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Inserting a video clip (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Jul 9, 2010
Reaction score
Chicago Area
Political Leaning
I use my IPad to post, if that makes a difference.

Okay, so I want to post a video. So I click the film strip, a box pops up and I paste the YouTube address in there. While others end up with the video itself, I end up with a link.

What am I doing wrong?
I use my IPad to post, if that makes a difference.

Okay, so I want to post a video. So I click the film strip, a box pops up and I paste the YouTube address in there. While others end up with the video itself, I end up with a link.

What am I doing wrong?

It's a bug of some kind, same thing happens to me. Hopefully someone knows a work around.
I use my IPad to post, if that makes a difference.

Okay, so I want to post a video. So I click the film strip, a box pops up and I paste the YouTube address in there. While others end up with the video itself, I end up with a link.

What am I doing wrong?

Maybe Tapatalk doesn't work the same.
I use my IPad to post, if that makes a difference.

Okay, so I want to post a video. So I click the film strip, a box pops up and I paste the YouTube address in there. While others end up with the video itself, I end up with a link.

What am I doing wrong?
I am sure you didn't notice because you are asking, but the link to the video you are trying to post is a "mobile" platform link.

It appears that the forum software "vBulletin" is not yet adapted to handle such mobile links.

You can always just remove the "m" from the link and replace it with "www" when inserting it into the the film strip pop up box.

So instead of this ...

you get this ...

Last edited:
I am sure you didn't notice because you are asking, but the link to the video you are trying to post is a "mobile" platform link.

It appears that the forum software "vBulletin" is not yet adapted to handle such mobile links.

You can always just remove the "m" from the link and replace it with "www" when inserting it into the the film strip pop up box.

So instead of this ...

you get this ...

Yay!! Thank you so MUCH!!
that series was so good.

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