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Interesting Tidbit (1 Viewer)


Active member
Sep 21, 2005
Reaction score
Eagle River, Alaska
Political Leaning
I heard this today and thought it was kind of.. interesting to say the least!

the making of girls gone wild is donating all their profits from the mardi gras film to the victims of hurricane katrina!

I just found that.. intreaging~
Did you hear about the next Mardi gras celebration in New Orleans?

Everything is going to be a float!(rimshot!):2wave:
cnredd said:
Did you hear about the next Mardi gras celebration in New Orleans?

Everything is going to be a float!(rimshot!):2wave:

Owww!!! That's horrible! But I'm still laughing!
cnredd said:
Did you hear about the next Mardi gras celebration in New Orleans?

Everything is going to be a float!(rimshot!):2wave:

Word is New Orleans will be celebrating Mardi Gras, many of the floats are built in Algers which was spared.

Of course you can always come here to the birthplace of Mardi Gras instead. Much more family friendly friendly also.

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