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Indoctrination in the classroom. (1 Viewer)

Trajan Octavian Titus

DP Veteran
Aug 17, 2005
Reaction score
We can't stop here this is bat country!
Political Leaning
Very Conservative
In case you haven't heard this guys comments heres a clip from an article on the subject, I've heard the tape this is what this guy actually said:

Some of the comments Bennish made to his captive class of students included that the US is the "single most violent nation on planet earth" and that it is a "quote unquote democracy."

Note: The "quote unquote" comment was, undoubtedly, meant to disparage and diminish the US as a democracy. Although, I doubt that Bennish is even remotely aware of the fact that the United States of America's governmental form is that of a "representative Republic."

Bennish went on to spew his "facts" that capitalism is "at odds with human rights," President Bush's January State of the Union address included "things that Adolph Hitler used to say" and Israel is a "Zionist state." He's not only anti-US, anti-President-Bush and a pro-Marxist proponent but, he also appears to be anti-Semitic. Bennish, however, claims to be a Rostofarian — one of the "Ganga (marijuana) is good for you" crowd. Bennish also questioned that Hamas is a terrorist group, when he responded to a statement by one of his students (also on the 20-minute tape) that Hamas is a terrorist group. Bennish asked the student: "Who is defining what is a terrorist?"

Got a better source and video clip?
OK well since I always get this...How can you expect us to take that seriously considering your source? That site is so obviously right winged ultra evangelical and conservative biased it isn't even worth considering. You might as well have posted a link from a liberal CT blog and thought that would be credible.
Note the typical leftest dodging going on?

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