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Iraqi Cops Find Victims of Mass Killings (1 Viewer)

Batman said:
For those who believe American soldiers kill more innocents than Iraqi insurgents do.
Uh oh! It's from FOX.
That is just horrible. I don't get the beheadings though. What is the symbolism for them when they do that?

One still has to remember that although what's listed above is indeed a tragedy with 41 civilians having lost their life, the Iraqi loss of life has indeed been much, much, much higher.

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shuamort said:
That is just horrible. I don't get the beheadings though. What is the symbolism for them when they do that?
I don't know if there is one or if that just sends the message to others that it's a grusome way to die.
shuamort said:
One still has to remember that although what's listed above is indeed a tragedy with 41 civilians having lost their life, the Iraqi loss of life has indeed been much, much, much higher.

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My point here is that most of the violence here is being perpetrated by Iraqis on Iraqis.
Batman said:
I don't know if there is one or if that just sends the message to others that it's a grusome way to die.

My point here is that most of the violence here is being perpetrated by Iraqis on Iraqis.

Actually the military believes most (over 50%) of the insurgents are not Iraqi's but other nationals who crossed into the country after we invaded. I used to have a DOD site book marked with those figures, I'll go see if I can find it.

And, I think beheading is a traditional Arab execution method that's been used in that region for centuries. It could be there's some cultural aspect of it we're just not understanding.
Batman said:
I don't know if there is one or if that just sends the message to others that it's a grusome way to die.

My point here is that most of the violence here is being perpetrated by Iraqis on Iraqis.
So Americans killing 16,000-18,000 Iraqi civilians is prefectly OK? Come to terms with the fact that America has killed the most Iraqis, any way you put it. War isn't pretty, and this one hasn't been close.
anomaly said:
So Americans killing 16,000-18,000 Iraqi civilians is prefectly OK? Come to terms with the fact that America has killed the most Iraqis, any way you put it. War isn't pretty, and this one hasn't been close.
Where in those figures does it say that Americans deliberately targeted those civilians. And does the Red Cross back up those numbers?
Batman said:
Where in those figures does it say that Americans deliberately targeted those civilians. And does the Red Cross back up those numbers?
I don't think anomaly said that Americans deliberately targeted civilians. (Of course, i don't assume to speak for him either.)

As for the Red Cross, well, they're not exactly keeping score. Here's a link to their Iraq page.

but I've found a couple articles:
Apr 2003:
Red Cross doctors who visited southern Iraq this week saw "incredible" levels of civilian casualties including a truckload of dismembered women and children, a spokesman said Thursday from Baghdad.
Sept 2004:
The ICRC reminds all those involved in the armed confrontations in Iraq that international humanitarian law prohibits the killing or harming of civilians who are not directly taking part in the hostilities.

It calls upon all fighters to take every feasible precaution to spare civilians and civilian property and to respect the principles of distinction and proportionality in all military operations.
shuamort said:
That is just horrible. I don't get the beheadings though. What is the symbolism for them when they do that

the reason thay behead their victims, is because thay believe that it is disgracefully, and if your beheaded you cant sit with god, you don't go to heaven.
shuamort said:
I don't think anomaly said that Americans deliberately targeted civilians. (Of course, i don't assume to speak for him either.)

As for the Red Cross, well, they're not exactly keeping score. Here's a link to their Iraq page.

but I've found a couple articles:
Apr 2003:
Sept 2004:
In this case you're right, I never said deliberately nor do I mean it. I'm saying smart bombs aren't smart enough to know which people to kill. I'm trying to raise the issue of, given these numbers (go to iraqbodycount.net for the numbers) whether this war of liberation is right, and atleast raise the issue of whether this can be called a humanitarian effort.
Hi Batman It's seems your drinking the Fox's kool-aid too I heard of no media group say anything like this .....No one say our US miltarty is killing more Iraqi's than the terrorest do .......Thats just crazy talk ....It's fox's spin

Yes Batman I'm more than willing to debate you on this matter ! Anytime

Yes I'm sure you my find a dope or two saying this but take it for what it is
worth ... Not much .

Pop up spell check is killing me!.

Beside we are not in Iraq to see if we can be worse than the terrorest .

We are there to help the Iraqi people have demorcrate system .
At least that's what I'm told and I hope it's true

Stop drinking Fox's kool -aid I must say Fox does a great job on brain washing people .. Think, Think, Think,Think, Think, Think,

Just the facts
oh my god its a freaking miracle freedom submitted a completely legible post, and no caps. i thank freedom deserves a hand, this is the first time i could under stand him, keep up the good work. :applaud

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