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Interview with US/Mexican/Canadian Presidents (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Dec 14, 2005
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Political Leaning
I was watching the interview the 3 leaders from down in Cancun, listening to the questions afterwards, and I could not help but make some mental notes and realize there were some quuestions left un-asked.

1. I thought Bush's praise of NAFTA and how we have all gotten richer from NAFTA was so much CR@P! Ask the American produce growers how the influx of cheap Mexican goods into the market have made them richer. Ask the people who have lost jobs because we have allowed companies to close down in the US and take them to other places where they can get slave-labor to do the work and then bring the goods un-taxed back into the U.S. for sale to the Americans they left behind without jobs - ask those families how we have all gotten richer thanks to NAFTA!

Some questions that were not asked of the Mexcian leader:

1. Why is Mexico unable to stop the mass exit of Mexicans illegally into the United States?

2. What do you propose to do to stop it?

3. Would you go 'halfsies' on the Fences we are proposing/going to put up between our countries? Would mining portions of the border help you keep more of your people from illegally crossing into the U.S.? (And NO, I am not seriously advocating such a thing!)

4. Why is the Mexican Goverment filing law suits FOR the Mexicans who are crossing the border illegally, trespassing on U.S. citizens' property, and doing damage to that property? Why aren't these people being punished instead?

5. What is the Mexican goverment doing about making their own country better so that there is not such a great need for Mexicans to come to the United States in order to make a living or survive?

6. What are you doing to stop the rempant Identity Theft and Document forgery going on in your country to assist Mexicans to come into the United states illegally?

7. Why is the Mexican military escorting drug runners/dealers across the border into the united states? Why is the Mexican military firing on U.S. border Patrol, as has been reported in these incidents?

8. Is the Mexican Goverment taking action to eliminate the reported wide-spread corruption within the military?

9. Would you like to be annexed if you can not solve your own country's immigration and internal problems?

10. Is it still true that no one should drink the water when they come to Mexico? Why is that? Are you doing something about that?
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Also, the 'Guest Worker Program' is a JOKE!

Everyone agrees that workers who come into the U.S. on a guest woker visa/'temp pass' will bring their family, have kids, and begin to settle down. Before long, you will be right back to where you were, discussing the idea of giving Amnesty and legalizing all of the immigrants in the country!

Close the freakin' borders 1st. It HAS to start with the illegal flow into this country!

Presdident Fox is a JOKE! He did not agree to join bush is stopping any of the illegal flow from Mexico into the U.S. whathe said was that it was up to Bush to get a bill through the U.S. Congress! It is not just the U.S.'s problem - it has to be made painfully aware to Prseident Fox that we are not going to pay economically for his inability to help prevent HIS people from coming across the border!

I would start by fining the CR@P out of Mexico, forcing them to share the financial burden of his people's illegal influx into the states. youdo not have to wait for him to pay any such fine, you just reduce financial aid to his country by that much money!

I would also have the U.S. Federal Govt. go tit-for-tat on behalf of the American People along the border by filing law suits against the country of Mexico for damages caused as a result of trespassing by HIS people coming across our borders illegally! I would even list prseident Fox n the suit as well, as he is responsible for his people!

President Fox is laughing at the U.S. and telling Bush that the flow of Mexicans into the united States is His/OUR problem, NOT His (Fox's) or Mexicos! We need to something to MAKE it his problem as well!

(Meanwhile, there is a Latino Protestor calling for all Latinos to protest the Americaneconomy by closing down on 1 day in protest of wanting to stop Mexicans from coming across the border illegally!:shock:)
easyt65 said:
Also, the 'Guest Worker Program' is a JOKE!

Everyone agrees that workers who come into the U.S. on a guest woker visa/'temp pass' will bring their family, have kids, and begin to settle down. Before long, you will be right back to where you were, discussing the idea of giving Amnesty and legalizing all of the immigrants in the country!

Close the freakin' borders 1st. It HAS to start with the illegal flow into this country!

I think money transactions between the US and mexico needs to stop.Businesses who hire illegal aliens should be severely punished,wthose who help or aid illegal aliens in any way should be seveerely punished,treason should be a crim.Encouraging people to invade our country illegally should be seen as treason.Those who commit treason should be either shot or imprisoned for life.
easyt65 said:
1. I thought Bush's praise of NAFTA and how we have all gotten richer from NAFTA was so much CR@P! Ask the American produce growers how the influx of cheap Mexican goods into the market have made them richer.

When politicians say that NAFTA makes all participants richer, they don't mean that every single person in every single participating country benefits. Industries simply go where they're most efficient.

easyt65 said:
Ask the people who have lost jobs because we have allowed companies to close down in the US and take them to other places where they can get slave-labor to do the work and then bring the goods un-taxed back into the U.S. for sale to the Americans they left behind without jobs - ask those families how we have all gotten richer thanks to NAFTA!

You overlook all of the foreign companies that have invested in American workers, many of whose countries would respond with retaliatory measures against American protectionism.

easyt65 said:
1. Why is Mexico unable to stop the mass exit of Mexicans illegally into the United States?

Umm, because it's not Mexico's problem. It's not even really that big of a problem for the United States, but the onus is on the US in this case.

easyt65 said:
2. What do you propose to do to stop it?

If YOU were the leader of Mexico, would YOU want to stop it? Why should he be expected to stop it?

easyt65 said:
3. Would you go 'halfsies' on the Fences we are proposing/going to put up between our countries? Would mining portions of the border help you keep more of your people from illegally crossing into the U.S.? (And NO, I am not seriously advocating such a thing!)

Then why suggest it?

easyt65 said:
4. Why is the Mexican Goverment filing law suits FOR the Mexicans who are crossing the border illegally, trespassing on U.S. citizens' property, and doing damage to that property? Why aren't these people being punished instead?

Because they're helping the American economy, helping the Mexican economy, and helping their families make better lives for themselves. If you want an example of what happens when countries treat illegal immigrants like common criminals, look at France and Italy. How is the integration working there?
Kandahar said:
Umm, because it's not Mexico's problem. It's not even really that big of a problem for the United States, but the onus is on the US in this case....Because they're helping the American economy, helping the Mexican economy, and helping their families make better lives for themselves.

That is why I suggest we make it Mexico's problem! Their corrupt military is escorting drug dealers across the border, even firing on our Border Patrol t times. THAT can be considered an act of war! I think we should make THAT clear to Fox. Helping the economy.

There have been studies that show the economic drain on the country in terms of SS, welfare, 'free' medical care given to illegals at hospitals (because they can not afford to pay for health care - they are collapsing our health care system), all the money taken OUT of the economy as it is taken back to Mexico, etc...outweighs any good done to the economy.Take into account the illegal activity, rapes, murders, etc done (and documented) by illegals, take into account the damage to private property being done by illegals 'sneaking' in and the law suits filed on their behalf by the Mexican Govt (which our stupid justice system has actually found in their favor at times) which has STOLEN entire farms and homes from LEGAL Americans who were defending their property from Criminals (people who are breaking the law), and the FBI's recent announcement about how Hez Bola, the terrorist group has been smuggling in terrorists and Mexicans (to make money) , and you have far more damage being done than good. Oh, it is defintely good for the Mexican Govt./economy! As long as Mexico can mooch off the U.S. at our expense, they will. That is why we need to close the borders and have them fix their own country instead of running for a free hand-out in the U.S.!

And there are plenty of law-abiding foreigners who are obeying the law and using the system to get into this country.

You're right - up until now, Fox has had no reason to consider it his problem or do anything about it. that is why we should make it his pronblem.

The next time the Border patrol sees the Mexican military escorting drug dealers across our border, we should light them up - Use helos, military jets, whatever you need/can, and wipe 'em out. When Fox gets the news that several of his soldiers and some of his military vehicles were destroyed ON U.S. PROPERTY, maybe he will start to think this may be his problem, too.

Meanwhile, the U.S. dollars to Mexico should stop flowing, and we should tell Fox that we are unable to send Mexico aid money because we are already providing his people aid in the U.S., paying for it with the money Mexico would have gotten. That will vertainly get his attention.

Finally, we should close the borders by any way possible, which will probably mean using a fence and military on the borders.

If you want an example of what happens when countries treat illegal immigrants like common criminals...[/QUOTE]

You said it in your own words - ILLEGAL immigrants ARE common criminals! They are breaking laws: immigration laws, trespassing, theft, illegally obtaining jobs...and more! If you break the law, you are a criminal.

BTW, Last year Mexico caught over a quarter of a million illegal immigrants coming into their country from THEIR southern border, and they tred to send almost every one back - deporting them.

Many politicians are saying that there are 12 Million illegals in this country and we can not do anything about them; meanwhile, there are more coming everyday! We have to seal the border 1st to prevent more from flooding in and THEN continue this discussion!

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