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Inter-Gender Champion (1 Viewer)

Was Andy Kauffman the legitimate Inter-Gender Wrestling Champion?

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Just waiting for my set...
DP Veteran
Sep 29, 2007
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Was Andy Kauffman the legitimate Inter-Gender Wrestling Champion? It is an interesting issue to contimplate.

WTF does inter gender mean? Intersex? Did someone look?
WTF does inter gender mean? Intersex? Did someone look?

Intergender is a variation in sex characteristics including chromosomes and or genitals that do not allow an individual to be directly identified as male or female. In other words, a "Whatchamacallit."
Interesting to whom?
Was Andy Kauffman the legitimate Inter-Gender Wrestling Champion? It is an interesting issue to contimplate.

I am a pro wrestling fan.

Kayfabe: He awarded the belt to himself. He never beat anyone for it. It would be like if I made a championship belt and declared myself champion. The claim to the championship is pretty dubious.

Reality: The championships are just props to further along storylines. No one "wins" the championship. The promoter says who wins and loses.

I miss older wrestling though. Just watched Fall Brawl 95 Arn Anderson vs. Ric Flair today, along with SuperBrawl 91, The Steiner Brothers vs. Sting and Lex Luger.

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