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Intellegent Design is not Based on Creation? (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Sep 30, 2005
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Louisville, KY
Political Leaning
Slightly Conservative
If indeed , as many of the christian sect claim, ID is not a way to get creationist thinking into the schools.....I would very much like to know where this came from.

DOVER, Pa. -- Pat Robertson had a special message for residents of Dover, Pa., today after voters there elected to boot the current school board, which instituted an intelligent design policy that led to a federal trial.

Robertson made the comment after Lee Webb of CBN News delivered a report on how residents in Dover voted in eight new Democratic board members, replacing all eight current members who had voted for a policy that required students in ninth-grade biology classes to hear a statement on intelligent design before hearing lessons on evolution. Webb then asked Robertson what he thought about the vote.

Here was Robertson's response.

"I'd like to say to the good citizens of Dover: If there is a disaster in your area, don't turn to God, you just rejected him from your city. And don't wonder why he hasn't helped you when problems begin, if they begin. I'm not saying they will, but if they do, just remember, you just voted God out of your city. And if that's the case, don't ask for his help because he might not be there."

the Link:

tecoyah said:
If indeed , as many of the christian sect claim, ID is not a way to get creationist thinking into the schools.....I would very much like to know where this came from.

DOVER, Pa. -- Pat Robertson had a special message for residents of Dover, Pa., today after voters there elected to boot the current school board, which instituted an intelligent design policy that led to a federal trial.

Robertson made the comment after Lee Webb of CBN News delivered a report on how residents in Dover voted in eight new Democratic board members, replacing all eight current members who had voted for a policy that required students in ninth-grade biology classes to hear a statement on intelligent design before hearing lessons on evolution. Webb then asked Robertson what he thought about the vote.

Here was Robertson's response.

"I'd like to say to the good citizens of Dover: If there is a disaster in your area, don't turn to God, you just rejected him from your city. And don't wonder why he hasn't helped you when problems begin, if they begin. I'm not saying they will, but if they do, just remember, you just voted God out of your city. And if that's the case, don't ask for his help because he might not be there."

the Link:



Pat Robertson is hilarious I would pay to see him live. Though I don't think he means to be a comedian.
ID is just repackaged creationism. I didn't know that was ever in question.
scottyz said:
ID is just repackaged creationism. I didn't know that was ever in question.

I agree totally. ID and creationism deserve to be discussed in philosophy or a comparative religions class. Possibly maybe a current events class only because of the conflict and debate it has brought about in the courts today. At most, ID is a tactic by the religious right to blur the lines between church and state during the formative years of our public school students.
Gibberish said:

Pat Robertson is hilarious I would pay to see him live. Though I don't think he means to be a comedian.

He is not a comedian, he is a complete idiot. Just think, he actually ran for President a few years ago. Can you imagine what this country would be like if he had gotten elected? We are in bad enough shape now without having someone like him at the helm.:roll:
Old and wise said:
He is not a comedian, he is a complete idiot. Just think, he actually ran for President a few years ago. Can you imagine what this country would be like if he had gotten elected? We are in bad enough shape now without having someone like him at the helm.:roll:
Yes, lucky for us that GWB is only a pale imitation of Pat Robertson.:lol:
UtahBill said:
Yes, lucky for us that GWB is only a pale imitation of Pat Robertson.:lol:

You got it right, but I'm not so sure about the pale imitation.:rofl
Its a 1 minute statement saying that some(most people) think that there was a creator. What harm is there in stating that fact.
dsg94 said:
Its a 1 minute statement saying that some(most people) think that there was a creator. What harm is there in stating that fact.
Just stating that there is even the remotest possibility that there is some intelligence behind it all scares the evolutionists as much as evolution scares the religionists.
UtahBill said:
Just stating that there is even the remotest possibility that there is some intelligence behind it all scares the evolutionists as much as evolution scares the religionists.
I don't see why evolution can't be part of Gods design. A lot of it isn't intelligent though.
scottyz said:
I don't see why evolution can't be part of Gods design. A lot of it isn't intelligent though.
OK, enough about GWB! The thing that is the most scary is that he is the best that Texas could supply.
Perhaps God's input ended a long time ago and now we are de-volving?
dsg94 said:
Its a 1 minute statement saying that some(most people) think that there was a creator. What harm is there in stating that fact.
How do you know that to be a "fact" rather than a belief? It certainly isn't science unless there is actual, tested evidence like there is for the Scientific Theory of Evolution.

You are nopt one of those mislead people who portray wishful thinking and beliefs as facts, are you?
scottyz said:
I don't see why evolution can't be part of Gods design.
Certainly. However, there is no evidence for it; it can not be documented through the Scientific Method, and therefore is not Science.
scottyz said:
I don't see why evolution can't be part of Gods design. A lot of it isn't intelligent though.

Like humans? Whose to argue what is and isn't intelligent in the universe?
As much faith as I have in science, it can only answer "How?", not "Why?"
The Real McCoy said:
As much faith as I have in science, it can only answer "How?", not "Why?"
Oooh, good one. I like that. Yeah, we can explain the how of a lot of things, but the real mystery is the why.
I suspect that there is no answer for that in this lifetime, and if there really is a hereafter, I gots me a lot of questions to ask whoever is in charge!:2wave:
The Real McCoy said:
Like humans? Whose to argue what is and isn't intelligent in the universe?
Your own body has examples of unintelligent design.
scottyz said:
Your own body has examples of unintelligent design.
Such as? Besides men's nipples, that is....
UtahBill said:
Such as? Besides men's nipples, that is....
The human eye. I'm aware that there are many ID and creationist sites that say otherwise, but they probably also claim that the find of a vertically buried whale skeleton is proof the earth is only a few thousand years old...
The Real McCoy said:
As much faith as I have in science, it can only answer "How?", not "Why?"
Exactly. That is what Science does, the exploration of how and what. For the why, we look to religion, philosophy and so on. To claim that science must explain the why is unreal.
scottyz said:
The human eye. I'm aware that there are many ID and creationist sites that say otherwise, but they probably also claim that the find of a vertically buried whale skeleton is proof the earth is only a few thousand years old...
I am not aware of a creati9onist site that does not lie in some way or another. For creationists to call on their sites as evidence of anything is merely a sign that they are ignorant, duped, or dishonest.
scottyz said:
The human eye. I'm aware that there are many ID and creationist sites that say otherwise, but they probably also claim that the find of a vertically buried whale skeleton is proof the earth is only a few thousand years old...

The human eye is arguably the MOST intelligently designed organ next to the brain itself (this coming from extensive scientific research, not faith-based scripture spouting.)

UtahBill said:
Such as? Besides men's nipples, that is....

But without my nipples, where am I to attach my boobie tassels and nipple clips? :confused:
The Real McCoy said:
But without my nipples, where am I to attach my boobie tassels and nipple clips? :confused:
To your girl friend? :shock:
The Real McCoy said:
The human eye is arguably the MOST intelligently designed organ next to the brain itself (this coming from extensive scientific research, not faith-based scripture spouting.)
Yet it still has flaws that a all knowing engineer shouldn't have made.

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