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Iran showing its true colors (1 Viewer)

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DP Veteran
Sep 24, 2005
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Whitewater, CO
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The article below, posted courtest of yahoo news, is positive proof that Iran's nuclear intentions are all weapons related.

The article below accurately illustrates why Iran can NEVER be allowed to develop nuclear technology while it is under the control of a militant Islamic extremist group.

Iran's puppet president and the extremist Islamic terrorists known as the mullahs, who recently had a 15 year-old girl executed, are not to be trusted. Iran MUST be disarmed immediately and Iran's nuclear facilities must be destroyed.

Iran is an out of control terrorist state that wants nuclear weapons to use as a means of furthering their extremist Islamic views.

The world needs to form a coalition of forces to invade Iran and knock the mullahs and Iran's current president out of power. If the the terrorist government of Iran is neutralized, the threat Iran poses to the world is neutralized.


TEHRAN, Iran - President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad declared Wednesday that Israel is a "disgraceful blot" that should be "wiped off the map" — fiery words that Washington said underscores its concern over Iran's nuclear program.
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First of all if we invade Iran we will be fighting the same type of people we are fighting now.

Second of all how can you say Iran is showing their "true colors" when they have already revealed themselves to be hostile since, like forever.

Thirdly, who cares what they think of Israel? Thats their beef.
Vader said:
The article below accurately illustrates why Iran can NEVER be allowed to develop nuclear technology while it is under the control of a militant Islamic extremist group.

Iran's puppet president and the extremist Islamic terrorists known as the mullahs, who recently had a 15 year-old girl executed, are not to be trusted. Iran MUST be disarmed immediately and Iran's nuclear facilities must be destroyed.

Iran is an out of control terrorist state that wants nuclear weapons to use as a means of furthering their extremist Islamic views.

The world needs to form a coalition of forces to invade Iran and knock the mullahs and Iran's current president out of power. If the the terrorist government of Iran is neutralized, the threat Iran poses to the world is neutralized.

And just who in hell are we to tell a sovereign government what they can and can not have. Has Hitler been reincarnated?
TEHRAN, Iran - President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad declared Wednesday that Israel is a "disgraceful blot" that should be "wiped off the map"

Making statements such as this have the tendency to backfire. I say we should take them (Iran) out first and then worry about the backlash from those who are fool enough to defend them and their condemnation of Israels right to exist. And in case some have you forgot, Israel is our (America) ally and friends, anyone who has a beef with them, WILL have a beef with us. And thats a fact Jack!!
Israel can handle it themselves. The American military doesn't need any more on its plate. Israel should put them to the task of their mouths, once and for all and not wait until they have nuclear power.

Their president said it? What more do you need?
ThePhoenix said:
And in case some have you forgot, Israel is our (America) ally and friends, anyone who has a beef with them, WILL have a beef with us. And thats a fact Jack!!

I do not owe the "Jews" a country.

Honestly, I sympathise with the people of Israel just as I do the Palestinians desire to live in a stable, peacefull and happy community; all of the people of the world deserve to live in peace and prosperity.

I find it extraordinarily odd however that we went to war against Hitler for reclaiming the ancient German territories under the banner of the Third Holy Reich; yet we supported the Rockefellers U.N./IMF, Rothschilds BAnk of England and the Zionists of Europe in reclaiming the ancient Jewish homeland?

I am Dutch so to be honest, the reconstitution of the Holy Deutche Reich should mean more to me than the acquisition of a "Jewish" homeland.

I am afraid you will have to leave me out of your "beef."


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FinnMacCool said:
Thirdly, who cares what they think of Israel? Thats their beef.

For now, I think that's fine so long as it remains just that - a beef. I certainly don't want another war - and we should continue with diplomacy which will hopefully work.

What if, however, the Iranians actually decide to take military action against Israel. If they lose, then they'll probably be overthrown which will ultimately be good, but if they win, what do we do? Just stand by and watch people get massacred as a hostile power gets stronger? They won't stop with Israel.

I think these statements show how crazy these guys really are. It's scary, and I don't think anyone has the answers.
And in case some have you forgot, Israel is our (America) ally and friends, anyone who has a beef with them, WILL have a beef with us. And thats a fact Jack!!

Okay but we still shouldn't support a government that uses the same tactics as the terrorists on the other side. They should get with the program. The only reason we support them anyways is because of all the jewish people in our country.
Vader said:
The article below, posted courtest of yahoo news, is positive proof that Iran's nuclear intentions are all weapons related.


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The President of Iran is an f___ing moron in regards to his statements on Israel. They have every right to exist. So does the Palistinian state as well. As far as acheiving nuclear capabilities for Iran or any other country, do they not realize that if they use such weapons it would be suicide for there country. I am completely against our invasion of Iraq, but I would be completely in favor of a US NUCLEAR counterstrike on anyone that uses a nuke!
Vader said:
The article below, posted courtest of yahoo news, is positive proof that Iran's nuclear intentions are all weapons related.

The article below accurately illustrates why Iran can NEVER be allowed to develop nuclear technology while it is under the control of a militant Islamic extremist group.

Iran's puppet president and the extremist Islamic terrorists known as the mullahs, who recently had a 15 year-old girl executed, are not to be trusted. Iran MUST be disarmed immediately and Iran's nuclear facilities must be destroyed.

Iran is an out of control terrorist state that wants nuclear weapons to use as a means of furthering their extremist Islamic views.

The world needs to form a coalition of forces to invade Iran and knock the mullahs and Iran's current president out of power. If the the terrorist government of Iran is neutralized, the threat Iran poses to the world is neutralized.


TEHRAN, Iran - President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad declared Wednesday that Israel is a "disgraceful blot" that should be "wiped off the map" — fiery words that Washington said underscores its concern over Iran's nuclear program.

Good luck with getting support. Countries like France (who we bailed out of 3 wars) won't help. America is on its own, as usual.
Unless Iran actually fires a nuke directly at us we can't do anything. No matter what the cause if we lift a finger the scream from the libs will deafen pretty much everybody. And if they do fire a nuke we have about a 2 month window before the libs start calling us the US terrorist and nazis again. 20 million deaths don't buy you all to much time nowadays.
1) Israel should not be permitted to attack Irans nuclear site for the same reasons we didn't allow them to be involved in the Gulf War. If you are confused by this.....you should remind yourself that even Saddam knew how big it would have been by dragging Israel into the war and then you should go hang your head in ignorant shame.

2) Israel is an ally. Period. We do not turn our backs on allies. This is what Europeans do.

3) Who are we to tell a soverign country what they can and can't do? We are the United States of America and they are Iran. Passivity, appeasement and cowardice only encourage them and make it easier for them to draw strength. It is never a mistake to strike down an enemy who has sworn to kill us--as both our Islamic and secular Middle-Eastern enemies hope to do. The idea of absolute state sovereignty is relatively new, and it derives from agreements among kings, emperors, kaisers, and czars for their mutual benefit. What we're left with from the state making of seventeenth- and eighteenth-century Europe is a legacy that tells us we cannot intervene in states as they slaughter their own citizens because they're sovereign. By that logic, Hitler would have been perfectly legitimate as long as he killed only German Jews. It's patently flawed logic. Any state that benefits only a dictatorship, oligarchy, or clique, that oppresses, brutalizes, calls for the destruction of other countries while seeking nuclear power, and even massacres elements of its own citizenry, has no legitimate claim on sovereignty—period.

If a mass murderer has been released from prison, lives in your neighborhood, and has declared that he is going to "destroy" you...who are you to tell him that he can't buy a gun? Old and wise?....maybe just old.

4) Israel has every right to protect itself against terrorism just like we do. They owe no apologies and to declare them a terrorist state for retaliating against the tyranny of Islamic extremists is ignorant. We have supported Israel since 1949 when they were inducted into the UN. It has nothing to do with how many Jews are in the States...unless we also support Japan because of all the Japanese in our country too.

5) About 70% of Iran's population is younger than 30, and disenchanted. Ayatollah Khomeini's revolution brutalized Islam. Far from inaugurating a perfect society, the tyranny of the mullahs alienated the young from religion and generated cynicism toward the clergy. Mohammad Khatami seems to want a complete embracement to the days Khomeini. Iraqi democracy may prove the downfall of Iran's mullahs and we should be there to nudge the revolution.

Well...I think that pretty much covers it.
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Vader said:
The article below, posted courtest of yahoo news, is positive proof that Iran's nuclear intentions are all weapons related.

The article below accurately illustrates why Iran can NEVER be allowed to develop nuclear technology while it is under the control of a militant Islamic extremist group.

Iran's puppet president and the extremist Islamic terrorists known as the mullahs, who recently had a 15 year-old girl executed, are not to be trusted. Iran MUST be disarmed immediately and Iran's nuclear facilities must be destroyed.

Iran is an out of control terrorist state that wants nuclear weapons to use as a means of furthering their extremist Islamic views.

The world needs to form a coalition of forces to invade Iran and knock the mullahs and Iran's current president out of power. If the the terrorist government of Iran is neutralized, the threat Iran poses to the world is neutralized.


TEHRAN, Iran - President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad declared Wednesday that Israel is a "disgraceful blot" that should be "wiped off the map" — fiery words that Washington said underscores its concern over Iran's nuclear program.

More bashing of the moslem world? Limbering us all up for extending the "war against terror" to Iran? Planning to bring the coca-cola/macdonalds culture to a country "near you".
If any state needs to have its nuclear capability taken away from it that is israel,the rogue state par excellence and not forgetting its enforcer,the USA.
Aryan Imperium said:
More bashing of the moslem world? Limbering us all up for extending the "war against terror" to Iran? Planning to bring the coca-cola/macdonalds culture to a country "near you".
If any state needs to have its nuclear capability taken away from it that is israel,the rogue state par excellence and not forgetting its enforcer,the USA.

What do you got against Coka-Cola?
Has Iran shown it's true colours ?
Or are the Iranians just having a hard time reeling in their President, just like the US.
Old and wise said:
And just who in hell are we to tell a sovereign government what they can and can not have. Has Hitler been reincarnated?

1.) Iran is a TERRORIST country who cannot be trusted with nuclear weapons.

2,) They will use them on us and our allies.

Aryan Imperium said:
More bashing of the moslem world? Limbering us all up for extending the "war against terror" to Iran? Planning to bring the coca-cola/macdonalds culture to a country "near you".
If any state needs to have its nuclear capability taken away from it that is israel,the rogue state par excellence and not forgetting its enforcer,the USA.

Isreal has to have nukes to keep Irand and other terroist nations in check. Also .. I wish you would stop pretending that Iran's government is noble. Iran's government is a collection of terrorists and not a bloody thing more.

Shame on you for supporting terrorist proliferation of nuclear weapons.
GySgt said:
1) Israel should not be permitted to attack Irans nuclear site for the same reasons we didn't allow them to be involved in the Gulf War. If you are confused by this.....you should remind yourself that even Saddam knew how big it would have been by dragging Israel into the war and then you should go hang your head in ignorant shame.

2) Israel is an ally. Period. We do not turn our backs on allies. This is what Europeans do.

3) Who are we to tell a soverign country what they can and can't do? We are the United States of America and they are Iran. Passivity, appeasement and cowardice only encourage them and make it easier for them to draw strength. It is never a mistake to strike down an enemy who has sworn to kill us--as both our Islamic and secular Middle-Eastern enemies hope to do. The idea of absolute state sovereignty is relatively new, and it derives from agreements among kings, emperors, kaisers, and czars for their mutual benefit. What we're left with from the state making of seventeenth- and eighteenth-century Europe is a legacy that tells us we cannot intervene in states as they slaughter their own citizens because they're sovereign. By that logic, Hitler would have been perfectly legitimate as long as he killed only German Jews. It's patently flawed logic. Any state that benefits only a dictatorship, oligarchy, or clique, that oppresses, brutalizes, calls for the destruction of other countries while seeking nuclear power, and even massacres elements of its own citizenry, has no legitimate claim on sovereignty—period.

If a mass murderer has been released from prison, lives in your neighborhood, and has declared that he is going to "destroy" you...who are you to tell him that he can't buy a gun? Old and wise?....maybe just old.

4) Israel has every right to protect itself against terrorism just like we do. They owe no apologies and to declare them a terrorist state for retaliating against the tyranny of Islamic extremists is ignorant. We have supported Israel since 1949 when they were inducted into the UN. It has nothing to do with how many Jews are in the States...unless we also support Japan because of all the Japanese in our country too.

5) About 70% of Iran's population is younger than 30, and disenchanted. Ayatollah Khomeini's revolution brutalized Islam. Far from inaugurating a perfect society, the tyranny of the mullahs alienated the young from religion and generated cynicism toward the clergy. Mohammad Khatami seems to want a complete embracement to the days Khomeini. Iraqi democracy may prove the downfall of Iran's mullahs and we should be there to nudge the revolution.

Well...I think that pretty much covers it.

Well said and HOORAH!!!
Donkey1499 said:
Good luck with getting support. Countries like France (who we bailed out of 3 wars) won't help. America is on its own, as usual.

I wouldn't ask the french to help... they surrendered during the opening day fireworks volley at Eurodisney!

The Brits will help, the germans will help, the Israelies will send forces, the Aussies will help, and they aren't the only ones.

Iran MUST be disarmed and their nuclear facilities must be destroyed.
2) Israel is an ally. Period. We do not turn our backs on allies. This is what Europeans do.

Yeah well. . .sometimes I wonder about Israel. Of course they have the right to protect themselves from terroism but not by bombing civillian homes.

I don't think we will invade Iran anyways. That would be almost like killing our supporters.
Aryan Imperium said:
More bashing of the moslem world? Limbering us all up for extending the "war against terror" to Iran? Planning to bring the coca-cola/macdonalds culture to a country "near you". If any state needs to have its nuclear capability taken away from it that is israel,the rogue state par excellence and not forgetting its enforcer,the USA.
Despite the numerous wars of aggression against it, Israel has never used a nuclear device nor has it ever threatened to use one. This is in sharp contrast to the continuous Armageddon rhetoric of the Iranian clerics.

Aryan would rather spare Iran the calories of modernity than safeguard its neighbors from the nuclear nightmare. Your sense of humanism is once again quite underwhelming.

Iran's president calls for Israel's destruction..

.......and says, "Israel should be wiped off the map, ..& other muslim countries that have signed peace accords with Israel should fear the wrath of the muslim people!

So, ...when are the majority of democrats going to finally realize that INDEED it IS a war of Islam against everybody else whether it be in Baghdad, Israel, America or Iran.

They have been sharpening their sticks for war ever since the reprobate Mohammed islamidized the middle east in the 7th century.

Cut NO deals, feel no guilt, & for damn sakes NEVER feel sorry for taking the war to the Muslim fanatics.

Mahoud Ahmadinejad might have just signed his OWN death certificate, & I hope that Israel places HIM squarely in their crosshairs.

Am I an Israel supporter, & lover of jews?.....You betcha, & proud of it too, & not even jewish myself.

Christians are "spiritual Israel", ...& us Christians will boldly drink from the same cup with my brother, Israel!
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