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Irrational voters say Biden is terrible on economy (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Apr 22, 2019
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IMO, Biden has basically done everything right on the economy, and it's doing as well as it can in terms of what a president can do - and very well overall, including historic lows on unemployment.

But what we're seeing is the power of two things: propaganda and ignorance. Oh darn, some prices are up 8%, BIDEN SUCKS.

*94%* of Republicans say the economy is poor, showing the essentially universal power with them of the right-wing propaganda. NOTHING Biden can do can change their opinion. He could send them million dollar checks and that might drop a little.

Imagine if Biden had a real economic problem - like trump's Covid crash, or Nixon-Carter inflation, where do they go from 94% rating poor?

This is our situation - where issues and facts aren't what influence voters, but irrational biases hugely influenced by propaganda. And all to try to replace Biden with a Republican who will shift more money from the American people to the rich. If people don't get that now, it seems likely they never will.
It's interesting the right think they live in a communist style controlled economy where biden sets the price of things. The right hate Biden for ending fascism. Everything else is window dressing and excuses
You have string back from all the water you carry
IMO, Biden has basically done everything right on the economy, and it's doing as well as it can in terms of what a president can do - and very well overall, including historic lows on unemployment.

But what we're seeing is the power of two things: propaganda and ignorance. Oh darn, some prices are up 8%, BIDEN SUCKS.

*94%* of Republicans say the economy is poor, showing the essentially universal power with them of the right-wing propaganda. NOTHING Biden can do can change their opinion. He could send them million dollar checks and that might drop a little.

Imagine if Biden had a real economic problem - like trump's Covid crash, or Nixon-Carter inflation, where do they go from 94% rating poor?

This is our situation - where issues and facts aren't what influence voters, but irrational biases hugely influenced by propaganda. And all to try to replace Biden with a Republican who will shift more money from the American people to the rich. If people don't get that now, it seems likely they never will.
Since you like polls...

According to the polls, the majority of Americans...and that would include Democrats as well as Republicans...disagree with you.
Since you like polls...

According to the polls, the majority of Americans...and that would include Democrats as well as Republicans...disagree with you.

Mainstream Media is not on the left. They want ratings, nothing more.
Mainstream Media is not on the left. They want ratings, nothing more.
How far do you have to ensconsed inside the liberal bubble to make a statement like this?
Mainstream Media is not on the left. They want ratings, nothing more.
You are correct in that media outlets are concerned about ratings. Your error is ignoring how many outlets skew their reporting to achieve their ratings.
CNN is working for the right? Lol, lunatic.
CNN is working for themselves, they pander to the left because it benefits them. If pandering to the right was more beneficial then you would see a change in how they report stories
CNN is working for themselves, they pander to the left because it benefits them. If pandering to the right was more beneficial then you would see a change in how they report stories

Democrats are right wing, they just just not fascists. But yes, both CNN and Fox are for profit operations. It's just that only one profits on destroying society
Democrats are right wing, they just just not fascists. But yes, both CNN and Fox are for profit operations. It's just that only one profits on destroying society
That’s a lot of wrong in such a short post.
You are correct in that media outlets are concerned about ratings. Your error is ignoring how many outlets skew their reporting to achieve their ratings.
That was my whole point.

It's almost like nobody even bothered to think before they replied.
That was my whole point.

It's almost like nobody even bothered to think before they replied.
You ignored the majority of what is considered mainstream media skews left to achieve those ratings

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