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Is Communism Dead? (1 Viewer)


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Feb 4, 2006
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Lakeport CA
Political Leaning
IS Communism Dead? I would say no...Communism is alive and well all over the Earth and its policies are active in the USA today.

The USSR isn't really Gone, its just Adjusting it self.
Yes and no...

There aren't many countries that still practice communism AND acknowledge that they practice communism: North Korea and Cuba are the only ones.

There are some countries that practice communism while not acknowledging it as such (Venezuela, Iran, Libya, Zimbabwe, Burma). There are some countries that claim to be communist while not actually practicing it (China, Vietnam).
There's no longer an international Communist movement, and various national Communist parties have next to zero credibility in the countries they operate in.

Have you even heard of the Communist Party of the United States of America? Have you heard from them at any time since McCarthy?

North Korea and Cuba may have some vaguely Marxist ideals-- but they are both dictatorships controlled by cults of personality; neither regime will survive the death of their current leaders.

China has slowly but surely made the transition from an authoritarian socialist State to a corporatist market State. I could comfortably call them "fascist" except that their national politics do not revolve around hero-worship for their head of State.

Don't know too much about Vietnam... but whatever their government is doing, it doesn't have a whole hell of a lot of influence world-wide, and it is highly doubtful that it ever will.

Communism died when the Soviet Union collapsed; good riddance to bad rubbish.
What you have to understand is that the way the threadstarter portrays communism would make it not actually communism. I prefer to call true communism marxism because it distinquishes itself clearly between stalinism, maoism, and socialism. The policies you refer to are, in essence, socialist, not communist.

Now that we've gotten that out of the way, is socialism still alive today? Absolutely. Moderate Socialist posistions are ones in which most of the worlds population identifies with. You can see through out the world many socialized practicies such as Universal medicare etc.
Kandahar said:
Yes and no...

There aren't many countries that still practice communism AND acknowledge that they practice communism: North Korea and Cuba are the only ones.

There are some countries that practice communism while not acknowledging it as such (Venezuela, Iran, Libya, Zimbabwe, Burma). There are some countries that claim to be communist while not actually practicing it (China, Vietnam).

I would say that even Venezuela, Iran, Libya, Zimbabwe, and Burma are hybrid systems. They don't have a total state run economy. It just appears that the state steps in whenever it wants. It doesn't run everything though.
Korimyr the Rat said:
There's no longer an international Communist movement, and various national Communist parties have next to zero credibility in the countries they operate in.

Have you even heard of the Communist Party of the United States of America? Have you heard from them at any time since McCarthy?

North Korea and Cuba may have some vaguely Marxist ideals-- but they are both dictatorships controlled by cults of personality; neither regime will survive the death of their current leaders.

China has slowly but surely made the transition from an authoritarian socialist State to a corporatist market State. I could comfortably call them "fascist" except that their national politics do not revolve around hero-worship for their head of State.

Don't know too much about Vietnam... but whatever their government is doing, it doesn't have a whole hell of a lot of influence world-wide, and it is highly doubtful that it ever will.

Communism died when the Soviet Union collapsed; good riddance to bad rubbish.

France and Italy both have comunist partys with quite a few seats in parliament. George Galloway [The Brittish lawmaker who alledgey profitted from saddam huseins regiume] is the leader of the Respect party which is mainly marxist so i doubt its a dead idea.
FinnMacCool said:
What you have to understand is that the way the threadstarter portrays communism would make it not actually communism.

Certainly. I believe he is operating under the misapprehension that any form of government whatsoever is "communist".

FinnMacCool said:
I prefer to call true communism marxism because it distinquishes itself clearly between stalinism, maoism, and socialism. The policies you refer to are, in essence, socialist, not communist.

I prefer to keep a clean distinction between democratic socialist states and socialist states that were intended to form a transition into actual communism. It's much easier to refer to the latter as "Communist states", since under Marxist theory, a "communist state" is an oxymoron and his definition of a communist society is not humanly possible.
Red_Dave said:
France and Italy both have comunist partys with quite a few seats in parliament.

I'd argue that since they're obviously not revolutionary and are not acting towards the eventual dismantling of the State, that they're not really Communist.

They're using the label as a means of distinguishing themselves as further Left than Labor or Social Democrats.
Its obvious that communism still lingers, but its more of an after thought. The only noise coming from true communist countries if Fidel screaming like an idiot for attention or N. Korea threatening with nukes if we don't take them serious. That's the problem, we don't.
FinnMacCool said:
What you have to understand is that the way the threadstarter portrays communism would make it not actually communism. I prefer to call true communism marxism because it distinquishes itself clearly between stalinism, maoism, and socialism. The policies you refer to are, in essence, socialist, not communist.

Now that we've gotten that out of the way, is socialism still alive today? Absolutely. Moderate Socialist posistions are ones in which most of the worlds population identifies with. You can see through out the world many socialized practicies such as Universal medicare etc.

You're a smart Kid. Very smart. Good point in differentiation as well.
Korimyr the Rat said:
I'd argue that since they're obviously not revolutionary and are not acting towards the eventual dismantling of the State, that they're not really Communist.

They're using the label as a means of distinguishing themselves as further Left than Labor or Social Democrats.

Well from what i remember the brittish comunist partys stance is that in the long term parliamentary democracy isnt an effective enough medidium to achive there long term aims but in the short term there trying to improve things by getting some representation in parliament. Marx encouraged this so ild imagine the french and italian comunist partys had the same possition.
Kandahar said:
Yes and no...

There aren't many countries that still practice communism AND acknowledge that they practice communism: North Korea and Cuba are the only ones.

There are some countries that practice communism while not acknowledging it as such (Venezuela, Iran, Libya, Zimbabwe, Burma). There are some countries that claim to be communist while not actually practicing it (China, Vietnam).

LOL CHINA? Its total Commie and So is Russia and in fact the USA today are practicing COMMMUNISM under "THIRD WAY!" Bush is a Commie supporter just like Clintong.
LOL CHINA? Its total Commie and So is Russia and in fact the USA today are practicing COMMMUNISM under "THIRD WAY!" Bush is a Commie supporter just like Clintong.

Wow you must know a lot about communism!
Korimyr the Rat said:
There's no longer an international Communist movement, and various national Communist parties have next to zero credibility in the countries they operate in.

What do you think the UN is?

Have you even heard of the Communist Party of the United States of America? Have you heard from them at any time since McCarthy?

yeah they just hid out in government now.

North Korea and Cuba may have some vaguely Marxist ideals-- but they are both dictatorships controlled by cults of personality; neither regime will survive the death of their current leaders.
They have the support of the power elites.

China has slowly but surely made the transition from an authoritarian socialist State to a corporatist market State. I could comfortably call them "fascist" except that their national politics do not revolve around hero-worship for their head of State.
What? They are commies.

Don't know too much about Vietnam... but whatever their government is doing, it doesn't have a whole hell of a lot of influence world-wide, and it is highly doubtful that it ever will.
We gave Nam to the Commies.

Communism died when the Soviet Union collapsed; good riddance to bad rubbish
. What makes you think it collapsed?

Dimitri Manuiksju Soviot delegate to the UN, Zack Kornfeld recounts what he told them in the Lenin School of Political Warfare in Moscow in 1930, that to defeat the capitalists beginning several decades from then,

“we shall need the element of surprise. The bourgeoisie will have to be put to sleep. So we shall begin by launching the most spectacular peace movement on record. There will be electrifying overtures and unheard of concessions. The Capitalists countries, stupid and decadent, will rejoice to cooperate in their own destruction. They will leap at another chance to be friends. As soon as their guard is down, we will smash them with our clenched fists.”
Congressional Record, May 31, 1955
Page 148 Now is the dawning of the N.A.N.W.O. Dr Cuddy

Gentlemen, Comrades, do not be concerned about all you hear about glasnost and perestroika and democracy in the coming years. These are Primarily for outward consumption. There will be no significant internal change within the Soviet Union, other than for cosmetic purposes. Our purpose is to disarm the Americans and let them fall asleep.[/QUOTE]
Mikhail Gorbachev Stated to the Politiburo in November of 1987

"The Soviet strategy of 'perestroika' must be exposed because it is deceptive, aggressive and dangerous. Gorbachev and 'glastnost' have failed to reveal that 'perestroika' is a world-wide political assault against the Western democracies.... It must be revealed that 'perestroika' is ... not just Soviet domestic renewal but a strategy for 'restructuring' the whole world.... Gorbachev's renunciation of ideological orthodoxy is not sincere or lasting, but a tactical manoeuvre in the cause of the strategy. The Soviets are not striving for genuine, lasting accommodation with the Western democracies but for the final world victory of Communism..."
Anatoliy Golitsyn The Perestroika Deception 1990

"We are moving toward a new world order, the world of communism. We shall never turn off that road."
Mikhail Gorbachev 1987

“…the future society will be a totally new civilization which will synthesize the experience of Socialism and Capitialism"
Mikhail Gorbachev
FinnMacCool said:
What you have to understand is that the way the threadstarter portrays communism would make it not actually communism. I prefer to call true communism marxism because it distinquishes itself clearly between stalinism, maoism, and socialism. The policies you refer to are, in essence, socialist, not communist.

Now that we've gotten that out of the way, is socialism still alive today? Absolutely. Moderate Socialist posistions are ones in which most of the worlds population identifies with. You can see through out the world many socialized practicies such as Universal medicare etc.

Hey a Communist is just a Socialist in a hurry. both systems end up working out the same.
tfarino said:
Its obvious that communism still lingers, but its more of an after thought. The only noise coming from true communist countries if Fidel screaming like an idiot for attention or N. Korea threatening with nukes if we don't take them serious. That's the problem, we don't.

Well we have Communist Russia and China making pacts against US.
Conflict said:
You're a smart Kid. Very smart. Good point in differentiation as well.

Albert also wanted World Government. He might be good a math, but at social ideas he was lacking.
Hey a Communist is just a Socialist in a hurry. both systems end up working out the same.

No. .. not really. If you want to have a basic understanding of communism, socialism, stalinism, and maoism, you best read a book or at the very least look at some of the wiki articles on the subject.

What you call communism, which actually should be called stalinism or perhaps authortarian socialism, would be, if planned to turn into a REAL communist system would have to go through a transistional period where the govenrment would be socialist. IF this was true for the USSR, and it is, then the "Communist" government would be in its socialist stages. Because if it was communist then it would actually be more like an anarchist society. The USSR wasn't exactly socialist either, or at least in terms of what socialism is supposed to be.
FinnMacCool said:
No. .. not really. If you want to have a basic understanding of communism, socialism, stalinism, and maoism, you best read a book or at the very least look at some of the wiki articles on the subject.

What you call communism, which actually should be called stalinism or perhaps authortarian socialism, would be, if planned to turn into a REAL communist system would have to go through a transistional period where the govenrment would be socialist. IF this was true for the USSR, and it is, then the "Communist" government would be in its socialist stages. Because if it was communist then it would actually be more like an anarchist society. The USSR wasn't exactly socialist either, or at least in terms of what socialism is supposed to be.

No they are both LIES! both end up in class systems, of RULERS AND SERFS!...there are no exceptions to this model....except in families based in LOVE! and Society without God has no LOVE!
No they are both LIES! both end up in class systems
Communism by definition is classless, so you are saying the definition of communism is a lie. You are very intelligent.
The USSR wasn't exactly socialist either, or at least in terms of what socialism is supposed to be
I agree, socialism is a different economic system than capitalism, it does not have wages or hiring in the capitalist sense. But the USSR did work on wages and hiring, except there was one employer: the state. So it is best to call the USSR "state-capitalist" as opposed to "free market-capitalist" which is more of individual employers etc. etc.
his definition of a communist society is not humanly possible.
This tends to be more opinions than facts, you cannot prove a communist society isn't possible, nor can I prove that it is. Neither is a fact.
France and Italy both have comunist partys with quite a few seats in parliament
So do the two main Greek Communist Parties, have a combined total of 5-6% I believe. Moldova has a majority, but most do not consider it communist in any sense.
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Korimyr the Rat said:
...North Korea and Cuba may have some vaguely Marxist ideals-- but they are both dictatorships controlled by cults of personality; neither regime will survive the death of their current leaders...

The current North Korean leader took over when the former one died (his father, I believe). They will stay in power until they lose their control of the military.
Robodoon, your claims are becoming so much a charicature and example of absolutism that it is pointless to deal with you other than for the entertainment value of witnessing such silly claims as what you make.

But I am very curious. If even a conservative republican like Bush is a commie or a commie sympathizer, can you give an example of a couple of people who are not commies?

Because if you truly are right, then the commies took over the world long ago, and you lost.:shock:
Communism is dead in all but mostly three places, all of them pathetic backwaters: North Korea, Cuba, and the american academy.
Kandahar said:
Yes and no...

There aren't many countries that still practice communism AND acknowledge that they practice communism: North Korea and Cuba are the only ones.

There are some countries that practice communism while not acknowledging it as such (Venezuela, Iran, Libya, Zimbabwe, Burma). There are some countries that claim to be communist while not actually practicing it (China, Vietnam).

Kandahar, the only problem I find with this is that communism is by definition classless, stateless, moneyless, etc. etc. So are North Korea, Cuba, Venezuela, Iran, Libya, Zimbabwe, Myanmar these things?
Robodoon said:
IS Communism Dead? I would say no...Communism is alive and well all over the Earth and its policies are active in the USA today.

The USSR isn't really Gone, its just Adjusting it self.

Points that defeat this discussion:

1. "Modern Communism" has not existed.

2. USSR never claimed to be communist, they claimed to be "building socialism" which is for a Marxist, the road to communism, also its in their name Union of Soviet Socialist Republics. Though it is highly debateable even whether they were socialist.

3. Ideas don't die, communism is also an idea.

4. US is probably the one of tthe most "Anti-Communist" country in the world.

5. Robodoon hasn't shown to be very intelligent, anywhere.

6. This thread is dumb.

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