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Is 'Debate Politics' fair & balanced? (1 Viewer)

Is 'Debate Politics' fair & balanced?

  • YES

    Votes: 54 81.8%
  • NO

    Votes: 12 18.2%

  • Total voters


DP Veteran
Dec 14, 2005
Reaction score
New Hampshire
Political Leaning
Very Conservative
No need to go into a long winded answer, unless you feel the need to vent; a simple yes or no will suffice.
Anybody who says no needs to get out more and look at the crap that goes by the name "forum" elsewhere. Now if by no your saying that they don't bow down before every mental incompetent that parrots a party line, like in other forums, then I guess all I can say is tough sh1t.
Blind man said:
Anybody who says no needs to get out more and look at the crap that goes by the name "forum" elsewhere. Now if by no your saying that they don't bow down before every mental incompetent that parrots a party line, like in other forums, then I guess all I can say is tough sh1t.
I say NO ! "Debate Politics" is not fair and balanced; this is probably impossible..
Other forums may well be even more fouled up and poorly run; But this is no excuse !!
The quality of the men (and women) on a forum is vitally important - not just anyone should be able to participate...All extremists, skin heads and rednecks should stay away- but of course, this too is impossible...
Who can fairly and accurately determine who belongs, and who should be banned....

Too few people re even able to argue reasonably, as too much filthy language is used; too many put-downs , slurs, and insults are hurled..

The truth ?? Ha ! As children we were (at least most of us) taught to tell the truth.
In the "adult" life we use half- lies, twist the truth, spin tales, make absurd accusations, and useless generalizations..

Just like the worst of good ole American politics; and I doubt if other nations are any better..

Worse yet there are still too many countries where a man cannot speak out, either the truth or lies...
I like Debate Politics because conservatives may be outnumbered here as they are on most forums, but they don't seem to be discriminated against for their views. That makes it fair and balanced enough for me.

I like that members are allowed to use adult words and be adults here. I wish that those who can't seem to post anything other than attacks on other members would be banished to the basement more.

And the only other criticism that I have is that I would like for signature lines to be restricted to a width that did not stretch the page. It is mega annoying to turn a page and have to adjust the screen to make it fit.

And one suggestion that I think would encourage more visitors to stick around: Instead of the the "UserCP" button leading to the "your subscriptions' button, install on the front page a "your posts" button that accesses all the threads you have been active in that have not been unsubscribed. The "UserCP" button is not easily recognized or understood by many visiting the thread.

Of course I have a selfish motive for this in that I would like to attract more serious conservative debaters to the forum.
ptsdkid said:
No need to go into a long winded answer, unless you feel the need to vent; a simple yes or no will suffice.

I think to a certian degree the site is fair.People can post things I do not like and I can post things they do not like.There is a little bit more freedom of expression on this.For example I can say "I think Islam is a rip off of Judiasm and christiany from reading a little bit of the Qur'an and someone else can say"I think Cathalotism is a rip off of Greek/Roman mythology with all their saints replacing Greek/Roman gods".
AlbqOwl said:
I like Debate Politics because conservatives may be outnumbered here as they are on most forums, but they don't seem to be discriminated against for their views. That makes it fair and balanced enough for me.

I like that members are allowed to use adult words and be adults here. I wish that those who can't seem to post anything other than attacks on other members would be banished to the basement more.

And the only other criticism that I have is that I would like for signature lines to be restricted to a width that did not stretch the page. It is mega annoying to turn a page and have to adjust the screen to make it fit.

And one suggestion that I think would encourage more visitors to stick around: Instead of the the "UserCP" button leading to the "your subscriptions' button, install on the front page a "your posts" button that accesses all the threads you have been active in that have not been unsubscribed. The "UserCP" button is not easily recognized or understood by many visiting the thread.

Of course I have a selfish motive for this in that I would like to attract more serious conservative debaters to the forum.

Actually the conservatives outnumber the liberals on this website. And there is also conservatives who dress up as libertarian or unaffilated. Cough TOT, cough DP, excuse me. :smile:
GarzaUK said:
Actually the conservatives outnumber the liberals on this website. And there is also conservatives who dress up as libertarian or unaffilated. Cough TOT, cough DP, excuse me. :smile:

Do you beleave that conservative ideology is limited to only the republican party?Do you think democrats own all rights to liberalism?
I think it fair for the most part. I also think there is to much name calling topside however.


Actually the conservatives outnumber the liberals on this website. And there is also conservatives who dress up as libertarian or unaffilated. Cough TOT, cough DP, excuse me.

I beg to differ. To me this site seams more liberal. Have to agree with Jamesrage too. I'm an independent myself. But if you look at my post you my think I was conservative. I really not.
GarzaUK said:
Actually the conservatives outnumber the liberals on this website. And there is also conservatives who dress up as libertarian or unaffilated. Cough TOT, cough DP, excuse me. :smile:

And vice versa, cough Simon:confused: , cough cnredd, lol;)
As with ANY politics board....the left will consider this place right leaning....and the right will think it left. Personally I think there is a pretty good mix, and the Mods tend to try to even out any stupidity brought in by overly enthusiastic fingerwagging.
Deegan said:
And vice versa, cough Simon:confused: , cough cnredd, lol;)

Simon is a Paleo-conservative, I think - The type of conservative that I respect the most back in the days when the Republican party didn't stand for radical christainity, neo-conservatism or oil-hawks.

I don't who or what cnredd is LOL. But is most defintely right of the marker.
GarzaUK said:
Sorry guys forgot to provide PROOF that this website is more conservative than liberal.


Enjoy! :mrgreen:

Sorry, your chart doesn't prove that the website is more conservative than liberal. It might prove that conservatives seem to be more likely to post their political leanings more openly than other ideologies. It definitely doesn't prove that you have more obviously conservative postings than other ideologies. And it certainly doesn't show who has stuck around for the long haul.
AlbqOwl said:
Sorry, your chart doesn't prove that the website is more conservative than liberal. It might prove that conservatives seem to be more likely to post their political leanings more openly than other ideologies. It definitely doesn't prove that you have more obviously conservative postings than other ideologies. And it certainly doesn't show who has stuck around for the long haul.

I don't get where your coming from - so this is website is liberal dominated, yet more conservatives post on it and most recent posts too. I fail to see your point.
GarzaUK said:
Simon is a Paleo-conservative, I think - The type of conservative that I respect the most back in the days when the Republican party didn't stand for radical christainity, neo-conservatism or oil-hawks.

I don't who or what cnredd is LOL. But is most defintely right of the marker.

I thought that once, more like a Pat Buchanan, but no, the more I read, he has very little conservative leanings.

cnredd is certainly right, even when he's wrong.:lol:
Deegan said:
I thought that once, more like a Pat Buchanan, but no, the more I read, he has very little conservative leanings.

cnredd is certainly right, even when he's wrong.:lol:

The last time I heard Pat Buchanan is one crazy mother ******. Simon despite being a supporter of the Republican party doesn't support everything the party does through partisan bias and I respect that.
GarzaUK said:
The last time I heard Pat Buchanan is one crazy mother ******. Simon despite being a supporter of the Republican party doesn't support everything the party does through partisan bias and I respect that.

That's the point, I can respect that as well, it sounds like me, but I have yet to hear him support one thing the Republicans have done. Can you name one for me?:confused:
Deegan said:
That's the point, I can respect that as well, it sounds like me, but I have yet to hear him support one thing the Republicans have done. Can you name one for me?:confused:
Deegan, I would suggest being very careful with this topic.
KCConservative said:
Deegan, I would suggest being very careful with this topic.

I have always wondered, I just thought I would ask, since it came up.:shrug:
I'm still pretty new here, so I haven't really gotten a feel for the balance of posters here. (I haven't voted in the Poll.) It does seem to be generally right-leaning, but they may be a natural consequence of where I've done most of my posting and my views there.

I haven't had any run-ins with the moderators-- except as posters with a little moderator sticker-- so I can't weigh in on how fair they are, other than the fact that they've let me express some pretty rough opinions.
I voted yes..............I think the forum leans to the left and if there are more conservative members they just don't post as much and there are still a lot of Liberals who are ashamed to be addressed as such..............
Unless the debate degenerates to a point of aimless hostility and personal attacks, the moderators don't intervene here. Nowhere else (that I have found) do the moderators seem to understand their role as well.
My impression of this board is that the moderation is lenient and even handed overall. I have been involved in boards where the moderation was neither.

As for the mix of people, I would say there is a good mix. Let's face it -- if a person's own views are extreme in one direction or another, everybody will look like they are the opposite to them and if they are so caught up in labels that they treat politics as if it were a football game, they will be looking for enemies and probably finding them.

As for the poll, I would say that the responses are more indicative of the people responding than the forum, itself. It's only natural for whose own behavior is out of control to think there is too much moderation.
This is the most fair and balanced forum i've found.... and i've been in and out of a lot of them.

Based on the fact that key members here are conservative republicans.... and the fact that I boldly and bluntly slam the Bush Administration every chance I get..... (of only what I perceive to be immoral, unethical, or just downright injust)....

We'll I've yet to be banned so that's saying something. :shock:

Granted there are more than a handful of amateur semantic and cognitive hackers and would be polyglot pundits here.... you're going to get that on virtually any forum. Right or Left.
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