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Is a third world war likely to happen? (1 Viewer)

Will there be a World War 3?

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Patriotic Voter

Smarter than trolls
DP Veteran
Dec 12, 2019
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Very Liberal
President Biden made a dire warning: If NATO fights Russia, it will be World War 3 and involve nuclear weapons.

The Washington Post and The Guardian reported Russia would also use chemical and biological weapons for it.

European Union nations are less afraid of sending their troops to Ukraine than Biden is, however, and may fight.

Do you think a third world war is inevitable, probable, unlikely, or impossible? Explain your answers.
Seems logical to conclude that it is inevitable, it will happen sooner or later.
Tell you folks, we're in WWIII right now.

Better nip it in the bud.

Better to have fat lazy spoiled people than a crippled ruin.
President Biden made a dire warning: If NATO fights Russia, it will be World War 3 and involve nuclear weapons.

The Washington Post and The Guardian reported Russia would also use chemical and biological weapons for it.

European Union nations are less afraid of sending their troops to Ukraine than Biden is, however, and may fight.

Do you think a third world war is inevitable, probable, unlikely, or impossible? Explain your answers.
Dude, we are in it.

Dude, we are in it.

I wouldn't say we are in it when one country invaded another, and they are the only countries doing any fighting. Sanctions do not constitute was. The Cuban Quarantine did not constitute war.
Not until other nations face off with the Russians on the battlefield in Ukraine. Right not it's just a proxy war .
We are at war. Period.
Don't play semantics.

I am 84 years old.

I hope that the nations of the world will have the decency to postpone any nuclear warfare until I am gone.

And hopefully long after that.

In dire need of new and more imaginative crises to pretend to solve, this just seems like more wishful thinking from the left.
As of now, it's the proverbial speeding train coming down the track...and we're on it. Somebody or some country needs to switch the damn thing to another track.
This isn't a comfortable read>>>

When a hydrogen bomb is detonated, the immediate effects are devastating: Looking in the general direction of the blast causes permanent blindness, and the area at the center of the explosion is essentially vaporized. As the ground shatters, dirt and sand are fused into glass, and a massive fireball creates the iconic “mushroom cloud” associated with nuclear weapons. The force of the explosion also creates a concussive blast that rips trees from the ground, rips even reinforced concrete into shreds. Living beings are vaporized instantly.
After the initial blast, the explosion of a hydrogen bomb would send radioactive particles into the air. The radioactive particles would spread and settle over a period of minutes or hours, potentially carried for hundreds of miles by wind – contaminating the air, land and seas. This causes changes to genes and causes mutations that could do great harm for generations. . In time, the ocean's radiation will destroy fish and other marine life populations...probably forever.
And then things get MUCH worse.

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Tell you folks, we're in WWIII right now.

Better nip it in the bud.

Better to have fat lazy spoiled people than a crippled ruin.

Sanctions on Russia don't count. It is only a Border War until Western and Central Europe nations deploy combat troops the region.
Sanctions on Russia don't count. It is only a Border War until Western and Central Europe nations deploy combat troops the region.

I wonder if the Russians don't count the economic war being waged against them. I guess we will find out if they retaliate.
President Biden made a dire warning: If NATO fights Russia, it will be World War 3 and involve nuclear weapons.

The Washington Post and The Guardian reported Russia would also use chemical and biological weapons for it.

European Union nations are less afraid of sending their troops to Ukraine than Biden is, however, and may fight.

Do you think a third world war is inevitable, probable, unlikely, or impossible? Explain your answers.
Don't know, we may already be in it. Biden needs to pick a position instead of hedging his bets. Either help Ukraine or don't. This half in and half out crap is for the birds.

If he is afraid of provoking a nuclear war why is he sanctioning Russia and sending limited arms to Ukraine. Just tell Ukraine they are on their own.

Otherwise tell Russia we won't tolerate what they are doing and make a strong military stand against them.
I wonder if the Russians don't count the economic war being waged against them. I guess we will find out if they retaliate.
President Biden made a dire warning: If NATO fights Russia, it will be World War 3 and involve nuclear weapons.

The Washington Post and The Guardian reported Russia would also use chemical and biological weapons for it.

European Union nations are less afraid of sending their troops to Ukraine than Biden is, however, and may fight.

Do you think a third world war is inevitable, probable, unlikely, or impossible? Explain your answers.
Depends how you define war.
And world.

War = people in uniforms being shot at.
World = majority of world surface involved.

Then my answer is no, no, yes, no.

If you start including things like "cyberwarfare" and economic sanctions, then we're rapidly approaching if not already in WW3. But it's a relatively bloodless war, despite the noticeable amount of death.
Don't know, we may already be in it.
We are not in it.
Biden needs to pick a position instead of hedging his bets. Either help Ukraine or don't. This half in and half out crap is for the birds.
Biden already has picked a position, a well articulated position, and he isn't hedging his bets on anything. He is helping Ukraine in every practical multilateral way that they can be helped.
If he is afraid of provoking a nuclear war why is he sanctioning Russia and sending limited arms to Ukraine.
?? Because sanctioning Russia, and sending arms, are both things that help Ukraine, and neither of those things provoke a nuclear war.
Just tell Ukraine they are on their own.
They are not on their own. They have enormous support from most of the civilized world, including the EU, NATO, the US, Japan and other countries.
Otherwise tell Russia we won't tolerate what they are doing and make a strong military stand against them.
NO - that's a foolhardy suggestion. There's no such thing as "a strong military stand" using conventional warfare against a nuclear power. You either show restraint, or you commit to global nuclear annihilation, which would be MAD!
America is nor in any war. Stop lying.

You are the one playing semantics.

He's right. We are at war right now.

Proxy wars are usually instigated Per se, but at this time we are using Zelensky as our proxy.

Don't even pretend that the Pentagon isn't sitting back guffawing over US supplied Ukrainian housewives beating back Putin's war machine.
We are at war. Period.
Don't play semantics.

No semantics being played here. World War means just that: the world is fighting a ground and air war. Not happening - yet. When we see countries of the world inside Ukraine and elsewhere fighting each other I'll agree with you. The aggressor hasn't even been attacked in its home country. Sanctions and supplying weapons is not a World War.

If you consider this WWIII I hate to see what you call a real WWIII.
He's right. We are at war right now.

Proxy wars are usually instigated Per se, but at this time we are using Zelensky as our proxy.

Don't even pretend that the Pentagon isn't sitting back guffawing over US supplied Ukrainian housewives beating back Putin's war machine.

It's not a WWII for God's sake. Stop with the hyperbole.

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