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Iraq War Supporters - Now you can help! (1 Viewer)


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Jul 28, 2005
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Haven't we given Iraq enough?
Liberation from Saddam Hussein.
The lives of 2000 of our Brave and counting.
The almost 15,000 injured and counting.
$200,000,000,000.00 and counting.

But hey, if you support this QUAGMIRE, The Bush Administration has a plan for you. You can now put your money where your mouth is.

New twist on Iraq aid: U.S. seeks donations

WASHINGTON - (KRT) - From the Indian Ocean tsunami to the church around the corner, Americans have shown time and again they are willing to open their pocketbooks for charity, for a total of about $250 billion last year alone.

Although more than $30 billion in taxpayer funds have been appropriated for Iraqi reconstruction, the administration earlier this month launched an Internet-based fundraising effort that it says is aimed at giving Americans "a further stake in building a free and prosperous Iraq."

The campaign is raising eyebrows in the international development and not-for-profit communities, where there are questions about its timing - given needs at home - and whether it will set the government in competition with international not-for-profits.
On a more basic level, experts wonder whether Americans will make charitable donations to a government foreign aid program, and whether the contentious environment surrounding Iraq will make a tough pitch even tougher.

Natsios announced the Internet-based campaign in a speech Sept. 9. In a press release issued the same day, USAID said its new Web site "will help American citizens learn more about official U.S. assistance for Iraq and make contributions to high-impact development projects."

Heather Layman, a USAID spokeswoman, said the efforts are being carried out by five private organizations working on Iraq reconstruction with USAID funding. The site does not provide details about the groups involved, or the project locations, because of "security issues in Iraq."

The government says all contributions are tax-deductible.

"Places that are seen as public agencies or clones of public agencies don't get private donations," said Lancaster, who also served as a former deputy administrator at USAID. "People generally believe, `It's government, so government should pay for it.'

According to the Giving USA Foundation, which tracks annual charitable donations by Americans, international giving accounted for only 2.1 percent of all charity in the United States last year.

"There is this blurring of the lines," he said. "A lot of things once paid for by the public are now paid through private sources."
© 2005, Chicago Tribune.
The Source
I have always said that those who support this war should enlist to fight it. I know that's not always possible, though. Well now, leave it to GW and Co. to find a way for YOU to contribute now, as well!

As for me? I won't be giving one red cent, simply because I DON'T SUPPORT THE WAR IN IRAQ. I only support the Troops, and to help them I have sent out packages and plan to send out more soon.

Well guys and gals... Let's have a show of hands and the amount you're planning on pledging to good 'ol Uncle Sam, for the "Iraqi People."
Ironside pledges $0.00, but offers a boot up the ass of our fearless leader GW Bush!

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this quote you made "The lives of 2000 of our Brave and counting" proves the war shouldn't be so protested. For a war 2000 is not that many casualties. Sorry to break it to you but war and death come hand in hand. Also i cant do any donation stuff because im only 16 years old.
thapcballa said:
this quote you made "The lives of 2000 of our Brave and counting" proves the war shouldn't be so protested. For a war 2000 is not that many casualties. Sorry to break it to you but war and death come hand in hand. Also i cant do any donation stuff because im only 16 years old.

Hey, call your local army recruiter then. I am sure that they would love to offer you a chance to be one of those not that many casualties over in Iraq as soon as you graduate High School. What do you care, war and death go hand in hand right?

You got 15,000 or so injured with many of them horribly injured. See the only reason why deaths are not higher is that we have a lot more advanced medicine since the last war. So hell, maybe you would luck out and just be blinded or get your legs blown off.

Also, why have you not got a job? I got a job as soon as I turned 16 working nights and weekends. If you love the war so much, the least you could do is enter the workforce and contribute some tax money towards financing it. Hell, if you had a job you could donate some money.

And what kind of a heartless person is a Republican at 16? :)
[mod mode]
Ironside, per


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Please do not post entire articles. Proper format is to paraphrase the contents of an article and/or post relevant excerpts and then link to the rest. Best bet is to always reference the original source.
Title 17, Chapter 1, Section 107 http://www4.law.cornell.edu/uscode/17/107.html

I edited the copyrighted material in your post.
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Simon W. Moon said:
[mod mode]
Ironside, per


8. Copyrighted Material - All material posted from copyrighted material MUST contain a link to the original work.
Please do not post entire articles. Proper format is to paraphrase the contents of an article and/or post relevant excerpts and then link to the rest. Best bet is to always reference the original source.
Title 17, Chapter 1, Section 107 http://www4.law.cornell.edu/uscode/17/107.html

I edited the copyrighted material in your post.
[/mod mode]
My apologies. It won't happen again.
thapcballa said:
this quote you made "The lives of 2000 of our Brave and counting" proves the war shouldn't be so protested. For a war 2000 is not that many casualties. Sorry to break it to you but war and death come hand in hand. Also i cant do any donation stuff because im only 16 years old.
With all due respect, that's the stupidist argument to date. The numbers of casualties aren't high enough for you to realize that mistakes were made, huh?

I take it your father, son, brother, mother, daughter or sister, weren't one of those 2,000... huh?

You need not "break it" to me. I served my country in the Military!
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Uncle Sam? Good ole Uncle Sam wants our blood for oil!:smile:
kal-el said:
Uncle Sam? Good ole Uncle Sam wants our blood for oil!:smile:

I wish, I hate paying over 3bucks a gallon and I think it would be a great idea to use iraqs oil to help us pay back what we have payed.
I wish, I hate paying over 3bucks a gallon and I think it would be a great idea to use iraqs oil to help us pay back what we have payed.

Yes, that is a good idea, just as long as there's no more useless death involved.
I wish, I hate paying over 3bucks a gallon and I think it would be a great idea to use iraqs oil to help us pay back what we have payed.

Ah good job Skill! You have discovered the secret of why we're in Iraq! Congrats!

er. . .sorry?
FinnMacCool said:
Ah good job Skill! You have discovered the secret of why we're in Iraq! Congrats!

er. . .sorry?

Well I could care less if we even invaded Iraq for oil. I WOULD BE dam happy that we now can have oil for 25cents a gal. Cause they were ripping the world off for such high prices a barrel of oil. But we coulsnt do that or else the liberal mental disorders much like the tree huggers would have a hissy fit. But what they fail to realize is that they were causing harm to us. Just like waht this hurricane wil do to us in Galveston. Our economy will get highly impacted from this hurricane casue our oil refineries will be decimated and we will end up paying app. 5bucks agal nation wide. So you still want us not to use their oil to help us?

Yes, that is a good idea, just as long as there's no more useless death involved.

Of course thats fair.
Well I could care less if we even invaded Iraq for oil. I WOULD BE dam happy that we now can have oil for 25cents a gal. Cause they were ripping the world off for such high prices a barrel of oil. But we coulsnt do that or else the liberal mental disorders much like the tree huggers would have a hissy fit. But what they fail to realize is that they were causing harm to us. Just like waht this hurricane wil do to us in Galveston. Our economy will get highly impacted from this hurricane casue our oil refineries will be decimated and we will end up paying app. 5bucks agal nation wide. So you still want us not to use their oil to help us?

Well, they want it both ways.
They scream at the prospect of new oil rigs in the gulf and west coast. They moan about tapping new US oil fields like Anwar AK. They whine about new refineries...which we haven't seen in 30+ years. They throw fits when you suggest additional nuclear power plants.............Y-E-T, their LOATHING of our dependence on foreign oil has them spewing blood for oil theories ad nauseam!
It's the leftist catch 22 and they love it.....as long as you don't call them out on it!
wrath said:
Well, they want it both ways.
They scream at the prospect of new oil rigs in the gulf and west coast. They moan about tapping new US oil fields like Anwar AK. They whine about new refineries...which we haven't seen in 30+ years. They throw fits when you suggest additional nuclear power plants.............Y-E-T, their LOATHING of our dependence on foreign oil has them spewing blood for oil theories ad nauseam!
It's the leftist catch 22 and they love it.....as long as you don't call them out on it!

Im sorry, not to be nit picky or anything, but its ANWR (not Anwar:mrgreen: ) (Arctic National Wildlife Refuge).

In a sense, the liberals do have a SOMEWHAT justified arguement on ANWR. The amount of oil drilled out of ANWR will not substantially affect us! One of the main reasons the Republican party is trying to drill in ANWR (along side of pulling inconcievable amounts of oil out which is always good! :D) is that it would BOOM the Alaskan Economy substantially! It would create thousands of new jobs and bring in an enormous amount of revenue in for the state! Which is a absolutely great thing, especially for this rapid growing state!
I wish, I hate paying over 3bucks a gallon and I think it would be a great idea to use iraqs oil to help us pay back what we have payed.

Yeah! It's a great idea! It's kind of like when we told Germany that they had to pay for WWI. That worked out great! It's even better because the country in question now didn't even attack us! Yippee!!

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