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Is America really the most powerfull nation in the world? (1 Viewer)

Is America really the most powerful nation in the World

  • Yes

    Votes: 34 81.0%
  • No

    Votes: 6 14.3%
  • I'm not sure

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Other

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • England always has been.

    Votes: 2 4.8%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .


New member
Jul 2, 2005
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I know some people will speak blasphemy right off the bat, but hear me out.

Are we truly the most powerful? I don't think so. I think it's the fact that media has said so many times that we believe it and it doesn't help that us Americans are arrogant about our country to begin with.

I think that the most power nation in the world is England and has been since the Pilgrims came to America. So in a sense they have never stopped being the most power except during the 2 World Wars. What do you guys think?
MrAchilles said:
I know some people will speak blasphemy right off the bat, but hear me out.

Are we truly the most powerful? I don't think so. I think it's the fact that media has said so many times that we believe it and it doesn't help that us Americans are arrogant about our country to begin with.

I think that the most power nation in the world is England and has been since the Pilgrims came to America. So in a sense they have never stopped being the most power except during the 2 World Wars. What do you guys think?

You're retarded! :D America could fry any country in the world in 30 minutes with nukes!
MrAchilles said:
I know some people will speak blasphemy right off the bat, but hear me out.

Are we truly the most powerful? I don't think so. I think it's the fact that media has said so many times that we believe it and it doesn't help that us Americans are arrogant about our country to begin with.

I think that the most power nation in the world is England and has been since the Pilgrims came to America. So in a sense they have never stopped being the most power except during the 2 World Wars. What do you guys think?

Bah its not England, its the United Kingdom. The UK is an international country, England is not.
alphamale said:
You're retarded! :D America could fry any country in the world in 30 minutes with nukes!

Then the UK, China, Russia, Israel, France could fry any country in the world, as all have above 30 nukes.
alphamale said:
You're retarded! :D America could fry any country in the world in 30 minutes with nukes!

While we may be most powerful nation in the world, your comment only proofs that we are also the dumbest nation in the world.
If your talking militarily and technologically, then yes, we are by far the most powerful nation in the world. But it's all pretty relative with the proliferation of nuclear weapons. Specially to third world and terrorist nations. Although these nations don't have the delivery system to attack us directly. They have the ability to destabilize a large enough region plummeting the world into something it may not be able to pull out of.

Kelzie brought up a good point in another thread that I was reading up on. The US is only one of a few countries that are have a true second strike capabilities. I think this is for both conventional and nuclear weapons. Your strongest nations all have this capability. And of all the second strike capable nations, the US is the most powerfull
alphamale said:
You're retarded! :D America could fry any country in the world in 30 minutes with nukes!
*cough* mutually assured destruction *cough*
We have the most power because no one wants to invade us, most nukes, what we did to Iraq, etc.

But no one wants to mess with China either, BIG army.

Is America really the most powerfull nation in the world?

Umm... DUH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
alphamale said:
You're retarded! :D America could fry any country in the world in 30 minutes with nukes!

Um, does anyone think its....strange that we are on a hunt for nuclear weapons despite that we have them? I know, I know, we can handle nuclear bombs better than a terrorist, but just to look at it from another point of view, surely they find us as distrustworthy as we do them. Anyway...

Yeah, I think we are, that doesn't make us great, but measuring power politically and militarily, yea we're pretty powerful.
OdgenTugbyGlub said:
cough: well I guess they'll be more dead than us right? :cough

Do you even know what a neutron bomb is? You do know your statement is retarded right?
Of course America is really the most powerful nation in the world, by almost any measure: Military dominance, economic dominance, cultural dominance, intellectual dominance, diplomatic dominance, political-system dominance, etc.

I suppose one can make a weak case for China. But England? Come on...
Do you even know what a neutron bomb is? You do know your statement is retarded right?

it's the one that shuts off all electrical power with EMP or something making the second strike option impossible except for the fact that true second strike capability is from nuclear weapons launched from submarines or space.
Trajan Octavian Titus said:
it's the one that shuts off all electrical power with EMP or something making the second strike option impossible except for the fact that true second strike capability is from nuclear weapons launched from submarines or space.

Nope. The neutron bomb is a small hydrogen bomb. The neutron bomb differs from standard nuclear weapons insofar as its primary lethal effects come from the radiation damage caused by the neutrons it emits. It is also known as an enhanced-radiation weapon (ERW).

The augmented radiation effects mean that blast and heat effects are reduced so that physical structures including houses and industrial installations, are less affected. Because neutron radiation effects drop off very rapidly with distance, there is a sharper distinction between areas of high lethality and areas with minimal radiation doses.
Nope. The neutron bomb is a small hydrogen bomb. The neutron bomb differs from standard nuclear weapons insofar as its primary lethal effects come from the radiation damage caused by the neutrons it emits. It is also known as an enhanced-radiation weapon (ERW).

The augmented radiation effects mean that blast and heat effects are reduced so that physical structures including houses and industrial installations, are less affected. Because neutron radiation effects drop off very rapidly with distance, there is a sharper distinction between areas of high lethality and areas with minimal radiation doses.

I knew it had something to do with taking out a city but leaving the infastructure intact I thought it was related to EMP though.
Trajan Octavian Titus said:
I knew it had something to do with taking out a city but leaving the infastructure intact I thought it was related to EMP though.

No it is predicated more so on radiation via emitting diodes through neutrons than EMP. As you know there are neutrons in any matter which makes it vertually impossible for any life to go on in the targeted area.
I don't believe that we are the most powerful nation. Sure we have a lot of nuclear weaponry but the fact that it would ensure mutual destruction rules them out. One nuclear detonation in space or in the upper atmosphere and we're toast. Our intellectual standing is the result of international consulatation, our political influence has declined significantly, and the success of our economy is dependant on cooperation from the rest of the world. You can't be the most powerful nation on earth and be dependant on and interwined with every other nation for intellectual and economic achievment as well as essential resources ie oil.
Napoleon's Nightingale said:
I don't believe that we are the most powerful nation. Sure we have a lot of nuclear weaponry but the fact that it would ensure mutual destruction rules them out. One nuclear detonation in space or in the upper atmosphere and we're toast. Our intellectual standing is the result of international consulatation, our political influence has declined significantly, and the success of our economy is dependant on cooperation from the rest of the world. You can't be the most powerful nation on earth and be dependant on and interwined with every other nation for intellectual and economic achievment as well as essential resources ie oil.

Well hate to break it to ya but every other nation is the same way except most dont have nukes and as much as money as we do. :lol:

So your wrong there. And you are actually vehemently wrong on this point. Becasue the US is the most powerful country by far. If we werent we wouldnt have as much power as we do throughout the world
Well hate to break it to ya but every other nation is the same way except most dont have nukes and as much as money as we do. :lol:

:lol: The U.S. doesn't have money...it has debt and IOUs. Eventually our economy will fail because it is based on nothing but debt. That was precisely the point..theres no such thing as the most powerful nation in the world anymore.

So your wrong there. And you are actually vehemently wrong on this point. Becasue the US is the most powerful country by far. If we werent we wouldnt have as much power as we do throughout the world

No, I'm not. The outside world created us..we'd be nothing if the rest of the world decided we weren't worth the effort. We live in a symbiotic world..we're only powerful because the powers that be find our relationship to be mutually beneficial. If China decided not to trade with the U.S., increase the price of it's products, and sell them in bulk elsewhere the U.S. would be a collective cripple. If the M.E. decided to close the tap on the U.S. the U.S. would be a vegetable. We're already on life support as it is. We have MAJOR economic and political weaknesses.
Napoleon's Nightingale said:
:lol: The U.S. doesn't have money...it has debt and IOUs. Eventually our economy will fail because it is based on nothing but debt. That was precisely the point..theres no such thing as the most powerful nation in the world anymore.

Well so is every other country. You dont know that every other country is in more debt than we are? Where have you been in the economics class?

No, I'm not. The outside world created us..we'd be nothing if the rest of the world decided we weren't worth the effort. We live in a symbiotic world..we're only powerful because the powers that be find our relationship to be mutually beneficial. If China decided not to trade with the U.S., increase the price of it's products, and sell them in bulk elsewhere the U.S. would be a collective cripple. If the M.E. decided to close the tap on the U.S. the U.S. would be a vegetable. We're already on life support as it is. We have MAJOR economic and political weaknesses.

Again, like you said it is mutual. No country will ever stop trade because they know what will happen to them as well. However, amidst all this you must ask yourself which country would you bet on that would win a war? I dont know about you but when we invaded Iraq my money went on the US. I guess you would be the only dummy and lose your money. :rofl
Again, like you said it is mutual. No country will ever stop trade because they know what will happen to them as well.

Not neccessarily. China could just as easily sell their goods in bulk to someone else to make up for the loss.

However, amidst all this you must ask yourself which country would you bet on that would win a war?

The depends on the country..that also depends on whom is allied with whom. I think you're missing that fact. A nation is only as powerful as it's allies make it. We get the vast majority of our intelligence from foreign powers..suppose they decide to zip their lips.

I dont know about you but when we invaded Iraq my money went on the US. I guess you would be the only dummy and lose your money. :rofl

Who said anything about losing in Iraq? Iraq was and is a third world despot with no significant military capability and an army full of turncoats and cowards. They're not well diciplined and they had no allies other than a bunch of nut jobs running around blowing their upper torsos into a million pieces. Excuse me for not taking nations with next to 0 military capability into account :roll: Even Italy could have dealt with Iraq.
Not neccessarily. China could just as easily sell their goods in bulk to someone else to make up for the loss.

They already do. Its called free trade. Just becasue they trade with us doesnt mean they arent allowed to do so with any other nation. So again you are wrong there.

The depends on the country..that also depends on whom is allied with whom.

No we are talking about each country alone. Thats why the only fair way to say which country is more powerful is to analyze them by themselves. You cant pair countries together and be fair becasue that is not fair. It has to be done seperately. For example, China vs Russia. US vs GB. etc etc.

Who said anything about losing in Iraq? Iraq was and is a third world despot with no significant military capability and an army full of turncoats and cowards. They're not well diciplined and they had no allies other than a bunch of nut jobs running around blowing their upper torsos into a million pieces. Excuse me for not taking nations with next to 0 military capability into account Even Italy could have dealt with Iraq.

Exactly, thats what I am saying. You wouldnt bet on iraq to win just like you wouldnt bet on China to win if they were at war with the US. Its common sense.
They already do. Its called free trade. Just becasue they trade with us doesnt mean they arent allowed to do so with any other nation. So again you are wrong there.

I don't think you understand the point. Yeah China trades with other nations but if they decided to stop trading with the U.S. they could drive the prices of their products up and sell them in larger collective amounts ie bulk to those other nations to make up for the loss.

No we are talking about each country alone. Thats why the only fair way to say which country is more powerful is to analyze them by themselves. You cant pair countries together and be fair becasue that is not fair. It has to be done seperately. For example, China vs Russia. US vs GB. etc etc.

LOL..but you can't do that. It's not realisitic or representative of reality. We couldn't have taken on Germany in WW1 all by our lonesome...we would have had our asses handed to us on a silver platter. We couldn't have won against Germany in WW2 either if we faced them alone. Allies make all the difference.
I'd like to add something else. The U.S. has historically only entered a war after the nations at war had been significantly butchered by eachother. Why? Because if the U.S. is victorious we have more influence and can dictate terms of the treaties because we have the largest military. Thats why we've always delayed in entering wars..so we can watch the world beat itself up and put the pieces wherever we want after they've been picked up. It doesn't mean we're the most powerful nation.

Exactly, thats what I am saying. You wouldnt bet on iraq to win just like you wouldnt bet on China to win if they were at war with the US. Its common sense.

Erhm..I dunno about China. I'd say stalemate.

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