This guy is such a joke.
{here is a period, it means the end of the thought} He's some professor of Philosophy at Boston College who puts out tons of pro-God books.
{this is to discredit him as an academic. What I'm getting at is that he's a professor who finds a solution, and then views the problem so that it fits his solution instead of someone who looks at the problem, then finds the solution to it. His works are all slanted to his pro-God readers. That's not bad in everyday life, but in the academic community, it has no business there. That's why he's a joke.} He definantly attempts to use logic to come to absurd results, but they really aren't that absurd.
{he follows real logic in this excerpt to get absurd conclusions, but the conclusions that he gets aren't necessarily absurd, therefore leaving his argument empty.} This logic that he uses is just fine, and withstands the
reductio ad absurdum test.
Although it sounds funny because the general human population has two eyes and two feet etc., but really, it comes down to what we possess.
{ When my argument deals with what it means to "possess" something, yes, "have" or a derivative of is quite different than possess. I realize that they're used interchangably in everyday life, but I'm approaching this from a philisophical and logical angle, therefore proper usage of their jargon is appropriate.}
Yes, she has 4 eyes, 4 feet, and 20 toes within her skin.
A common arguement is that he doesn't have the control of the baby's functions.
But if control were to be it, do we control much of our own body? We don't control how our hair grows, we don't control our appendicies, we don't control the hormones that are released. We have many things that we don't have any control over. We cannot will things to work or not work. So if control were to determin possession, then that would leave a large hole there...
Is it a dependency on our actions? Because if so, babies in womb are dependant on their carriers for their survival.
Is it a connection? Because the baby is connected to the mother at all times the the umbilical cord.
Anyways, it's 5:10 now. Work's over and I'm ready to go home. Later folks