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internet sales tax (1 Viewer)


Oct 22, 2005
Reaction score
Political Leaning
Very Liberal
I'm lucky enough to live in a state that doesn't charge a tax for purchases made over the internet. However, I migrate a lot looking for a better life, and I know that places like California, Texas, and New York do tax internet purchases.

Correct me if I'm wrong, but isn't a state internet tax unconstitutional? In Article 1 section 9, where it lists the powers denied the states, you will find the clause "No state shall... nor lay any tax, duty or impost on imports or exports except what may be absolutely necessary for carrying out its inspection laws." This means that states can't tax interstate or foreign commerce, and unless a purchase over the internet ships within state borders, it is clearly interstate/foreign commerce.

So, how can we work to abolish this tax?
dstebbins said:
I'm lucky enough to live in a state that doesn't charge a tax for purchases made over the internet. However, I migrate a lot looking for a better life, and I know that places like California, Texas, and New York do tax internet purchases.

Correct me if I'm wrong, but isn't a state internet tax unconstitutional? In Article 1 section 9, where it lists the powers denied the states, you will find the clause "No state shall... nor lay any tax, duty or impost on imports or exports except what may be absolutely necessary for carrying out its inspection laws." This means that states can't tax interstate or foreign commerce, and unless a purchase over the internet ships within state borders, it is clearly interstate/foreign commerce.

So, how can we work to abolish this tax?

NY state (where I reside, and even do personal income taxes) does not actually "tax" internet purchases. They have a "use tax" clause which people are supposed to claim the amount of internet, reservation, and foriegn purchases, and pay taxes on them. I've done hundreds of returns, and no one does.
libertarian_knight said:
NY state (where I reside, and even do personal income taxes) does not actually "tax" internet purchases. They have a "use tax" clause which people are supposed to claim the amount of internet, reservation, and foriegn purchases, and pay taxes on them. I've done hundreds of returns, and no one does.
that's still an interstate commerce tax, and you understand, don't you, that you're committing tax fruad? That's a serious crime, and if they find out you're doing this, by by life as a non-felon.

Imagine if we could abolish even that on the grounds of unconstitutionality. I came up with an idea on how we can accomplish this after posting this thread:

The Judicial branch is responsible for upholding the Constitution. Maybe we can get a Supreme Court ruling that nullifies these taxes. Whaddaya think?
dstebbins said:
that's still an interstate commerce tax, and you understand, don't you, that you're committing tax fruad? That's a serious crime, and if they find out you're doing this, by by life as a non-felon.

Imagine if we could abolish even that on the grounds of unconstitutionality. I came up with an idea on how we can accomplish this after posting this thread:

The Judicial branch is responsible for upholding the Constitution. Maybe we can get a Supreme Court ruling that nullifies these taxes. Whaddaya think?

Why? I think you are being a little prejudical is stating I have comitted any sort of fraund, and I resent the implication. As a tax preparer I am NOT accountable for fraud or omission by my clients, the tax payer must ensure their tax form is correct, and they are liable for it.

haha, the SCOTUS is part of the state. We could also get the SCOTUS to abolish income taxes also (there are judicial grounds, but not going to get into them here). However, do you think any anti-tax judge will get a nomination? hehe
libertarian_knight said:
Why? I think you are being a little prejudical is stating I have comitted any sort of fraund, and I resent the implication. As a tax preparer I am NOT accountable for fraud or omission by my clients, the tax payer must ensure their tax form is correct, and they are liable for it.
Oh. I thought you were another taxpayer who is lieing on his tax return. My apologies.

haha, the SCOTUS is part of the state. We could also get the SCOTUS to abolish income taxes also (there are judicial grounds, but not going to get into them here).
I'm not saying we should abolish INCOME taxes. I'm saying we should abolish state internet taxes.

However, do you think any anti-tax judge will get a nomination? hehe
How many judges have been asked their position on taxes? In fact, I believe the biggest issue now with Samuel Alito is abortion. Sure they'll make an opinion when the situation arises, but only then.
dstebbins said:
Oh. I thought you were another taxpayer who is lieing on his tax return. My apologies.

I'm not saying we should abolish INCOME taxes. I'm saying we should abolish state internet taxes.

How many judges have been asked their position on taxes? In fact, I believe the biggest issue now with Samuel Alito is abortion. Sure they'll make an opinion when the situation arises, but only then.

Heh, the biggest PUBLIC concern is abortion, because it's the safe debate. It's an acceptable debate. The dems and reps aren't going to debate over the validity of taxes of any kind really, because, with the exception of the estate/death tax, they all agree.

See, all dems and all reps want income taxes, with a very few exceptions. SO alito may have been asked his tax postition, or offered opinion on them, but why would dems and reps want to stir up a tax debate?

It may not even be known, but assumed, the point is if alito say, publically spoke out against the income tax, and multi trillion dollar federal budgets, you think he would been given the nomination?
for the millionth time, this is NOT about income taxes! For GOD'S SAKE! If you're going to do nothing but put words in my mouth, go back to butt****ing your mother.
dstebbins said:
for the millionth time, this is NOT about income taxes! For GOD'S SAKE! If you're going to do nothing but put words in my mouth, go back to butt****ing your mother.

I don't GIVE A damn what you think it was about, the CORE issue is governments are not going to appoint ANY anti-tax judge

grow up. I didn't attribute ANY statement to you. I was useing a related more common and larger in scope example to help clarify and issue for you. Magically it's all about you now.

tried to help you understand, you couldn't do it, and got made, have fun by yourself.
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dstebbins said:
for the millionth time, this is NOT about income taxes! For GOD'S SAKE! If you're going to do nothing but put words in my mouth, go back to butt****ing your mother.

[Moderator Mode]

I suggest you either take this trash to the Basement or walk away from your computer and take a deep breath...

This form of debate will NOT be tolerated in the public forums...

[/Moderator Mode]
Okay, after that incident, let me restart the discussion. Internet taxes are bad because the Internet grew with one key ingredient, no government regulation. Regulate it and you ruin it. Like Ronald Reagan said about government's philosophy, if it moves, regulate it, if it keeps moving, subsidize it.
dstebbins said:
I'm not saying we should abolish INCOME taxes. I'm saying we should abolish state internet taxes.

:rofl I love the way liberals love taxes except when they have to pay them.

Hey take it to the SCOTUS, I'd love to see it abolished (we have it here), but so far it's been held up in the courts.
Axismaster said:
Okay, after that incident, let me restart the discussion. Internet taxes are bad because the Internet grew with one key ingredient, no government regulation. Regulate it and you ruin it. Like Ronald Reagan said about government's philosophy, if it moves, regulate it, if it keeps moving, subsidize it.

A sales tax is not regulatory. Corporate income taxes, polution taxes, employement taxes, regulatory fees, compliance etc are. If you are going to tax the sales tax is the least invasive and least costly to the economy.

But taking your theory if no taxing at all is so good for the interent market/economy just imagine if we did the same for the total economy? Let's not tax any business or investment activity, just imagine how good that would be.

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