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Iraqie Blogs (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Jul 26, 2005
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That I think lacking from the debate over Iraq is the perspective of the Iraqies. So I though it would be a good idea to start a thread about Iraqie blogs. There you put in blogs that you like and comment on the other blogs.

I start with the first blog that I find interest because it is potraying both news, politics and day to day life in Iraq. If you disagree post why but even better counter with a blog that you like.

The only post that matters...

Sunday, January 30, 2005
Hold Your Head Up High, You Are Iraqi
I chose to cast my vote in Amman this very day, even though Iraqi exiles have been voting here since Friday. Voter turnout in Jordan was exceptionally lower than in other countries and I was quite surprised to hear some of the same rumours that infest Baghdad repeated over here in Amman.

One problem was the special ink that voters have to dab their fingers with. Many Iraqis were concerned that insurgents would catch them on their way back to Baghdad and recognise people who had voted.

Some resourceful Iraqis had already devised several methods to get rid of the stain. One of these is to paint your fingers with skin lotion before you enter the polling station, wipe your finger clean immediately after voting and before the ink dries, on returning home dip your finger in boiling detergent and rub it repeatedly.

The turnout in Iraq was really like nothing that I had expected. I was glued in front of tv for most of the day. My mother was in tears watching the scenes from all over the country. Iraqis had voted for peace and for a better future, despite the surrounding madness. I sincerely hope this small step would be the start of much bolder ones, and that the minority which insists on enslaving the majority of Iraqis would soon realise that all that they have accomplished till now is in vain.

Another surprise was to see some Iraqis who had fled the country in fear of reprisals, such as the families of ex-regime figures and ex-Ba'athists, actually voting and encouraging others to vote! I know some of those from school and college and I imagined they would be bitter about the whole process, but many were not.

Jordanians were wishing Iraqis luck these few days everywhere on the streets. One young man at a mall, on recognising my Iraqi accent, asked me who I would be voting for. I politely told him that I would vote for who I believe is sincere. Strangely, he said that he personally preferred Allawi and hoped most Iraqis would be voting for him. I wished his country luck as well since the King had promised direct elections for municipal councils as a first step. He dismissed that as nothing much and said that "One should start from the 'Head' down, not the other way around". This last remark played on my survival instincts, even though the fellow looked far from being a Jordanian Mukhabarat agent, so I left the man in peace.

I really want to write much much more but I have to run for now. I promise I will post again soon. In the mean time: Hold your head up high, Remember that you are Iraqi.


Read the above in bold again...notice the author sees hope surrounding the madness?...and the other blog's author only sees the madness...
I read the bold part, but also the next sentence that the election is just a small step. That I agree to because yes it is important with democracy and election. But you need securtity to gain the benefit because it hard to have a democracy there people can't live normal lifes, there the small stability they have is protected by foreign troops and also there the candidates you vote for get killed after you have voted for them or even before.

Also the sad thing is that my bloger is not seeing just chaos and bad things today but also tomorrow. With the risk of much more religius influence and maybee even sharia laws. That it terns into something like Iran. Like you bloger wrote about the people geting beat for indicency crime right on the street. Also both my and you bloger took up the issue about there was no good seculare people to vote for. Like you bloger said the choise was between islamist and communist. But maybee the communist was good, that do I know.

So my concluse so far is that the situation is really bad and that yes the Iraqies should get democracy and freedom, but an American invasion was not the right thing.

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