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Iraq Election (1 Viewer)

How will the election go?

  • Great. High turnouts.

    Votes: 6 75.0%
  • Bad. No one will participate

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Chaos

    Votes: 1 12.5%
  • Other

    Votes: 1 12.5%

  • Total voters


Dec 21, 2004
Reaction score
The day drawls near. Freedom will be spread in I lraq on Sunday. Or will it?
How do you think the election will go?
IMO, most of the country turn-out will be very high.
In a few districts where the insurgency is high there will be few to go to poles.
From everything I've read and seen they went way better than expected. I couldn't be happier about it. This may well be the best news out of Iraq since the capture of Saddam. Now we need to watch, wait and see what kind of government develops from the elections.

On a sad note, I find it sad that in a country where you could get shot or bombed for voting they had a higher voter turn out then we did.
This just goes to show how much the Iraqi people know about thier situation, how involved they want to be, and how much the idea of democracy is contageous.

The rough times are really ahead and the dems are already asking for removal of troops. How little they care about anyone else but thier own.
The Democrats are just as happy as everybody else and want democracy in Iraq to succeed. They just don't want to see anymore American troops get killed.

Since the Iraqis have their own government, if they want us out, we should get out. If they want us to stay some more, we should help according to what they want, not what we think is best.
Blue Hobgoblin said:
The Democrats are just as happy as everybody else and want democracy in Iraq to succeed. They just don't want to see anymore American troops get killed.
Yet, they fail to realize that the price of the former is the latter.

The Democrats expect the Administration to be right, right?

So when they think the Administration is wrong, they criticize it, loud and long, don't they?

And when they think the Administration is right, they criticize it loud and long, don't they?
Fantasea said:
The Democrats expect the Administration to be right, right?

So when they think the Administration is wrong, they criticize it, loud and long, don't they?

And when they think the Administration is right, they criticize it loud and long, don't they?

Oh c'mon..we gotta have some fun.
Look what poor 'ol Clinton went through!
You ain't seen nothing yet...Bush has had it easy, so quit complaining.

But on another note....

Does anyone know exactly why the Iraqi's dip their finger in purple ink?

I heard about this on a talk show on my way home from work..and at the "State" speech last night, some were dipping their fingers in ink, as some sort of solidarity with the Irai's, or something?

I may have heard that the Iraqi's use this to prevent voter fraud?
Dip your finger in purple ink, go vote....and it won't come off for 3 days.
Why aren't we doing this?
Hoot said:
Oh c'mon..we gotta have some fun.
Look what poor 'ol Clinton went through!
You ain't seen nothing yet...Bush has had it easy, so quit complaining.

But on another note....

Does anyone know exactly why the Iraqi's dip their finger in purple ink?

I heard about this on a talk show on my way home from work..and at the "State" speech last night, some were dipping their fingers in ink, as some sort of solidarity with the Irai's, or something?

I may have heard that the Iraqi's use this to prevent voter fraud?
Dip your finger in purple ink, go vote....and it won't come off for 3 days.
Why aren't we doing this?

I thought it was blue ink and it was to prevent double voting.

We don't do it here because then Democrats couldn't "vote early and vote often"
Hoot said:
I may have heard that the Iraqi's use this to prevent voter fraud?
Dip your finger in purple ink, go vote....and it won't come off for 3 days.
Why aren't we doing this?
It would make it harder for those Democrats residing' in the cemetary to vote in person. They would then have to use absentee ballots.
Don't even begin to accuse democrats of voter fraud. And please, stop the baseless claims!
heyjoeo said:
Don't even begin to accuse democrats of voter fraud. And please, stop the baseless claims!
:rofl :lol: :) I'm hysterical!
I'm serious...I think we should adopt the 'finger in ink' bit.
Look at all the money we can save on those little "I Voted" stickers. LOL

People are disenchanted with the voting system anyway, so why not put a little faith back in the system?

Then...for 3 days...you could tell who voted or not! Hmmmm...?

It could become "the digit of honor!"

Maybe we could shame people into getting off their lazy asses and voting?
Pacridge said:
I thought it was blue ink and it was to prevent double voting.

We don't do it here because then Democrats couldn't "vote early and vote often"

LOL!!! You have that off-kilter British brand of humor! Keep it up! ROTFL
Pacridge said:
From everything I've read and seen they went way better than expected. I couldn't be happier about it. This may well be the best news out of Iraq since the capture of Saddam. Now we need to watch, wait and see what kind of government develops from the elections.

On a sad note, I find it sad that in a country where you could get shot or bombed for voting they had a higher voter turn out then we did.

Yeah because it is new to them once they get established then they will realize once a new official comes in that the crap they shift around every term dosen't make a difference.
MeChMAN said:
Yeah because it is new to them once they get established then they will realize once a new official comes in that the crap they shift around every term dosen't make a difference.
My, my. A cynic of the first water.

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