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Indonesia tsunami: New warning system 'to be built next year' (1 Viewer)


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Dec 3, 2017
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Indonesia says it will build a new warning system capable of detecting tsunamis caused by undersea landslides, days after giant waves triggered by a volcano killed at least 429 people.

Installation of the new structure of buoys would start next year, a government agency told the BBC.
These people live under the constant threat of volcanic activity * tsunamis. And they are just getting around to puttying in a system of buoys to detect tsunamis? Talk about closing the barn door after the horses have escaped.

Indonesia says it will build a new warning system capable of detecting tsunamis caused by undersea landslides, days after giant waves triggered by a volcano killed at least 429 people.

Installation of the new structure of buoys would start next year, a government agency told the BBC.
These people live under the constant threat of volcanic activity * tsunamis. And they are just getting around to puttying in a system of buoys to detect tsunamis? Talk about closing the barn door after the horses have escaped.

Tsunamis are not volcanic activity... :roll:

Indonesia says it will build a new warning system capable of detecting tsunamis caused by undersea landslides, days after giant waves triggered by a volcano killed at least 429 people.

Installation of the new structure of buoys would start next year, a government agency told the BBC.
These people live under the constant threat of volcanic activity * tsunamis. And they are just getting around to puttying in a system of buoys to detect tsunamis? Talk about closing the barn door after the horses have escaped.

No warning system will do much good when Anak goes ballistic.....the game will be over.

Indonesia says it will build a new warning system capable of detecting tsunamis caused by undersea landslides, days after giant waves triggered by a volcano killed at least 429 people.

Installation of the new structure of buoys would start next year, a government agency told the BBC.
These people live under the constant threat of volcanic activity * tsunamis. And they are just getting around to puttying in a system of buoys to detect tsunamis? Talk about closing the barn door after the horses have escaped.

Tsunamis are not volcanic activity... :roll:

Weak effort. Ugly subject for the effort.

Score: 0.2/10
Their entire sad sack of **** nation can drown for all I care. I only see where one gorilla op was run in the entire country and that was Borneo. As soon as the Japanese showed up, they all showed their true colors. Especially java and Sumatra.
No warning system will do much good when Anak goes ballistic.....the game will be over.

Yup. Distance is too short for effective evacuation to higher/safer ground.
Weak effort. Ugly subject for the effort.

Score: 0.2/10

I am not sure what you are saying but a tsunami is not volcanic activity... are you disputing this?
I am not sure what you are saying but a tsunami is not volcanic activity... are you disputing this?

I'm saying the schtick is misplaced in two ways:

- deliberate morbidity

- the fact that volcanic activity caused the tsunami

Sometimes it's a homer, sometimes it's a single, and sometimes it's a wild strike.
I'm saying the schtick is misplaced in two ways:

- deliberate morbidity

- the fact that volcanic activity caused the tsunami

Sometimes it's a homer, sometimes it's a single, and sometimes it's a wild strike.

So you are saying that I was 100% correct then... thank you.
I was saying that your comment was bad.

Then tell me what part of the "volcanic activity" a tsunami is... it isn't. It is an after effect but please do try...
Actually Layne was saying you swung and missed, Bodie. ;)

But since I was 100% correct why would he make that mistake?

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