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Interesting Facts Concerning US Foreign Policy (1 Viewer)


Sep 23, 2005
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Here is a quote from Noam Chomsky's book "What Uncle Sam Really Wants"

"1. When US Forces entered Korea in 1945, they inaugurated a brutal repression, using Japanese fascist police and Koreans who had collaborated with them during the Japanese occupation. About 100,000 people were murdered in South Korea prior to what we call the Korean War.

2. After World War II, many Nazis were spirited off to Latin America, often with help from the Vatican and fascist priests. They became advisors to US-supported police states that were modeled, often quite openly, on the Third Reich, and taught local peasants torture techniques devised by the Gestapo.

3. A fascist coup in Columbia, inspired by Franco's Spain, brought little protest from the US government; neither did a military coup in Venezuela. But the first democratic government in Guatemala's history, which modeled itself on Roosevelt's New Deal, elicited a CIA-engineered coup that turned Guatemala into a hell on earth."
Chomsky is a blatant partisan who promotes anarchism and hangs out with the likes of Fidel Castro. I don't believe much of what he spouts simply because he is not in the know, many of his assertions are based on his hatred of republicans, and none can be verified. The man has an admitted agenda and forms his writings around that agenda.
Napoleon's Nightingale said:
Chomsky is a blatant partisan who promotes anarchism and hangs out with the likes of Fidel Castro. I don't believe much of what he spouts simply because he is not in the know, many of his assertions are based on his hatred of republicans, and none can be verified. The man has an admitted agenda and forms his writings around that agenda.

I think everybody has an agenda. Anybody who says they don't have an agenda is lying. At least Chomsky is honest. It's not to say that Chomsky is right about everything but he certainly is worth listening to and it doesn't mean that what he says is wrong, simply because you dislike him. He actually has alot of intelligent things to say. He is somebody who I listen to as well as others to develop a balanced point of view and conviction of how the world really works.
TimmyBoy said:
I think everybody has an agenda. Anybody who says they don't have an agenda is lying. At least Chomsky is honest. It's not to say that Chomsky is right about everything but he certainly is worth listening to and it doesn't mean that what he says is wrong, simply because you dislike him. He actually has alot of intelligent things to say. He is somebody who I listen to as well as others to develop a balanced point of view and conviction of how the world really works.

A balanced point of view? The fact that Chomsky is a blatant partisan pretty much does away with any possibility of deriving a balanced point of view from his assertions. The fact that he thinks anarchism is a good system really puts him out of contention in my mind. I sudgest you read the book "One-Dimensional Man" by Herbert Marcuse.
Napoleon's Nightingale said:
A balanced point of view? The fact that Chomsky is a blatant partisan pretty much does away with any possibility of deriving a balanced point of view from his assertions. The fact that he thinks anarchism is a good system really puts him out of contention in my mind. I sudgest you read the book "One-Dimensional Man" by Herbert Marcuse.

I'm not interested in debating anarchism or Chomsky. Here is my question to you. Do you dispute these facts that were stated by Chomsky in my original post?
TimmyBoy said:
I'm not interested in debating anarchism or Chomsky. Here is my question to you. Do you dispute these facts that were stated by Chomsky in my original post?

Yes, I do dispute them. There's no substance to those accusations..he provides no evidence to back up his opinions..and that is all they are..opinions.
Napoleon's Nightingale said:
Yes, I do dispute them. There's no substance to those accusations..he provides no evidence to back up his opinions..and that is all they are..opinions.

Ha ha ha ha ha ha! Yeah right. They are all perfectly correct and if you do some research you will find those statements are accurate.
TimmyBoy said:
Ha ha ha ha ha ha! Yeah right. They are all perfectly correct and if you do some research you will find those statements are accurate.

I'm going to pick them apart one by one...watch.

1. This is an incredibly obtuse and innacurate statement. The Japaneese were disarmed and kicked out. The American's did NOT employ Korean fighters. Once Syngman Rhee was democratically elected severe oposition and political unrest gripped South Korea. Syngman Rhee was supported by the U.S. but not militarily. The marxist and socialist fighters are responsible for those deaths during their campaigns againt Sygman Rhee and eventually against themselves. Of course, Chamsky would never want you to know that the very people he supports are the ones who are acctually responsible for those deaths.

2. He fails to name 1 such person who became an advisor "to US-supported police states that were modeled, often quite openly, on the Third Reich, and taught local peasants torture techniques devised by the Gestapo."

3.Arbenz Guzman was the Adolf Hitler of the western hemposhpere. His supporters massacred over 100,000 people in an ethnic cleansing spree. He was also very sympathetic to the USSR and Cuba. It was essentially an extension to the Cold War. President Alavo Arzu was democratically elected. Once again Chomskys analysis fails to mention vital details..why? Because he also believes in form of marxism and any attempt to get rid of it is percieved as a crime to him.
TimmyBoy said:
Ha ha ha ha ha ha! Yeah right. They are all perfectly correct and if you do some research you will find those statements are accurate.

they all check out fine
some people dont have a balanced point of view because they shut out all that shakes their foundations

such tidbits that the USA trained and formed Al queda
ho chi men was on America's side in ww2
america provoked japan into attacking pearl habour
so that the american people would support America entering the war

all the covert ops and cia govt. take downs

it is all too much for them to take in
America is the righteous with god on their side is their view to find out the truth would shake their very foundations to the core,prompting a mental break down.
they are the dumbed down boys of company C they wave their flags and
cheer for the good guys
finding out they are not the good guys would make them wet their pants
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gordon said:
they all check out fine
some people dont have a balanced point of view because they shut out all that shakes their foundations

such tidbits that the USA trained and formed Al queda
ho chi men was on America's side in ww2
america provoked japan into attacking pearl habour
so that the american people would support America entering the war

all the covert ops and cia govt. take downs

it is all too much for them to take in
America is the righteous with god on their side is their view to find out the truth would shake their very foundations to the core,prompting a mental break down.
they are the dumbed down boys of company C they wave their flags and
cheer for the good guys
finding out they are not the good guys would make them wet their pants

I wonder if it will be possible to one day have a world where no nation has a military. What would that be like?
Napoleon's Nightingale said:
3.Arbenz Guzman was the Adolf Hitler of the western hemposhpere. His supporters massacred over 100,000 people in an ethnic cleansing spree. He was also very sympathetic to the USSR and Cuba. It was essentially an extension to the Cold War. President Alavo Arzu was democratically elected. Once again Chomskys analysis fails to mention vital details..why? Because he also believes in form of marxism and any attempt to get rid of it is percieved as a crime to him.

That is your source? I just look it up in encarta and it didn't say anything about killing sprees during his presidancy. (Of course no source is perfect or have no bias but hopefulluy most people can agree that encarta is fairly unbias)


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