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Is FOX News Mainstream? (1 Viewer)

Is FOX News Mainstream?

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DP Veteran
Oct 5, 2017
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Since the numbers consistently say that FOX News has the highest ratings overall of all of the news networks. Would it be safe to say that are just as mainstream, if not more than, the other networks, based on the numbers?

Silly question.

Only the Q's think Fox is mainstream.
Even the leftists, progressives, commies watch Fox. They’ve switched from cnn cause even they couldn’t stand the fake news from cnn


Silly question.

Only the Q's think Fox is mainstream.
I don't know what a "Q" is (besides being a letter of the alphabet) But only the wacky, progressive left doesn't think Fox is mainstream
I don't know what a "Q" is (besides being a letter of the alphabet) But only the wacky, progressive left doesn't think Fox is mainstream

Them and Republicans with common ****in sense.

The absurdity to postulate that Fox is main stream is frightening.
Since the numbers consistently say that FOX News has the highest ratings overall of all of the news networks. Would it be safe to say that are just as mainstream, if not more than, the other networks, based on the numbers?
Of course they are part and parcel of the Main Stream Media.
FoxNews as something like 2-4 million viewers. It definitely is a popular network, but in the grand scheme of things not that many people watch it, and with every passing year it gets more and more extreme.
Since the numbers consistently say that FOX News has the highest ratings overall of all of the news networks. Would it be safe to say that are just as mainstream, if not more than, the other networks, based on the numbers?
I voted other

simply because people use mainstream in different ways

in regards to ratings and size and service and being "a" main channel
YES fox is certainly mainstream

in regards to ideas, views, or attitudes regarded as normal, accepted, rational or conventional
HELL NO lol even the majority of people on the right I know dont think Fox is a honest news station
FoxNews as something like 2-4 million viewers. It definitely is a popular network, but in the grand scheme of things not that many people watch it, and with every passing year it gets more and more extreme.
It fits the criteria for being main stream, no matter its political lean.
I consider CNN, MSNBC, FOX...the channels that you can view on your TV without having to pay an additional "subscription" charge to be standard, mainstream media.
I voted other

simply because people use mainstream in different ways

in regards to ratings and size and service and being "a" main channel
YES fox is certainly mainstream

in regards to ideas, views, or attitudes regarded as normal, accepted, rational or conventional
HELL NO lol even the majority of people on the right I know dont think Fox is a honest news station

The question asked , is it main stream news? It is not. It is far right propaganda.
The question has nothing to do with the things you site.
Fox is mainstream... entertainment- kinda like the WWE or the Real Housewives of New Jersey or something. These are all popular shows. The problem comes when people mistake such popular mainstream entertainment channels for reality.
Foxnews is really getting to be one of the only honest sources of news available.....everything else is pretty much all leftist propaganda ...all the time

By the way...I'm talking about there actual news programming....NOT political opinions shows like Hannity which obviously have there own angle on things
No. It's right wing propaganda.
Look at the FoxNews homepage right now. Virtually every single headline is explicitly or transparently anti-Democrat. Hell you have to do a control-F search if you want to read anything about Ukraine, which is unquestionably the biggest news story in the world at the moment. FoxNews is not a news organization.
Foxnews is really getting to be one of the only honest sources of news available.....everything else is pretty much all leftist propaganda ...all the time

By the way...I'm talking about there actual news programming....NOT political opinions shows like Hannity which obviously have there own angle on things

If their job is to be an honest fource of reliable information, they are obviously not doing such a great job. Their listeners are the only ones who are actually less informed on simple facts about the world than even people who watch no news at all.

Since the numbers consistently say that FOX News has the highest ratings overall of all of the news networks. Would it be safe to say that are just as mainstream, if not more than, the other networks, based on the numbers?
Yes. Fox is mainstream media. They just don't quite follow the rest of the mainstream media in lockstep. But make no mistake...Fox is NOT a hotbed of Trump supporters. They have only perfected their ability to walk the line to their advantage.

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