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is Harris eligible to run for VP (1 Viewer)

john patriot

Apr 19, 2020
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Harris may not meet the constitutional requirements to run for VP! Q 2024
Harris may not meet the constitutional requirements to run for VP! Q 2024

That has to be the laziest regurgitation of Birtherism II, itself a dumber version of Birtherism I.

You'll say anything they command you to.

No need to replay left wing attacks on McCain.
Harris may not meet the constitutional requirements to run for VP! Q 2024

You should be embarrassed to post this nonsense. But the cult commands it.
Harris may not meet the constitutional requirements to run for VP! Q 2024

Stop, just stop.

Blatantly spreading lies, is that all you have left?

You should be ashamed.
Harris may not meet the constitutional requirements to run for VP! Q 2024

Harris was born in California and meets the constitutional requirements to run for VP.
Harris may not meet the constitutional requirements to run for VP! Q 2024
Article II Section 1
No Person except a natural born Citizen, or a Citizen of the United States, at the time of the Adoption of this Constitution, shall be eligible to the Office of President; neither shall any Person be eligible to that Office who shall not have attained to the Age of thirty five Years, and been fourteen Years a Resident within the United States.
She has lived in the U.S. over 14 years, she is over the age of the 35, and she obtained U.S. citizenship at birth by virtue of her birth in the U.S. Natural born, not naturalized or retroactively applied to birth.

So, clearly yes.
I find it interesting that every person of color who runs in a presidential election seems to automatically be accused of not being enough of a citizen to qualify by some "totally not racist" members of the GOP.
Translation: "Minorities can't be real Americans."

Also at 1 time all minorities were born outside the US. So they can never been prez.. I'd guess that even if an American Indian ran for prez the cult would come up with some kind of birther BS too.. They were born in Asia? Siberia?
Stop, just stop.

Blatantly spreading lies, is that all you have left?

You should be ashamed.

His leader has spoken and stated that a very highly qualified lawyer questions Harris's eligibility.
I can see why so many other social media outlets have banned Q posters.

"QAnon is a far-right conspiracy theory detailing a supposed secret plot by an alleged "deep state" against President Donald Trump and his supporters. The theory began with an October 2017 post on the anonymous imageboard 4chan by "Q", who was presumably an American individual, but it probably became a group of people. Q claimed to have access to classified information involving the Trump administration and its opponents in the United States. Analysis by NBC News found that three people took the original Q post and expanded it across multiple media platforms to build internet followings for profit. QAnon was preceded by several similar anonymous 4chan posters such as FBIAnon, HLIAnon (high level insider), CIAAnon, and WH Insider Anon."
the democrats should have checked her out before picking her Q 2024
Harris may not meet the constitutional requirements to run for VP! Q 2024

OK, bud, I'm calling you and your Q people out. By Trump's own definition he is not legally a President of the United States! Trump has stated that his parents were born in Europe. His mother was born in Scotland and according to Trump his father was born in Germany. If Harris is not qualified by reason of birth then neither is Trump.

OR TRUMP IS LYING! Which is it, John? Can't have it both ways. Are you following a liar or a fool?

Answer? We wait for your reply.
Harris may not meet the constitutional requirements to run for VP! Q 2024

She is a natural born citizen which meets the constitutional requirement.

On the other hand, Q will be too young to be president in 2024.

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