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Iraq war utterly futile as war on terror. London terrorists home grown. (1 Viewer)


Jun 9, 2005
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Political Leaning
Slightly Conservative
It's come to light that the London suicide bombers were young men born in the UK & their families originated in Pakistan. They were in no way openly Islamic fundamentalists. They were in no way connected to Iraq anymore than the 911 terroists were. They blended in with the community like any ordinary Muslims.
How ludicrous to think the war in Iraq is a war on terror. Yet it's killed many times more innocent people than the terrorists have !
It is terror !
Robin, the media are now beginning to adjust the plot to pacify the disbelief of the public.

Suicide bombers - canceled

Tricked into believing they would escape - new Muslim terrorist story

Problem for Nightmare writers - They already released claims about identity
documents. These terrorists must have wanted to incriminate their families. This is of course all ridiculous. They will invent a twist to cover this flaw in the myth.

Because of the vast experience gained from 911, Madrid etc the Internet media is ahead of the Nightmare Makers. This is going to be interesting.
The British public are a far sober type than the insular American mind.
The Nightmare manufactures will have to earn their money and exhaust the interest of the public. Distractions may have to be manufactured that have a more plausible scenario to shield the shaky 7/7 plot.

The only explanation that makes sense is that this was a "False Flag"
staged event.

Evidence of the power of media propaganda is the attitudes held by many in this debate forum that Muslims have a different humanity to you or I.

This completely distorts the critical thinking process.

The real battleground of our age is in the mind.

I hope you read the following article and study the twists and turns in the official story. It reveals a great deal as long as you can be objective and not try and fit your comprehension around the "Muslim conspiracy theory" propaganda theme of our times.

Christopher.. Interesting.
Serves the bastards right anyway. Probably their imam who set the timing fuses thought if they were dead then they couldn't talk. So they were even more cowardly than we thought. They wanted to kill civillians then save their own worthless hides.
Rather like the pilots in Vietnam. Napalm civilians then fly away to save their own worthless 'all American hero' hides.
Anyway, I hope they Burn in hell the ***ckers.
robin said:
Christopher.. Interesting.
Serves the bastards right anyway. Probably their imam who set the timing fuses thought if they were dead then they couldn't talk. So they were even more cowardly than we thought. They wanted to kill civillians then save their own worthless hides.
Rather like the pilots in Vietnam. Napalm civilians then fly away to save their own worthless 'all American hero' hides.
Anyway, I hope they Burn in hell the ***ckers.

Why do you think their "Imam" is a suspect?

Sheer speculation.

What are the facts?

There has not been a shred of valid evidence to point toward
this being a Muslim conspiracy.

Our Muslim suspect in Egypt is a successful young academic with a bright future. It is absurd to believe he would commit a crime as is suggested
or have any part in it.

Muslims are people just like you and me Robin. All the fanaticism hype if studied objectively is orchestrated for political purpose so you will surrender judgment and fairness and condemn Muslims when the media push the emotive buttons. SUICIDE BOMBER. ISLAMIC TERRORIST. JIHAD etc

Are you not aware Robin, Al Qaeda translates to mean the "data base" which denotes the file name of CIA and British intelligence assets financed through
CIA Bin Laden and his militia training camps.

This is a strategy to provide manpower for dirty wars and also serves as a
Phantom global enemy for successful Nightmares which are needed to keep the public from revolting against the murderous war policies in Iraq.

Mostly the Al Qaeda phenomena is just in the imagination of the populous reinforced from time to time by grainy blurred Bin Laden video waved across the mass media and the manufactured frame up psyops like 911, Madrid and now London.

Anyone who is serious can examine all these events thanks to the Internet.

Tragically, even the Muslim leadership do not have the courage to stand up and confront all this propaganda because like the west most of their leadership prefer power and prestige above the truth.

I am always dismayed at this situation and also find it a strange paradox that anti Iraq war commentators are often actually perpetuating the very cause of the war by failing to be well studied and informed.

We have had a truck load of hype, suggestion and fraudulent web claims
pointing toward a "Muslim conspiracy theory".

This is called a frame up. London Muslims are not responsible for these events, just victims. The media now prosecutes and leads the public to the
"official" truth.

Everything is rationalized and explained through a filter that accepts the "Muslim conspiracy theory" as beyond question. This is why all sorts of ridiculous angles have to be explained with suggestion and imagination to craft a scenario that the public will accept. The public are putty in the hands of the media which can paint black as white and convince the public up is down and down is up.
The guys were obviously used blind.
By whom? -it's a question.

Anyway, British Muslims are the least who benefit from these attacks.
Now all of them are under suspect and many of them are under investgation.

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