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Is atheism a religion? (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Aug 1, 2005
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Political Leaning
I could not think of anyway it could be, and I have to ask the question, if atheism is a religion, then what is not a religion?:confused:

I don't know how to create a poll, but if someone thinks it appropriate, maybe one could be added.;)
I am a devoted aetheist.
I worship the baby nothingness who didn't die on the nothingness for me.
Of course I spent an infinitesimal time not worshipping him. The rest of the time I simply, well how can I say it... don't worship him.
Naturally I also firmly believe that every single word in the Bible is not true & the ten commandments are.. Thou shall kill, Thou shall commit adultery, Thou shall covet thy neighbour's arse.. especially if she's fit etc etc
I only work on Sundays & take the rest of the week of as rest.
Finally, I also believe I shall live for never when I die.
FYI Deegan, if you want to create a poll....when you start a new thread, look below the box where your typing your post, it gives you additional options. The last one is to create a poll. :smile:
Stace said:
FYI Deegan, if you want to create a poll....when you start a new thread, look below the box where your typing your post, it gives you additional options. The last one is to create a poll. :smile:

Thanks, I'll look harder next time, I didn't see anything, and to think I run my own forum.:3oops:
Deegan said:
Thanks, I'll look harder next time, I didn't see anything, and to think I run my own forum.:3oops:

Eh, no worries. I'm just a geek like that and like to explore all options available to me in different internet settings. And...general computer settings...:doh no wonder my mom calls me whenever she can't figure something out.
Well, the Owl beat me to it, so you can delete this one if you like mod's.:doh
Deegan said:
Well, the Owl beat me to it, so you can delete this one if you like mod's.:doh

You made the mistake of mentioning your idea on the other thread before starting the poll yourself, so albqowl stole it from you. Very Christian-like of her, wasn't it?
Calling atheism a religion is like calling bald a hair colour.
MrFungus420 said:
Calling atheism a religion is like calling bald a hair colour.

:rofl I love it!
Deegan said:
I could not think of anyway it could be, and I have to ask the question, if atheism is a religion, then what is not a religion?:confused:

I don't know how to create a poll, but if someone thinks it appropriate, maybe one could be added.;)
Yes, it is a religion. Atheism teaches there is no God therefore, I believe it to be a false religion.

For those who believe it truth, I ask you to tell me;

1. Where did the space for the universe come from?
2. Where did matter come from?
3. Where did the laws of the universe come from (gravity, inertia, etc.)?
4. How did matter get so perfectly organized?
5. Where did the energy come from to do all the organizing?
6. Most important, tell me when, where, why, and how did life come from non-living matter?

Only a supreme force could have created all we know, see and more.

Anything could be a religion if you want it to.
ThePhoenix said:
Yes, it is a religion. Atheism teaches there is no God therefore, I believe it to be a false religion.

Well, you're entitled to your opinion, but I know many atheists that would disagree quite strongly with you.

For those who believe it truth, I ask you to tell me;

The "truth"? Who says that your beliefs are the ultimate truth? You can't prove that, just as atheists also can't completely prove that there is no God.

1. Where did the space for the universe come from?
2. Where did matter come from?
3. Where did the laws of the universe come from (gravity, inertia, etc.)?
4. How did matter get so perfectly organized?
5. Where did the energy come from to do all the organizing?
6. Most important, tell me when, where, why, and how did life come from non-living matter?

Ever hear of the Big Bang theory?

Only a supreme force could have created all we know, see and more.

That is merely your belief, not fact.

Anything could be a religion if you want it to.

Well, sure.

ThePhoenix said:
Yes, it is a religion. Atheism teaches there is no God therefore, I believe it to be a false religion.

You are welcome to believe anything you want. I've never heard atheism teach anything frankly. If you want to claim it is false, care to offer any proof that god exists?

ThePhoenix said:
For those who believe it truth, I ask you to tell me;

1. Where did the space for the universe come from?

No idea, nor do I nor atheism claim to know.

ThePhoenix said:
2. Where did matter come from?

No idea, nor do I nor atheism claim to know.

ThePhoenix said:
3. Where did the laws of the universe come from (gravity, inertia, etc.)?

No idea, nor do I nor atheism claim to know.

ThePhoenix said:
4. How did matter get so perfectly organized?

No idea, nor do I nor atheism claim to know.

ThePhoenix said:
5. Where did the energy come from to do all the organizing?

No idea, nor do I nor atheism claim to know.

ThePhoenix said:
6. Most important, tell me when, where, why, and how did life come from non-living matter?

No idea, nor do I nor atheism claim to know.

ThePhoenix said:
Only a supreme force could have created all we know, see and more.

Where then did this "supreme force" capable of doing all this come from? Remember such a force is distinctly less probable than those things themselves. Why is it impossible for you to believe that the universe always existed, but you can wrap your mind around the concept that a creature capable of creating it all by whim did? Shave that with Occham's Razor.

ThePhoenix said:
Anything could be a religion if you want it to.

That would depend on how far you care to dilute the definition.
ThePhoenix said:
Yes, it is a religion. Atheism teaches there is no God therefore, I believe it to be a false religion.

For those who believe it truth, I ask you to tell me;

1. Where did the space for the universe come from?
2. Where did matter come from?
3. Where did the laws of the universe come from (gravity, inertia, etc.)?
4. How did matter get so perfectly organized?
5. Where did the energy come from to do all the organizing?
6. Most important, tell me when, where, why, and how did life come from non-living matter?

Only a supreme force could have created all we know, see and more.

Anything could be a religion if you want it to.
I have long resolved atheism to be a religion in and of itself... They even have their own preachers/activists, gatherings (in some circles), and informative websites on the what and whys. They worship their minds through self conclusiveness. Governed by logic and reasoning. Often with the audacity to believe theirs is genuine, scientific, and final... Occham's Razor.
Let us reason; The mathematical impossibilities of any/all questions proposed by The Phoenix as opposed to the far more likelihood of a God/Creator witnessed and experienced by many throughout the ages of man.
Even the agnostics shy away from total atheism for good reason...
Takes more faith to believe in the big bang without cause... Then to accept
even the biblical explaination... "God said Let There Be Light."
Stace said:
Well, you're entitled to your opinion, but I know many atheists that would disagree quite strongly with you.

The "truth"? Who says that your beliefs are the ultimate truth? You can't prove that, just as atheists also can't completely prove that there is no God.

Ever hear of the Big Bang theory?

That is merely your belief, not fact.
Never said you had to believe what I do.
Yes, I have heard of the big bang theory however, you would need matter to create the big bang. Where did the matter come from to do this? Out of nothing?
ThePhoenix said:
Never said you had to believe what I do.
Yes, I have heard of the big bang theory however, you would need matter to create the big bang. Where did the matter come from to do this? Out of nothing?

Well, like Vandeervecken asked, where did this supreme being that you believe in come from?

It's the classic "chicken or the egg" argument.
Vandeervecken said:
Where then did this "supreme force" capable of doing all this come from? Remember such a force is distinctly less probable than those things themselves. Why is it impossible for you to believe that the universe always existed, but you can wrap your mind around the concept that a creature capable of creating it all by whim did? Shave that with Occham's Razor.
Everything that has a beginning has a cause. The universe has a beginning. Therefore the universe has a cause.
God, as creator of time, is outside of time. Since therefore He has no beginning in time, He has always existed, so does not need a cause.
ThePhoenix said:
Everything that has a beginning has a cause. The universe has a beginning. Therefore the universe has a cause.
God, as creator of time, is outside of time. Since therefore He has no beginning in time, He has always existed, so does not need a cause.

Your claim is laughable. It is a highfalutin way of saying, it is because I say it is. In short, prove it.

Laughable nonsense on par with Santa Claus and the Easter bunny in reality.
Vandeervecken said:
Your claim is laughable. It is a highfalutin way of saying, it is because I say it is. In short, prove it.

Laughable nonsense on par with Santa Claus and the Easter bunny in reality.

Hey now....technically, Santa Claus was real.....Ol' Saint Nick and all that...;)
Vandeervecken said:
Your claim is laughable. It is a highfalutin way of saying, it is because I say it is. In short, prove it.

Laughable nonsense on par with Santa Claus and the Easter bunny in reality.
I need not prove anything here, it is all a matter of faith. Being that we are all inside of time, proof will come to us eventually. So continue to believe as you do and I will continue to believe as I do, no worries mate.
ThePhoenix said:
I need not prove anything here, it is all a matter of faith. Being that we are all inside of time, proof will come to us eventually. So continue to believe as you do and I will continue to believe as I do, no worries mate.

The problem being you and your ilk have spent the last several thousand years killing me and my kind. not to mention how you use the government to cram your silly superstitions down our throats. Face it, you are the enemy of all that is rational and right in the world.
Stace said:
Hey now....technically, Santa Claus was real.....Ol' Saint Nick and all that...;)

The latter may have existed, the former has little to do with that reality. Or do you really think someone existed that makes large furry quadrupeds fly?
Vandeervecken said:
The problem being you and your ilk have spent the last several thousand years killing me and my kind. not to mention how you use the government to cram your silly superstitions down our throats. Face it, you are the enemy of all that is rational and right in the world.
I do not belong to this world, I just live here. But somehow I do not expect you to understand. See ya. :2wave:
Vandeervecken said:
The latter may have existed, the former has little to do with that reality. Or do you really think someone existed that makes large furry quadrupeds fly?

Of course not! I'm just saying that the original origins of "Santa" aren't totally mythical. :mrgreen:
ThePhoenix said:
I do not belong to this world, I just live here. But somehow I do not expect you to understand. See ya. :2wave:

Okay, you don't just believe in great hairy invisible muffins, you also think you are from another planet. How very amusing. People wonder why I laugh at the religous. . .

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