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Iraqui Kurdistan a world away from war (1 Viewer)

Yeah good for them. However will their new found wealth make it tempting to break off with Iraq, to be totally independent and incur Turkey's wrath?

Most Kurdish people would say they want an independent state somewhere down the line. So much rides on this constitution. If the Sunni's don't agree that could be the final straw. How could the US stop Kurdistan?
GarzaUK said:
Yeah good for them. However will their new found wealth make it tempting to break off with Iraq, to be totally independent and incur Turkey's wrath?

Most Kurdish people would say they want an independent state somewhere down the line. So much rides on this constitution. If the Sunni's don't agree that could be the final straw. How could the US stop Kurdistan?

I don't know that would be such a bad thing, especially if Turkey joins the European Union and is deterred by the other member states from harrasing a new Kurdistan.
GarzaUK said:
How could the US stop Kurdistan?
Iraq is now a sovereign country, and has the ability to address its own issues if they arise. The U.S. will play no tangible role in such an event unless asked to by the Iraqi government.

But, it is in my opinion that this situation will not arise, due to the new democratic representation in Iraq.
Tetracide said:
Iraq is now a sovereign country, and has the ability to address its own issues if they arise. The U.S. will play no tangible role in such an event unless asked to by the Iraqi government.

But, it is in my opinion that this situation will not arise, due to the new democratic representation in Iraq.

I hope you are right....but somehow I think the secular Kurds are going to get the short end of the stick in an islamic government.

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