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Iraqi Voter Turnout (1 Viewer)

And who do we have to thank for this?

Hint: Its not Chirac.
The Real McCoy said:
The Iraqi voter turnout in yesterday's election was estimated at around 70 percent! Even with terrorist propaganda threatening death to those who vote, the Iraqi people have spoken in overwhelming numbers, including Sunnis. Elections had to be extended to accomidate the massive turnout and many polling stations ran out of ballots!

The terrorists probably realize that if the “right” government gets elected into office then the Americans will go away sooner. Hence less violence. The Iraqis could unwittingly do through voting what the terrorist and insurgency have been trying to do violently.
YNKYH8R said:
You're right we should thank.....the Iraqis.

Who were voting in their third ever free election in 12 monthts, because of...whom?
M14 Shooter said:
Who were voting in their third ever free election in 12 monthts, because of...whom?
Like I said the Iraqis.
YNKYH8R said:
The terrorists probably realize that if the “right” government gets elected into office then the Americans will go away sooner. Hence less violence. The Iraqis could unwittingly do through voting what the terrorist and insurgency have been trying to do violently.

Supporting YNKH8R's point (as a die-hard Yanks fan, I hate to do this, but sometimes, ya gotta set those things aside for more important considerations!): Scanned the tube last nite for interviews with Iraqis that were voting. Of those that mentioned the US:

> some said that they wanted the US to leave but not until their army was rebuilt and capable (sound familiar?);

> some said they were voting in hopes that it speed up the process of US withdrawal;

> some said they hoped that voting would help end the violence;

> some said "thank you".

My impression: all were very proud of their country and eager for to show that democracy will work in Iraq. A small sample, but interesting nonetheless.


BTW: did you notice that in a couple of places, insurgents actually guarded polling places against violence from the 'foreign fighters'? A telling point, IMO.
YNKYH8R said:
Like I said the Iraqis.

Yes... because the Iraqis deposed Saddam and stuck around long enough to allow the formation of a democracy.

You'll do everything you can to avoid having to give GWB credit for anything, wont you?
YNKYH8R said:
The terrorists probably realize that if the “right” government gets elected into office then the Americans will go away sooner. Hence less violence. The Iraqis could unwittingly do through voting what the terrorist and insurgency have been trying to do violently.

Yes... that's exactly why the terrorists put up death threat posters all over the place, discouraging voters.

Ever stop to think that the lack of violence could be attributed to better security?
The Real McCoy said:
Yes... that's exactly why the terrorists put up death threat posters all over the place, discouraging voters.

Ever stop to think that the lack of violence could be attributed to better security?
That is indeed plausable. But you can't discount my theory either.
YNKYH8R said:
That is indeed plausable. But you can't discount my theory either.

True... I think many insurgent groups are either coming to their senses or experimenting with new ways to succeed, like your theory.

P.S. Go Sox!
M14 Shooter said:
Yes... because the Iraqis deposed Saddam and stuck around long enough to allow the formation of a democracy.

You'll do everything you can to avoid having to give GWB credit for anything, wont you?
Credit for what? Did he vote? Did he go out campaigning with Allawi? Did he go out and help getting voters registered? Did he ensure the safety of the buses that brought in voters from away to polling sites? did he have a toen hall type meeting discussig the benefits for voting? What did he do besides give the Iraqis a good reason to vote...like get us out of Iraq?
oldreliable67 said:
Supporting YNKH8R's point (as a die-hard Yanks fan, I hate to do this, but sometimes, ya gotta set those things aside for more important considerations!): Scanned the tube last nite for interviews with Iraqis that were voting. Of those that mentioned the US:

> some said that they wanted the US to leave but not until their army was rebuilt and capable (sound familiar?);

> some said they were voting in hopes that it speed up the process of US withdrawal;

> some said they hoped that voting would help end the violence;

> some said "thank you".

My impression: all were very proud of their country and eager for to show that democracy will work in Iraq. A small sample, but interesting nonetheless.


BTW: did you notice that in a couple of places, insurgents actually guarded polling places against violence from the 'foreign fighters'? A telling point, IMO.
Thank you, and I do try to keep the rivalry out on the playing field.
YNKYH8R said:
Credit for what? Did he vote? Did he go out campaigning with Allawi? Did he go out and help getting voters registered? Did he ensure the safety of the buses that brought in voters from away to polling sites? did he have a toen hall type meeting discussig the benefits for voting? What did he do besides give the Iraqis a good reason to vote...like get us out of Iraq?

Thanks for proving my point.

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