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Interesting choice of headlines... (1 Viewer)


Outer space potato man
DP Veteran
Feb 6, 2010
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Obama Gives Back Major Strip of AZ to Mexico | The FOX Nation

Google cache from a few days ago at Fox Nation.


That story no longer exists, hence the google cache.

FOXNews.com - Uptick in Violence Forces Closing of Parkland Along Mexico Border to Americans
Same story, new headline.

That is one hell of a spin. I've seen turbines in jets spin less!

About 3,500 acres of southern Arizona along the Mexican border is closed to U.S. citizens due to increased violence in the region.

I support this - I complain in another thread that a buffer zone of zil-inhabitation is ideal and the only way to secure a border . . . now the Mexican government needs to do the same . . . much like the DMZ.

If we had done this - and they had done that - then that young boy wouldn't be dead.

So much from seeing other people's problems in other countries and learning from their experience and mistakes.
Personally, I think both ideas are great. While the Brainquake’s got some slut-shaming going on, I don’t see why we can’t also brag about our accomplishments on a day when we fight oppression. I have read about the “show me your tits” responses, but I think it’s crap to use that as a reason not to partake in Boobquake. If you’re not comfortable with it, then fine, but don’t slut shame other women for it.

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