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Inside Ted Cruz’s last-ditch battle to keep Trump in power (1 Viewer)


Air Muscle
DP Veteran
Dec 1, 2020
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I'd hope that the 1/6 Committee digs deeply into this matter about the real Sen Cruz and his effort(s) to overthrow the results of our last election.

“Would you be willing to argue the case?” Trump asked Cruz, as the senator later recalled it.

“Sure, I’d be happy to” if the court granted a hearing, Cruz said he responded.

The call was just one step in a collaboration that for two months turned the once-bitter political enemies into close allies in the effort to keep Trump in the White House based on the president’s false claims about a stolen election. By Cruz’s own account, he was “leading the charge” to prevent the certification of Joe Biden as president.

An examination by The Washington Post of Cruz’s actions between Election Day and Jan. 6, 2021, shows just how deeply he was involved, working directly with Trump to concoct a plan that came closer than widely realized to keeping him in power. As Cruz went to extraordinary lengths to court Trump’s base and lay the groundwork for his own potential 2024 presidential bid, he also alienated close allies and longtime friends who accused him of abandoning his principles.
I'd hope that the 1/6 Committee digs deeply into this matter about the real Sen Cruz and his effort(s) to overthrow the results of our last election.

“Would you be willing to argue the case?” Trump asked Cruz, as the senator later recalled it.

“Sure, I’d be happy to” if the court granted a hearing, Cruz said he responded.

The call was just one step in a collaboration that for two months turned the once-bitter political enemies into close allies in the effort to keep Trump in the White House based on the president’s false claims about a stolen election. By Cruz’s own account, he was “leading the charge” to prevent the certification of Joe Biden as president.

An examination by The Washington Post of Cruz’s actions between Election Day and Jan. 6, 2021, shows just how deeply he was involved, working directly with Trump to concoct a plan that came closer than widely realized to keeping him in power. As Cruz went to extraordinary lengths to court Trump’s base and lay the groundwork for his own potential 2024 presidential bid, he also alienated close allies and longtime friends who accused him of abandoning his principles.
They've been digging for almost a year - only success they may enjoy is beating Mueller's nothingburger marathon.
I'd hope that the 1/6 Committee digs deeply into this matter about the real Sen Cruz and his effort(s) to overthrow the results of our last election.

“Would you be willing to argue the case?” Trump asked Cruz, as the senator later recalled it.

“Sure, I’d be happy to” if the court granted a hearing, Cruz said he responded.

The call was just one step in a collaboration that for two months turned the once-bitter political enemies into close allies in the effort to keep Trump in the White House based on the president’s false claims about a stolen election. By Cruz’s own account, he was “leading the charge” to prevent the certification of Joe Biden as president.

An examination by The Washington Post of Cruz’s actions between Election Day and Jan. 6, 2021, shows just how deeply he was involved, working directly with Trump to concoct a plan that came closer than widely realized to keeping him in power. As Cruz went to extraordinary lengths to court Trump’s base and lay the groundwork for his own potential 2024 presidential bid, he also alienated close allies and longtime friends who accused him of abandoning his principles.
What principles?
I'd hope that the 1/6 Committee digs deeply into this matter about the real Sen Cruz and his effort(s) to overthrow the results of our last election.

“Would you be willing to argue the case?” Trump asked Cruz, as the senator later recalled it.

“Sure, I’d be happy to” if the court granted a hearing, Cruz said he responded.

The call was just one step in a collaboration that for two months turned the once-bitter political enemies into close allies in the effort to keep Trump in the White House based on the president’s false claims about a stolen election. By Cruz’s own account, he was “leading the charge” to prevent the certification of Joe Biden as president.

An examination by The Washington Post of Cruz’s actions between Election Day and Jan. 6, 2021, shows just how deeply he was involved, working directly with Trump to concoct a plan that came closer than widely realized to keeping him in power. As Cruz went to extraordinary lengths to court Trump’s base and lay the groundwork for his own potential 2024 presidential bid, he also alienated close allies and longtime friends who accused him of abandoning his principles.
Overthrowing the results of election fraud is a good thing.
Overthrowing the results of election fraud is a good thing.

Note support of a traitorous insurrection. They did what was done by only a formal enemy of America - Britain - and they did it with intent to install an election loser as Dear Leader.

That would destroy the republic. Any further republic that might rise would be a second republic.
I'd hope that the 1/6 Committee digs deeply into this matter about the real Sen Cruz and his effort(s) to overthrow the results of our last election.

“Would you be willing to argue the case?” Trump asked Cruz, as the senator later recalled it.

“Sure, I’d be happy to” if the court granted a hearing, Cruz said he responded.

The call was just one step in a collaboration that for two months turned the once-bitter political enemies into close allies in the effort to keep Trump in the White House based on the president’s false claims about a stolen election. By Cruz’s own account, he was “leading the charge” to prevent the certification of Joe Biden as president.

An examination by The Washington Post of Cruz’s actions between Election Day and Jan. 6, 2021, shows just how deeply he was involved, working directly with Trump to concoct a plan that came closer than widely realized to keeping him in power. As Cruz went to extraordinary lengths to court Trump’s base and lay the groundwork for his own potential 2024 presidential bid, he also alienated close allies and longtime friends who accused him of abandoning his principles.
Do you have a reading comprehension problem ?
Because you just sited his statement of:
“Would you be willing to argue the case?” Trump asked Cruz, as the senator later recalled it.
“Sure, I’d be happy to” if the court granted a hearing, Cruz said he responded.
So Cruz said he would go to court and argue that the election was Fraudulent! "If the Courts would grant a hearing" !!!!......

But you imply that he is doing something wrong by saying he will go in to a US Court and take part of a Trail !
Unless you think due process is not longer allowed in America, I don't see what you find to be wrong here.
I'd hope that the 1/6 Committee digs deeply into this matter about the real Sen Cruz and his effort(s) to overthrow the results of our last election.

“Would you be willing to argue the case?” Trump asked Cruz, as the senator later recalled it.

“Sure, I’d be happy to” if the court granted a hearing, Cruz said he responded.

The call was just one step in a collaboration that for two months turned the once-bitter political enemies into close allies in the effort to keep Trump in the White House based on the president’s false claims about a stolen election. By Cruz’s own account, he was “leading the charge” to prevent the certification of Joe Biden as president.

An examination by The Washington Post of Cruz’s actions between Election Day and Jan. 6, 2021, shows just how deeply he was involved, working directly with Trump to concoct a plan that came closer than widely realized to keeping him in power. As Cruz went to extraordinary lengths to court Trump’s base and lay the groundwork for his own potential 2024 presidential bid, he also alienated close allies and longtime friends who accused him of abandoning his principles.
Cruz suggested a ten day delay in the certification to hold an audit. His reasoning was that there were many questionable issues about the election that needed to be resolved. The problem there is, 60 court cases alleging those problems had already been lost or thrown out of court, and all debunked. There was no justification for an audit.

Presumably, Cruz was aware of that, just as Eastman was aware that his proposal, for Pence to reject EC votes, would be unanimously rejected by the Supreme Court and was not supported by the Constitution.

But Cruz and Eastman pushed their plans regardless. So maybe that's why some people include Cruz with the insurrectionists. He may have been using "legal" arguments, but he would have known they had no merit and was using them solely to prevent Biden from being declared the winner.
He's very easy to strongly dislike.
It's not that. For what it's worth, it's instinct, hair standing up on the back of my neck type instinct. Only other pol I've ever felt this way about was Richard Nixon.
Is this Breaking News or Liberal Lollipop bait?
It's not that. For what it's worth, it's instinct, hair standing up on the back of my neck type instinct. Only other pol I've ever felt this way about was Richard Nixon.

I didn't say what it is about him, but "Tricky Dick" is a great comparison. And that's with Cruz not being as ~illegal as Nixon was.
They've been digging for almost a year - only success they may enjoy is beating Mueller's nothingburger marathon.
This coordinated media smear campaign will only intensify as Biden sinks in the polls
"Oh what a tangled web they weave.....

.....when at first they practice to deceive"


I'd hope that the 1/6 Committee digs deeply into this matter about the real Sen Cruz and his effort(s) to overthrow the results of our last election.

“Would you be willing to argue the case?” Trump asked Cruz, as the senator later recalled it.

“Sure, I’d be happy to” if the court granted a hearing, Cruz said he responded.

The call was just one step in a collaboration that for two months turned the once-bitter political enemies into close allies in the effort to keep Trump in the White House based on the president’s false claims about a stolen election. By Cruz’s own account, he was “leading the charge” to prevent the certification of Joe Biden as president.

An examination by The Washington Post of Cruz’s actions between Election Day and Jan. 6, 2021, shows just how deeply he was involved, working directly with Trump to concoct a plan that came closer than widely realized to keeping him in power. As Cruz went to extraordinary lengths to court Trump’s base and lay the groundwork for his own potential 2024 presidential bid, he also alienated close allies and longtime friends who accused him of abandoning his principles.
He hires only the best?

Cruz, really?
Do you have a reading comprehension problem ?
Because you just sited his statement of:
“Would you be willing to argue the case?” Trump asked Cruz, as the senator later recalled it.
“Sure, I’d be happy to” if the court granted a hearing, Cruz said he responded.
So Cruz said he would go to court and argue that the election was Fraudulent! "If the Courts would grant a hearing" !!!!......

But you imply that he is doing something wrong by saying he will go in to a US Court and take part of a Trail !
Unless you think due process is not longer allowed in America, I don't see what you find to be wrong here.
Cruz, for many years, has been close friends with Eastman. What it shows is that Cruz was an integral part of what the judge called a very strong possibility that Trump/Eastman committed crimes in their attempt to keep Trump in power.

What we are learning is how much larger the coup attempt actually was. The number of people actively involved keeps growing. You are trying to narrow it down to just one Cruz statement. It goes way farther than that. As we'll see in due time.

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