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Iran Nuclear Crisis Produces Flashback (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Dec 14, 2005
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Country 'A' is evil and has and/or is developing nuclear weapons!
A coalition of governments refer Country 'A' to the U.N.
Country 'A' threatens the U.S. with 'Harm and Pain'.

This was the scenario with Iraq just prior to the war, country 'A' being Iraq. Swap the name 'Iran' for Iraq, and you have the present-day Iranian Nuclear Program.

The Iranian ambassador has promised the U.S. that it will cause us 'harm and pain' if we continue with pressing the U.N. to do something about Iran's nuclear program. Iran also said that we are 'susceptible to harm and pain'!

I find it interesting that the nation that has manned, funded, and supplied the insurgency in Iraq that has killed Americans and muslims, who has declared Israel must be wiped from the face of the planet, who has admittet they plan to do it, who believes that the Muslim equivalent to Jesus is coming back in 2 years to be ushered in by the beginning of Armagedon - the nuclear attack on Israel, and whose nuclear program is scheduled to be able to produce, coincidentally, a nuke within 2 years is calling the United states 'war mongers'! :shock:

On a side note, we all know how the U.N. $crewed the last such event up to high heaven, anyone got any confidence in the U.N. or the world community to resolve the issue THIS time? :doh
Maybe there is hope for the world after all - latest report has Russia, France, German, and China strongly on our side and leading in some areas/sanctions to prevent Iran from getting nukes! This is a big change from the Iraq pre-war stage when these Oil-4-Food buddies bitterly opposed anything being done to Iraq!
easyt65 said:
Country 'A' is evil and has and/or is developing nuclear weapons!
A coalition of governments refer Country 'A' to the U.N.
Country 'A' threatens the U.S. with 'Harm and Pain'.

This was the scenario with Iraq just prior to the war, country 'A' being Iraq. Swap the name 'Iran' for Iraq, and you have the present-day Iranian Nuclear Program.

The Iranian ambassador has promised the U.S. that it will cause us 'harm and pain' if we continue with pressing the U.N. to do something about Iran's nuclear program. Iran also said that we are 'susceptible to harm and pain'!

I find it interesting that the nation that has manned, funded, and supplied the insurgency in Iraq that has killed Americans and muslims, who has declared Israel must be wiped from the face of the planet, who has admittet they plan to do it, who believes that the Muslim equivalent to Jesus is coming back in 2 years to be ushered in by the beginning of Armagedon - the nuclear attack on Israel, and whose nuclear program is scheduled to be able to produce, coincidentally, a nuke within 2 years is calling the United states 'war mongers'! :shock:

On a side note, we all know how the U.N. $crewed the last such event up to high heaven, anyone got any confidence in the U.N. or the world community to resolve the issue THIS time? :doh

Anyone care to wager that Bush just might start the 'war-drums' going with Iran just to distract form Iraq and the Republican 'Culture of Corruption' scandals?

Can anyone put it past the buffoon Bush to consider attacking Iran just to quench his politically-correct, r-wing war-monger agenda? Gotta drive up those dismal approval-ratings you know.
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The more they continue to spew forth this brand of rhetoric, the more other countries in the U.N will realize their intentions are indeed geared to WMD's. I don't know what kind of "harm and pain" they intend for us, but this will only bring this country more closely together, and we all know what happens when you, "awake the sleeping giant":shock:

I actually think the U.N will work much more efficiently to address this issue, after such a failure with Iraq last time around. I am also very pleased to have Bolton there, especially in these very serious, and precarious times.
KidRocks said:
Anyone care to wager that Bush just might start the 'war-drums' going with Iran just to distract form Iraq and the Republican 'Culture of Corruption' scandals?

Can anyone put it past the buffoon Bush to consider attacking Iran just to quench his politically-correct, r-wing war-monger agenda? Gotta drive up those dismal approval-ratings you know.

Whoa, there boy! Rein in the bush bashing rhetoric for a second! We are talking about a country so scary that RUSSIA and China took the lead in referring them to the U.N. Council! this is a country that wants to welcome in the Muslim Messiah within the next 2 years by introducing the world to 'Armagedon' with a Nuclear Cloud where Israel USED to be! I know you hate Bush down to the bottom of your soul, but if you can't see that these guys are INASANE and a threat to the world, you are letting your hatred for bush cloud your judgement!
KidRocks said:
Anyone care to wager that Bush just might start the 'war-drums' going with Iran just to distract form Iraq and the Republican 'Culture of Corruption' scandals?

Can anyone put it past the buffoon Bush to consider attacking Iran just to quench his politically-correct, r-wing war-monger agenda? Gotta drive up those dismal approval-ratings you know.

Don't look now, kid, but your extreme case of BDS is showing. It would be a good for you to not let your BDS get in the way of common sense.

BTW, neither Bush nor anyone else is having to "start wardrums going" - the Iranians are doing that just fine all by themselves.

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