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Iowa sending absentee ballots to everyone (1 Viewer)

Till a court stops them.....

In August, the Trump campaign sued three Iowa counties over their absentee ballot request forms. The campaign argued that the mail-in ballot applications sent to Linn, Woodbury and Johnson counties violate a directive from Pate stating that the forms must be completely blank when they are sent out.

In Linn and Woodbury counties, a judge ruled in favor of President Trump’s reelection campaign and decided that forms that were prefilled by county auditors were invalid.

In Johnson County litigation over similar forms is ongoing.

“For those voters in Linn and Woodbury counties, if you returned a prefilled absentee request form from your county auditor, I encourage you to fill out this official form and return it,” Pate said.

“Unfortunately, we had a few county auditors who made reckless decisions that have confused voters and possibly disenfranchised them. This mailing from my office will help ensure those Iowans receive ballots and are able to vote.”
yet another Republican in favor of making it harder to vote.

anyone surprised?
Till a court stops them.....

In August, the Trump campaign sued three Iowa counties over their absentee ballot request forms. The campaign argued that the mail-in ballot applications sent to Linn, Woodbury and Johnson counties violate a directive from Pate stating that the forms must be completely blank when they are sent out.

In Linn and Woodbury counties, a judge ruled in favor of President Trump’s reelection campaign and decided that forms that were prefilled by county auditors were invalid.

In Johnson County litigation over similar forms is ongoing.

“For those voters in Linn and Woodbury counties, if you returned a prefilled absentee request form from your county auditor, I encourage you to fill out this official form and return it,” Pate said.

“Unfortunately, we had a few county auditors who made reckless decisions that have confused voters and possibly disenfranchised them. This mailing from my office will help ensure those Iowans receive ballots and are able to vote.”

Can't have people voting safely during a pandemic.
Can't have people voting safely during a pandemic.

Funny people can peacefully protest safely? Walmart can sell stuff safely? I have voted twice in person and it was done safely!
People want to muck up the election because Trump is going to be reelected! Try as they might it won't work!

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