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Is cnredd a Conservative/Republican? (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Dec 14, 2005
Reaction score
New Hampshire
Political Leaning
Very Conservative
I see a few elephants next to his name so I just assumed he played politics from the 'right' side. I sure hope he hasn't wimped out from my debate challenge to him. Perhaps I haven't given him enough time to formulate an approriate chicken-**** way out of the challenge. If he is a Republican, it might be hard for him to debate me in anything to do with politics; but he was the one that said he could run rings around me, so the offer still stands for now.
This one-on-one challenge to 'Debate politics' goes for any of you moronic liberals here that believe you have more in your arsenal than firing a few name-calling duds my way. What say you yellow-striped libs, up for a challenge?

The honorable and undefeated heavyweight champ....KidTim
Re: Is Cnredd a Conservative/Republican?

Fire away turdboy...What's the subject?
Re: Is Cnredd a Conservative/Republican?

cnredd said:
Fire away turdboy...What's the subject?

****Good to see you didn't go into hiding, Crud. Surprise, the subject that we could possibly engage debate with will be politics. You must have noticed by now that every post I place here pits anti-American liberals against pro/proud American Conservatives/Republicans.
Since you seem to be a small r republican, I thought I would nice by giving you the option to select a political topic that we both might disagree with. If you think we are on the same political wavelength, your statement that you can run rings around me with debate becomes moot. However, if you don't mind getting shown up--I'm willing to re-introduce my post below titled "How can one become a Liberal?"
You may notice that I recieved a few replies from liberals et al attacking me personally for my views. There was one or two half-hearted attempts to list liberal ideals or actions that actually had benefitted this country. They were so weak, I decided not to waste time replying. Perhaps you as a moderate wavering wishy-washy Republican could shed new light on your views of liberal/socialist accomplishments for our country. Don't forget to add the liberal history of supporting our strong military. You may want to bone up on your liberal accomplishments by first reading a little Noam Chompsky.
So that is one topic we could debate/explore, but I'm certainly not going to limit you to just one topic. Ball is in your court again.

The honorable KidTim
Re: Is Cnredd a Conservative/Republican?

ptsdkid said:
****Good to see you didn't go into hiding, Crud. Surprise, the subject that we could possibly engage debate with will be politics. You must have noticed by now that every post I place here pits anti-American liberals against pro/proud American Conservatives/Republicans.
The fact that you admit to posts that are meant to be standoffish is more reason to show you don't debate...you incite...That works well when you're circlejerking with ignorants, but it doesn't fly here...

ptsdkid said:
Since you seem to be a small r republican, I thought I would nice by giving you the option to select a political topic that we both might disagree with. If you think we are on the same political wavelength, your statement that you can run rings around me with debate becomes moot.
You're getting the impression that we must takes opposing sides on one issue...Untrue...

The point of "running rings around you" is that you and I can put forth the EXACT same thought as you, yet you would be laughed at and ridiculed and I'd get more intellectual responses...Why?...You get what you give...

ptsdkid said:
However, if you don't mind getting shown up--I'm willing to re-introduce my post below titled "How can one become a Liberal?"
You may notice that I recieved a few replies from liberals et al attacking me personally for my views. There was one or two half-hearted attempts to list liberal ideals or actions that actually had benefitted this country. They were so weak, I decided not to waste time replying. Perhaps you as a moderate wavering wishy-washy Republican could shed new light on your views of liberal/socialist accomplishments for our country. Don't forget to add the liberal history of supporting our strong military. You may want to bone up on your liberal accomplishments by first reading a little Noam Chompsky.
So that is one topic we could debate/explore, but I'm certainly not going to limit you to just one topic. Ball is in your court again.

The honorable KidTim
The reason you've received few replies from Liberals is not because of your position, but HOW you presented your position...You start off with insults and derogatory remarks...Why would anyone WANT to debate you?

Example -

cnredd(BTW - never capitalized) - I believe that the Liberal establishment has been pushed away from the mainstream by those with the loudest voices, much as "the squeaky wheel gets the grease"...If the moderates would start to ease themselves away from the radical ideology on the extreme left, they would be accepted into the mainstream and have a better position to take back the Senate in the upcoming elections...

Now you can have the EXACT same feeling, but look how your presentation is seen by the forum members...

ptsdkid - You Liberals suck! Howard Dean's a *****! All you people are whackos! Real Americans hate you! We're gonna kick your ass and keep the Senate because you're losers!

See the difference yet manhumper?

We've held the very same position, but I placed it in a manner that invites responses...Yours does not...

When I was very little...I told my friend he had dogshit on his shoes because I smelled it...Then I was talking to another friend and smelled it again and told him he must have dogshit on his shoes too...Then I accused my brother later on of the same thing because I smelled it around him...

I'll say the same thing to you that my dad said to me...

"Did you ever think that YOU might be the one with dogshit on your shoe and not everyone else?"
Originally posted by ptsdkid:
I see a few elephants next to his name so I just assumed he played politics from the 'right' side. I sure hope he hasn't wimped out from my debate challenge to him. Perhaps I haven't given him enough time to formulate an approriate chicken-**** way out of the challenge. If he is a Republican, it might be hard for him to debate me in anything to do with politics; but he was the one that said he could run rings around me, so the offer still stands for now.
This one-on-one challenge to 'Debate politics' goes for any of you moronic liberals here that believe you have more in your arsenal than firing a few name-calling duds my way. What say you yellow-striped libs, up for a challenge?

The honorable and undefeated heavyweight champ....KidTim
redd and I get along as well as Cain and Able. But I'll bet the farm he can rip you a new asshole!
I just remembered something else. The first and last time you and I locked horns ptsdkid, your the one that ran!

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