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Introduction (1 Viewer)

GI Joe

Active member
Mar 20, 2006
Reaction score
Cleveland Ohio
Political Leaning
Hello everybody, just wanted to introduce myself. just a casual look around here and I see a few familiar faces such as Captain America and Jamesrage.

I am a right winger on issues dealing with foreign policy and most economics and am liberal to moderate on many social issues.

I work for myself and own a couple different succesful companies
I love Baseball, Football , Basketball. I am an avid boater, love motorcycles and love to shoot weapons
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Welcome to Debate Politics! :2wave:
GI Joe said:
Hello everybody, just wanted to introduce myself. just a casual look around here and I see a few familiar faces such as Captain America and Jamesrage.

I am a right winger on issues dealing with foreign policy and most economics and am liberal to moderate on many social issues.

I work for myself and own a couple different succesful companies
I love Baseball, Football , Basketball. I am an avid boater, love motorcycles and love to shoot weapons

Welcome to DP, hope you enjoy your stay!:2wave:
Hello, GI Joe!:2wave:

Welcome to DP, Joe! :2wave:
GI Joe said:
Hello everybody, just wanted to introduce myself. just a casual look around here and I see a few familiar faces such as Captain America and Jamesrage.

I am a right winger on issues dealing with foreign policy and most economics and am liberal to moderate on many social issues.

I work for myself and own a couple different succesful companies
I love Baseball, Football , Basketball. I am an avid boater, love motorcycles and love to shoot weapons

Stay around for a bit, you might like it here.Missouri Mule recomended this site to me.



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