most Americans thnk that governemt spending is out of hand - so does Dean.
Most Americans support a woman's right to choose - so does Dean.

As governer - Dean balanced the budget and was supported by the NRA.
He supported gay rights and civil rights for his state.
He ran a campaign that invigorated the Dems again. The amount of volunteers and small donors that he received was unparrelled in American politics.

By the time of the Dean Scream - he was already done.

Howard recognises that the Dems MUST compete in all 50 states and is preparing to unleash a new bold platform for the 2006 elections.

Dean is not afraid to call a spade a spade and tell it like it is - a quality that is severely lacking in politics today.

As a bonus - he'll NEVER go on Bill O'Leilly's show.

I scream - you scream - we all scream for Howard Dean!


Ha, Howard Dean is a hypocritical deushe bag case in point: "Republicans have never had to put in a hard days work in their lives." This coming from a trust fund baby? And if most Americans are for socialist style universal health care, against the war in Iraq, and pro abortion, then why do the conservatives control the house, senate, and the executive, oh and coming soon to a country near you the judicial. That's the Dems whole problem you don't consider fly over country to be part of the U.S. maybe if you left L.A. or N.Y.C. for once in your lives you would see and hear what Americans are really all about but I suppose Dean can't take time out of his busy schedule of skiing in the Hamptons to see what Americans really want. See ya in 06 peace I'm outta here.

Oh p.s. Kramer is still the man even though he's your name sake.
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Dean is a loose cannon just like our lefty friend Champs..Of course Champs would think he is the greatest thing since fried rice...........

Every time the both open their mouth they insert their foot...........

Navy Pride said:
Dean is a loose cannon just like our lefty friend Champs..Of course Champs would think he is the greatest thing since fried rice...........

Every time the both open their mouth they insert their foot...........


The Yankees do suck, but buddy, You're the worst debater here.
Polish Rob said:
The Yankees do suck, but buddy, You're the worst debater here.

well one out of two ain't bad......:lol: are you the Meat head from the TV program All in the family?

Oh by the way instead of insulting try responding to what i said...thanks

[Dean is a loose cannon........

Every time he opens his mouth he inserts his foot........../QUOTE]
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Trajan Octavian Titus said:
Oh p.s. Kramer is still the man even though he's your name sake.

I was hipsterdufus way before Kramer. I may just have to sue him.....
hipsterdufus said:
I'm actually having dinner with the good Doctor tomorrow in Pittsburgh. IMHO he has the vision to lead the dems back form being purely an opposition party. If you look at where America stands - most people agree with him now, unfortunately he was too far ahead of his time.

Most Americans are against the war - as was Dean.
Most Americans are for universal health care - so is Dean
Most Americans thnk that governemt spending is out of hand - so does Dean.
Most Americans support a woman's right to choose - so does Dean.

As governer - Dean balanced the budget and was supported by the NRA.
He supported gay rights and civil rights for his state.
He ran a campaign that invigorated the Dems again. The amount of volunteers and small donors that he received was unparrelled in American politics.

By the time of the Dean Scream - he was already done.

Howard recognises that the Dems MUST compete in all 50 states and is preparing to unleash a new bold platform for the 2006 elections.

Dean is not afraid to call a spade a spade and tell it like it is - a quality that is severely lacking in politics today.

As a bonus - he'll NEVER go on Bill O'Leilly's show.

I scream - you scream - we all scream for Howard Dean!


I actually voted no on Howard Dean. I don't know what has happened to Dean. While the presidential election was going last year, he was so articulate and exuded intelligence and class when he spoke. However, since becoming the chairman of the DNC, he has made some pretty stupid and outrageous comments. While that may make him controversial, he is going overboard. What independent is going to hear Dean say, "I hate republicans and everything they stand for"? The democrats (of which I am one) will stay democrats, but we need to get some independents on our side if we want to win elections.

I'm disappointed to see how many of you voted "yes" just because he helps your party, including you, Navy Pride. I thought you were better than this.
Re: Here's what Republicans said about Clinton and Kosovo

hipsterdufus said:
Here's what Republicans said about Clinton and Kosovo

Why did they second-guess our commitment to freedom from genocide and demand that we cut and run?

"President Clinton is once again releasing American military might on a foreign country with an ill-defined objective and no exit strategy. He has yet to tell the Congress how much this operation will cost. And he has not informed our nation's armed forces about how long they will be
away from home. These strikes do not make for a sound foreign policy."

-Senator Rick Santorum (R-PA)

"No goal, no objective, not until we have those things and a compelling case is made, then I say, back out of it, because innocent people are going to die for nothing. That's why I'm against it."

-Sean Hannity, Fox News, 4/5/99

"American foreign policy is now one huge big mystery. Simply put, the administration is trying to lead the world with a feel-good foreign policy."

-Representative Tom Delay (R-TX)

"If we are going to commit American troops, we must be certain they have a clear mission, an achievable goal and an exit strategy."

-Karen Hughes, speaking on behalf of presidential candidate George W. Bush

Why did they demoralize our brave men and women in uniform?

"I had doubts about the bombing campaign from the beginning...I didn't think we had done enough in the diplomatic area."

-Senator Trent Lott (R-MS)

"You think Vietnam was bad? Vietnam is nothing next to Kosovo."

-Tony Snow, Fox News 3/24/99

"Well, I just think it's a bad idea. What's going to happen is they're going to be over there for 10, 15, maybe 20 years"

-Joe Scarborough (R-FL)

"I'm on the Senate Intelligence Committee, so you can trust me and believe me when I say we're running out of cruise missles. I can't tell you exactly how many we have left, for security reasons, but we're almost out of cruise missles."

-Senator Inhofe (R-OK )

"I cannot support a failed foreign policy. History teaches us that it is often easier to make war than peace. This administration is just learning that lesson right now. The President began this mission with very vague objectives and lots of unanswered questions. A month later, these questions are still unanswered. There are no clarifiedrules of engagement. There is no timetable. There is no legitimate definition of victory. There is no contingency plan for mission creep. There is no clear funding program. There is no agenda to bolster our overextended military. There is no explanation defining what vital national interests are at stake. There was no strategic plan for war when the President started this thing, and there still is no plan today"

-Representative Tom Delay (R-TX)

"I don't know that Milosevic will ever raise a white flag"

-Senator Don Nickles (R-OK)

"Explain to the mothers and fathers of American servicemen that may come home in body bags why their son or daughter have to give up their life?"

-Sean Hannity, Fox News, 4/6/99

Why didn't they support our president in a time of war?

"Victory means exit strategy, and it's important for the President to explain to us what the exit strategy is."

-Governor George W. Bush (R-TX)

"This is President Clinton's war, and when he falls flat on his face, that's his problem."

-Senator Richard Lugar (R-IN)

"The two powers that have ICBMs that can reach the United States are Russia and China. Here we go in. We're taking on not just Milosevic. We can't just say, 'that little guy, we can whip him.' We have these two other powers that have missiles that can reach us, and we have zero defense thanks to this president."

-Senator James Inhofe (R-OK)

"You can support the troops but not the president"

-Representative Tom Delay (R-TX)

"My job as majority leader is be supportive of our troops, try to have input as decisions are made and to look at those decisions after they're made ... not to march in lock step with everything the president decides to do."

-Senator Trent Lott (R-MS)

For us to call this a victory and to commend the President of the United States as the Commander in Chief showing great leadership in Operation Allied Force is a farce"
-Representative Tom Delay (R-TX)

Why did they blame America first?

Bombing a sovereign nation for ill-defined reasons with vague objectives undermines the American stature in the world. The international respect and trust for America has diminished every time we casually let the bombs fly."

-Representative Tom Delay (R-TX)

"Once the bombing commenced, I think then Milosevic unleashed his forces, and then that's when the slaughtering and the massive ethnic cleansing really started"

-Senator Don Nickles (R-OK)

Clinton's bombing campaign has caused all of these problems to explode"

-Representative Tom Delay (R-TX)

"America has no vital interest in whose flag flies over Kosovo's capital, and no right to attack and kill Serb soldiers fighting on their own soil to preserve the territorial integrity of their own country"

-Pat Buchanan (R)

"These international war criminals were led by Gen. Wesley Clark ...who clicked his shiny heels for the commander-in-grief, Bill Clinton."

-Michael Savage

"This has been an unmitigated disaster ... Ask the Chinese embassy. Ask all the people in Belgrade that we've killed. Ask the refugees that we've killed. Ask the people in nursing homes. Ask the people in hospitals."

-Representative Joe Scarborough (R-FL)

"It is a remarkable spectacle to see the Clinton Administration and NATO taking over from the Soviet Union the role of sponsoring "wars of national liberation."

-Representative Helen Chenoweth (R-ID)

"America has no vital interest in whose flag flies over Kosovo's capital, and no right to attack and kill Serb soldiers fighting on their own soil to preserve the territorial integrity of their own country"

-Pat Buchanan (R )

"By the order to launch air strikes against Serbia, NATO and President Clinton have entered uncharted territory in mankind's history. Not even Hitler's grab of the Sudetenland in the 1930s, which eventually led to WW II, ranks as a comparable travesty. For, there are no American interests whatsoever that the NATO bombing will
either help, or protect; only needless risks to which it exposes the American soldiers and assets, not to mention the victims on the ground in Serbia."

-Bob Djurdjevic, founder of Truth in Media

You're exactly right, those comments are very hypocritical when you look at what these men and women are saying today. Still, it also goes both ways though, why are so many on the left against this war, when they backed this conflict when a Democrat believed it to be the right thing to do?

This is a bit off topic, so I'll get back to the topic at hand....

Dean is a powder keg, just waiting to explode, and it's always fun to watch. This man does not have the temperament to be president of anything, but seems to fit right in with the unpredictable, volatile left, it's a match made in hell. I can't wait for the elections, Dean is going to give us all a real show, you can count on that.;)
I think the main points are:

1. The NATO alliance suffered ZERO casualties in Kosovo
2. We weren't lied to about the reasons to go to war. i.e. Iraq=Bin Laden
3. We had an exit strategy
4. The administration remained fiscally responsible during the war in Kosovo

As for Dean being a loose cannon - yeah I agree. That's why I love him! He get's pi**ed off sometimes. Me too!
aps said:
I actually voted no on Howard Dean. I don't know what has happened to Dean. While the presidential election was going last year, he was so articulate and exuded intelligence and class when he spoke. However, since becoming the chairman of the DNC, he has made some pretty stupid and outrageous comments. While that may make him controversial, he is going overboard. What independent is going to hear Dean say, "I hate republicans and everything they stand for"? The democrats (of which I am one) will stay democrats, but we need to get some independents on our side if we want to win elections.

I'm disappointed to see how many of you voted "yes" just because he helps your party, including you, Navy Pride. I thought you were better than this.

I am sorry you feel that way.......First of all the Republican Party is not my party.........It might surprise you to know that if the dems nominated a decent moderate I might vote for him or her..........

As far as Dean goes though I truly believe that his election to the head of the DNC helps the Republican Party........You mentioned one outrageous statement that he made that turns off moderates well there are many more including the one he made about Christians and calling all Republicans dishonest........Those kind of statements only play to the far left of your party.........They love it but no one else does............

When I say Dean is a loose cannon that whenever he opens his mouth he inserts his foot I mean it............

I will say I am sorry for saying I voted yes as did some of my conservative firnds because it does skew the results of the poll........
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Navy Pride said:
I am sorry you feel that way.......First of all the Republican Party is not my party.........It might surprise you to know that if the dems nominated a decent moderate I might vote for him or her..........

As far as Dean goes though I truly believe that his election to the head of the DNC helps the Republican Party........You mentioned one outrageous statement that he made that turns off moderates well there are many more including the one he made about Christians and calling all Republicans dishonest........Those kind of statements only play to the far left of your party.........They love it but no one else does............

When I say Dean is a loose cannon that whenever he opens his mouth he inserts his foot I mean it............

I will say I am sorry for saying I voted yes as did some of my conservative firnds because it does skew the results of the poll........

Your question is "Is Howard Dean the right man to lead the Democratic Party?" It's not whether Howard Dean is the right man for the Republican party. That's all I was saying. What's funny is I was actually very surprised when I voted and saw the % of "yes" votes. I wanted to see honest answers about what people think about how he affects the democrats only.

Navy Pride, I totally agree. Those statements are a complete turnoff, even to democrats, although it won't make them switch sides. You'd catch a lot more bees with honey. I just don't know what happened to him. I am hoping he goes back to how he was when he was speaking on behalf of Kerry, but somehow I doubt it. *sigh*
aps said:
Your question is "Is Howard Dean the right man to lead the Democratic Party?" It's not whether Howard Dean is the right man for the Republican party. That's all I was saying. What's funny is I was actually very surprised when I voted and saw the % of "yes" votes. I wanted to see honest answers about what people think about how he affects the democrats only.

Navy Pride, I totally agree. Those statements are a complete turnoff, even to democrats, although it won't make them switch sides. You'd catch a lot more bees with honey. I just don't know what happened to him. I am hoping he goes back to how he was when he was speaking on behalf of Kerry, but somehow I doubt it. *sigh*

Well, like I said, I'm having dinner with the man tonight. Maybe I'll ask him about some of those over the top statements.
hipsterdufus said:
I think the main points are:

1. The NATO alliance suffered ZERO casualties in Kosovo
2. We weren't lied to about the reasons to go to war. i.e. Iraq=Bin Laden
3. We had an exit strategy
4. The administration remained fiscally responsible during the war in Kosovo

As for Dean being a loose cannon - yeah I agree. That's why I love him! He get's pi**ed off sometimes. Me too!

1) So you only support wars when our troops don't die, I wonder how many innocent people were killed by our bombs there?

2) You were not lied to, this is a common mistake. Saddam wanted nothing more then to build WMD, just because we beat him to the punch, does not make this a lie, it means the pre-emptive strike worked brilliantly.

3) We have an exit strategy, train their troops, and bring ours home, although I am hoping we strike Iran and Syria first, and kill the real terrorists in that region.

4) I can't explain the the spending, it is out of control, but this war is nothing like Kosovo, the size, the scope, of course it's a thousand times more costly.
hipsterdufus said:
Well, like I said, I'm having dinner with the man tonight. Maybe I'll ask him about some of those over the top statements.

hipsterdufus, I would LOVE for you to say something. I am sure others have mentioned this, but maybe with enough expressions of concern, he will re-think what he says. The man is brilliant, and he is an excellent speaker. So he has the capability of leading the democratic party.

There was a great article some time ago in the NYT, where the author was giving recommendations to the democrats on how to state their positions. One of them was the whole pro-choice issue. He said that such label makes people think we support abortion, as opposed to a woman's right to choose. What we should be doing is talking about educating women on contraceptives and how we can LIMIT abortions in this country while still supporting their right to choose.

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