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Inside Chernobyl: We stole "russian" fuel to prevent catastrophe (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Sep 2, 2017
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Political Leaning
When the power to the station was cut off for three days, Valeriy said he scrambled to find fuel to keep the generator running, even resorting to stealing some from the Russians.
"If we had lost power, it could have been catastrophic," Oleksandr explained. "Radioactive material could have been released. The scale of it, you can well imagine. I wasn't scared for my life. I was scared about what would happen if I wasn't there monitoring the plant. I was scared it would be a tragedy for humanity."
The area behind the plant called the "Red Forest" is one of the most radioactive places on earth. Drone footage released by the Ukrainian military shows that Russian soldiers dug trenches and even stayed there. This was also confirmed to the BBC by officials at the station.

Oleksandr´s crew are the real heroes , Moscow thugs have a very little clue what they are doing today, but will explain it to them in the Hague !

I don't think the Russians have even heard of the Chernobyl meltdown.
I don't think the Russians have even heard of the Chernobyl meltdown.
they did know, but a problem here, that Muscovite natural slaves can not say NO to a czar .
i have qestion to you, what did feel moscow spetsnaz when they got order to attack Kyiv and Kharkiv with AKMs and other light weapons? it was A PURE SUICIDAL MISSION FOR THEM, why they didn´t just turn around and took down pootler´s gang ?


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