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Is Bush About to Raise Taxes? (1 Viewer)


Slayer of the DP Newsbot
DP Veteran
Aug 27, 2005
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Houston, TX
Political Leaning
At this time, Bush's committee on tax reform is pushing for caps on tax decuctions for interest on mortgage payments, considered an untouchable holy grail for Conservatives. Also, the committee is recommending reducing deductions for health care.

At this time, I am going to take a wait and see attitude. If Bush ends up accepting the committee's recommendations, the support he has lost among his base will pale in comparison to what he and the GOP will lose because of this move. Bush has made some bad moves lately, but this will be the final straw, if he goes ahead with this plan. Why do I think he will do it? Take a look at the panel itself, which is composed of cronies, including a member of the Carlyle Group.

"Robber Barons R Us"? We will see.

Article is here.
Nice of them to target health care.

let the poor folks starve
danarhea said:
At this time, Bush's committee on tax reform is pushing for caps on tax decuctions for interest on mortgage payments, considered an untouchable holy grail for Conservatives. Also, the committee is recommending reducing deductions for health care.

Tax loophole? Fools don't see the forest for the trees. Stop spending so much!
Stop spending so much! Then you don't have to worry about the God Damn tax loopholes.

The cap on the mortgage interest deduction will affect people wealthier than I am, but I don't care. Don't tax them disproportionally and penalize them for making enough money to build a big house. The Republicans are thinking about doing this? Did the Financial Times dig up Rod Serling and hire him to write disturbing stories for them?

I've read a lot of the posts on some of the threads on this site, and I've got to know what you Republicans think about this. Seriously. What are these people doing to your party? I was a Democrat at one time, but I know where I stand, so I had to leave them. But I'm not a Republican either. So enlighten me on what these guys are doing. Are you disappointed?
At this time, Bush's committee on tax reform is pushing for caps on tax decuctions for interest on mortgage payments, considered an untouchable holy grail for Conservatives. Also, the committee is recommending reducing deductions for health care.

At this time, I am going to take a wait and see attitude. If Bush ends up accepting the committee's recommendations, the support he has lost among his base will pale in comparison to what he and the GOP will lose because of this move. Bush has made some bad moves lately, but this will be the final straw, if he goes ahead with this plan. Why do I think he will do it? Take a look at the panel itself, which is composed of cronies, including a member of the Carlyle Group.

"Robber Barons R Us"? We will see.

Article is here.

How'd this play out?
Bush is making a good move. Something needs to be done to get our debt under control. Granted this won't do much, but its a start.
At this time, Bush's committee on tax reform is pushing for caps on tax decuctions for interest on mortgage payments, considered an untouchable holy grail for Conservatives. Also, the committee is recommending reducing deductions for health care.

At this time, I am going to take a wait and see attitude. If Bush ends up accepting the committee's recommendations, the support he has lost among his base will pale in comparison to what he and the GOP will lose because of this move. Bush has made some bad moves lately, but this will be the final straw, if he goes ahead with this plan. Why do I think he will do it? Take a look at the panel itself, which is composed of cronies, including a member of the Carlyle Group.

"Robber Barons R Us"? We will see.

Article is here.

The underlying issue is why homeowners should be subsidized anyway. It in effect represents a disproportionate tax on people who want to rent, regardless of income.
At this time, Bush's committee on tax reform is pushing for caps on tax decuctions for interest on mortgage payments, considered an untouchable holy grail for Conservatives. Also, the committee is recommending reducing deductions for health care.

At this time, I am going to take a wait and see attitude. If Bush ends up accepting the committee's recommendations, the support he has lost among his base will pale in comparison to what he and the GOP will lose because of this move. Bush has made some bad moves lately, but this will be the final straw, if he goes ahead with this plan. Why do I think he will do it? Take a look at the panel itself, which is composed of cronies, including a member of the Carlyle Group.

"Robber Barons R Us"? We will see.

Article is here.

Even if Bush wanted to do that how does he do it without the approval of the democratic congress?:confused:

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