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Iran fall under pressure? (1 Viewer)

Do you think Iran will succumb to the pressures of the UN, EU, and the US?

  • Yes

    Votes: 2 25.0%
  • No

    Votes: 6 75.0%
  • Really don't care

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Opinion unavailable [please post]

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Benevolent Dictator
DP Veteran
May 19, 2004
Reaction score
Political Leaning
Libertarian - Right
Do you think Iran will succumb to the pressures of the UN, European Union, and the US?

Source: Reuters

TEHRAN (Reuters) - Iran defiantly insisted Saturday it would never give up its nuclear fuel program despite a new united policy of incentives and threats from Washington and the European Union.

"The Islamic Republic of Iran is determined to use peaceful nuclear technology and no pressure, intimidation or threat can make Iran give up its right," Foreign Ministry spokesman Hamid Reza Asefi said.

Tehran says its nuclear facilities will only be used to generate electricity and never diverted to weapons production.

The EU and Washington, which suspect Iran could use its nuclear power program to make atomic bombs, unveiled a coordinated carrot and stick approach on Friday aimed at pressuring Tehran to give up sensitive activities like uranium enrichment which can be used to make bomb-grade fuel.

Iran has frozen enrichment while it tries to reach a negotiated settlement about its nuclear program with the EU big three Britain, Germany and France.

While the EU trio said they would back U.S. demands to send Iran's case to the U.N. Security Council if it resumed enrichment, Washington, in a policy shift, offered practical backing for the EU's diplomatic approach. Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice said Washington would allow Iran to begin talks on joining the World Trade Organization (WTO) and would consider letting it buy civilian airline parts if it ceased all activities that could produce fuel for nuclear power plants or atomic weapons.
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vauge said:
Do you think Iran will succumb to the pressures of the UN, European Union, and the US?
No, not to the E.U. or the U.N. They have demonstrated that there is no consequences to any demands made. Why would Iran comply with people who cannot and will not back up what they demand or say?
Batman said:
No, not to the E.U. or the U.N. They have demonstrated that there is no consequences to any demands made. Why would Iran comply with people who cannot and will not back up what they demand or say?

The same could be said about the US, America couldn't invade Iran and they know this. They know if that you even bomb Iran that thousands of more civilians-turned-terrorists would flow over the border with Iraq. They also know that the quicker they build a bomb the safer they will be, they just look over at America's complacence with North Korea to know this to be true. They know that the US army is really really stretched thin already and it is at it's weakest point in decades.

The REAL reason probably for all this is to ensure that Israel is the only nuclear nation in the region, to ensure Israel's supremcey over the Middle-East.

To be honest Batman, if they want a nuke they will build one whether the US likes it or not, just like North Korea (and they had China breathing down their neck too).

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