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Introduction of tecoyah (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Sep 30, 2005
Reaction score
Louisville, KY
Political Leaning
Slightly Conservative
Hello to all that venture to read this....

I am hopeful this will prove to be a good place for actual discussion/debate as it seems to be such from what I have read, thanks for that. I Moderate on another forum with a tough politics board, and so it is difficult to actually join in on the debate, as it takes away from the ability to quell the flinging firebrands of polarization. So....Here I am, now to Lurk for a few.
Hello tecoyah!

Welcome to Debate Politics!

I understand, it can be a challenge to call out an issue without being labeled. We try our best to throw
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around our actions in hopes of curbing that.

If you don't mind sharing, what board do you mod? No biggy if you wish to remain private.
vauge said:
Welcome to Debate Politics!

I understand, it can be a challenge to call out an issue without being labeled. We try our best to throw
Moderator's Warning:
around our actions in hopes of curbing that.

If you don't mind sharing, what board do you mod? No biggy if you wish to remain private.
Moderator's Warning:

I am part of the TFP staff (Tilted Forum Project), More of a community than a Forum in many respects. Excellent people, constantly Evolving, and quite a bit of fun as well. Gotta say , I very much enjoy the atmosphere in here , just enough edge to make it interesting. And Kuddos the the Mod staff , Politics is by far the hardest thing to keep civil.

Thanx for this place.....and great Job!
Wow, that is a big community!
Welcome to DP tecoyah :2wave:

No need to lurk... jump right in!


Glad you decided to be here.
Simon W. Moon said:
Glad you decided to be here.

As Am I.....nice to take the gloves off a bit
But, Dont worry....I read the Rules....heh
tecoyah said:
As Am I.....nice to take the gloves off a bit
But, Dont worry....I read the Rules....heh
I took my gloves off too...

It a lot easier to handle the baseball bat!:cool:
So.....tell me....do you find the wooden bats better for slamming Trolls.....I do. I will Say the Aliminum has a nice ring after it bonces off a spammers head though.....heh
tecoyah said:
So.....tell me....do you find the wooden bats better for slamming Trolls.....I do. I will Say the Aliminum has a nice ring after it bonces off a spammers head though.....heh
Wooden bats are MUCH better...They give more splinters to the people I use it on...

Although I'm not gonna tell you where I put the bat!:2wave:
cnredd said:
Wooden bats are MUCH better...They give more splinters to the people I use it on...

Although I'm not gonna tell you where I put the bat!:2wave:

heh....I have found a broomstick, and sledgehammer are more effective in that....uh....Area.
Hi tecoyah. So your birthday is coming up, huh? :lol:

Welcome (I'm a newbie too).
aps said:
Hi tecoyah. So your birthday is coming up, huh? :lol:

Welcome (I'm a newbie too).
204 posts and you call yourself a "newbie"?...:confused:
cnredd said:
204 posts and you call yourself a "newbie"?...:confused:

I have been here for only one month, cnredd. That's not a newbie?
aps said:
I have been here for only one month, cnredd. That's not a newbie?
Look at the number of my posts...

Then look how long I've been here...:cool:
Newbie has such a negative ring to it....I think I will be a slightly used virgin.....
cnredd said:
Look at the number of my posts...

Then look how long I've been here...:cool:

Holy Moses! You're cute, cnredd. :rofl
tecoyah said:
Newbie has such a negative ring to it....I think I will be a slightly used virgin.....

I love the term newbie, but "slightly used virgin" is hilarious!
Hey Aps...cnredd sent me his senior picture one day when he and I became buddy-buddy. Thought I'd share it with you.

Ahhh...yes, the famous Denim Jedi, help you he can.
Rather than waste bandwidth on another thread.....
Tecoyah dragged me in here against my will because he is so afraid of dark alleys, strange people and less than flattering commentary that I had no choice but to acquiesce and join him:lol:

Y'all sure do say a lot! I'm enjoying the reads so far though:2wave:
Later Folks....thanx for the ride

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