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Indictments Quashed? Fitzgerald Fired? (1 Viewer)


Slayer of the DP Newsbot
DP Veteran
Aug 27, 2005
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Houston, TX
Political Leaning
First of all, you are going to have to take everything that comes from Tom Flocco with a grain of salt...... make that a shaker of salt. The guy is quite unreliable, but has hit a few home runs in the past. Of course, he could be hitting into a double play here, but I thought this interesting enough to post.

If Flocco is right, then another Saturday Night Massacre, reminiscent of Nixon's firing of Archibald Cox during Watergate, is in progress. If he is wrong, then he has thoroughly discredited himelf, and he will pass away into obscurity.

According to Flocco:

1) President Bush has ordered Attorney General Gonzalez to fire the prosecutor and quash all indictments (22 of them, to be exact).

2) Indictments were handed to Gonzalez, and a judge has ordered them to be processed, but Gonzales is refusing to do so.

3) If this is true, and this is one hell of a mighty big "if", then we are about to have a real dickens of a Constitutional crisis.

4) This is where the unbelievable becomes REALLY unbelievable. According to Flocco, the FBI and the military are standing by, ready to arrest GW Bush if he refuses to back down.

5) Charges in the 22 indictments, again according to Flocco, include obstruction of justice, witness tampering, perjury, violation of the 1917 law prohibiting the leaking of classified information, and espionage.

You know, maybe I should have put this in the conspiracy theory forum, but then again, what if Flocco has just hit one of his rare home runs? We will know for sure either way sometime this week.

Get out your tin foil hats everybody. Hehe.

Article (that is the predominant theory... maybe not - LOL) is here.
I heard that black helicopters-owned by an offshore corporation funded by the Rothchild banking interests and directed by 8 yale men-all members of Skull and Bones-are going to swoop in and spirit anyone indicted away to an island owned by the UN and guarded by PLA regulars. Attorneys on retainer to the Freemason and Illuminati cults will appear in court and file writs to quash the indictments while agents of the British monarchy will have either bribed the judges or blackmailed them into throwing out any charges:mrgreen:
I think I would die laughing if this is true. What a crappy way to go out.
Never heard of this guy or website. Making the same mistake Nixon did would probably yield poor results.
I'm not buying it but if this is true it will be on every front page in the nation this morning and I get the most liberal paper in the U.S. the St. Pete Times so I'll have to wait and see. Not to mention that no mention has been made as of yet on any of the 24 hour networks and I get all three but like I said let's wait and see.
Have you people taken leave of your senses? Of course this is baloney.
Kandahar said:
Have you people taken leave of your senses? Of course this is baloney.

I agree. It looks like there is a very good chance that Libby is going to be indicted. I think there is going to be a serious shake-up in the White House after this week. I just finished reading "All the President's Men." It's amazing the way history repeats itself......
aps said:
I agree. It looks like there is a very good chance that Libby is going to be indicted. I think there is going to be a serious shake-up in the White House after this week. I just finished reading "All the President's Men." It's amazing the way history repeats itself......

Yea, ..& for THOSE that WANT to see the same things that do not exist either!:smile:

You can keep hoping though, ..maybe it can give you strength!:2razz:
Stu Ghatze said:
Yea, ..& for THOSE that WANT to see the same things that do not exist either!:smile:

You can keep hoping though, ..maybe it can give you strength!:2razz:

Ha ha ha, Stu. It's cute to see you defending your own party.

I thought Bush was going to restore integrity to the White House? Yeah, right! :lol:
aps said:
Ha ha ha, Stu. It's cute to see you defending your own party.

I thought Bush was going to restore integrity to the White House? Yeah, right! :lol:

Lets wait for the indictments, & if they occur lets see who will be found GUILTY if, & when they get to trial.

The prosecuror is reaching further than he actually should be here. If he has proof that Rove, or Cheney outed Valeri Plame first...he should give it!

If he cannot prove it, he should walk away rather than try to indict on some OTHER phoney vague charge in a lame as.s attempt to just "get" something on somebody, for it will be seen for what it is in the long run, especially when partisan democrats are involved.

I personnally believe that there were others who knew & outed Valeri Plame LONG BEFORE Rove or anybody knew of her connection to the CIA.

And in truth I will also say this whole affair IS not about the actual intent for a search for justice any longer for the outing of Valeri Plame, it is for other democratic party nefarious concerns which is to help undermine the Bush presidency by having a partisan democratic prosecutor as a hack used as a proxy along with the liberal media in an attempt to say that the war in Iraq was not justified.

JOe Wilson's trip to Niger was less than genuine, as Sadaam DID try to obtain uranium from Niger. Wilson only stated that Sadaam did not obtain it, ..but the fact remains, Sadaam DID try, & that part was conveniently left out by the party hack Wilson in a lame ass attempt to discredit Bush, ...& Bush trusted Joe Wilson's report.

Even british intel daid that Sadaam DID try to get uranium from Niger, & that was even confirmed by "some" Niger officials who gave a heads up to the Bush administration!

So....who in the hell was really acting in good faith here, ..does NOT sound to me that Wilson was from the begining whatsoever!

Actually, it should have been established FIRST...IF Plame was even considered "covert". A desktop anaylist hardly qualifies one as being Covert!

THe whole notion of Rove, or Cheney conspiring to "out" Plame as "payback" is horseshyte at best, & if the prosecutor cannot actually prove it, he should walk away. The whole thing has taken on a political stench in an effort NOW to destroy the presidency, & IT IS BEING SEEN AS EXACTLY THAT!

As stated IF it goes to trial, it is my contention that the charges will be not provable beyond any doubt, & that Fitzpatrick overplayed his partisan hand.

Right now the democrats are hoping the media helps the people to find guilt in Cheney & Rove because those are the two people HATED the MOST by the democratic party, & one thing about democrats is that the charges they like to level are always more serious than any proof that they ever seem to have!

With democrats, & liberals especially....why even terrorists & murderer's should be granted the aura of innocence before any trial takes place, but they do not grant same such pleasures to any of their republicans, who they hold in more contempt than they hold for terrorists.

The modern democratic party is playing a very dangeous game these days, & think not that this whole pathetic Valeri Plame investigation has a g-damn thing to do about justice,.. because it does not.

It may not be immediate, but it is coming. This is going to probably lay the foundation for even more irrelevance of the democratic party by the mainstream voter because it is SO obvious as to WHAT is going on now.
Sigh. You can't even get the prosecutor's name correct. It's Fitzgerald. Also, as I pointed out in the other thread, Fitzgerald is a Republican. Care to change your ridiculous allegations that he is playing a partisan hand? Somehow I doubt you will, but I'm sitting here :lol:.
Stu Ghatze said:
The prosecuror is reaching further than he actually should be here. If he has proof that Rove, or Cheney outed Valeri Plame first...he should give it!

That's the whole purpose of a trial. Why does he owe you proof now, when he hasn't even handed out any indictments yet?

Stu Ghatze said:
If he cannot prove it, he should walk away rather than try to indict on some OTHER phoney vague charge in a lame as.s attempt to just "get" something on somebody, for it will be seen for what it is in the long run, especially when partisan democrats are involved.

This is the height of irony coming from someone who supported the impeachment of Bill Clinton on perjury charges, and continues to call him a rapist and a pervert.
Kandahar said:
That's the whole purpose of a trial. Why does he owe you proof now, when he hasn't even handed out any indictments yet?

This is the height of irony coming from someone who supported the impeachment of Bill Clinton on perjury charges, and continues to call him a rapist and a pervert.

I agree...the thing is, Fitzgerald hasn't leaked anything like this White House has..so we don't know yet.

As Bill Mahrer said...it's ok for republicans to impeach a president for leaking on a dress, but when republicans leak a CIA operative, they want it ignored and not prosecuted. ( It's a Dem conspiracy)

Based on what I've read, Libby and Rove both committed perjury, and in todays news, we know that Cheney told Libby about Wilson's wife a full month before the Novak article...bye bye Cheney, too?

The White House is sweating buckets this week.
Hoot said:
I agree...the thing is, Fitzgerald hasn't leaked anything like this White House has..so we don't know yet.

As Bill Mahrer said...it's ok for republicans to impeach a president for leaking on a dress, but when republicans leak a CIA operative, they want it ignored and not prosecuted. ( It's a Dem conspiracy)

Based on what I've read, Libby and Rove both committed perjury, and in todays news, we know that Cheney told Libby about Wilson's wife a full month before the Novak article...bye bye Cheney, too?

The White House is sweating buckets this week.

You would be hard pressed to find a more partisan hack than the smarmy Bill Maher. His attempt to blame the Katrina hurricane mess on Bush was as pathetic as it was stupid-several guests were bullied by Maher when they said it was mostly a state and local F Up that caused the problems.

The clinton "witch hunt" was much like Ness getting Capone on what was then a minor league violation-tax evasion. Capone, like clinton-did far worse stuff but both were masters in keeping witnesses quiet and covering their tracks. In the Plame bs its the other way around-rather than taking a small victory because you can't prove major crimes here you don't even have a crime to start with but you try to get some indictment to look like you have done something Plame doesn't fit the definition of covert operative so the entire investigation was flawed to start with
TurtleDude said:
You would be hard pressed to find a more partisan hack than the smarmy Bill Maher. His attempt to blame the Katrina hurricane mess on Bush was as pathetic as it was stupid-several guests were bullied by Maher when they said it was mostly a state and local F Up that caused the problems.

The clinton "witch hunt" was much like Ness getting Capone on what was then a minor league violation-tax evasion. Capone, like clinton-did far worse stuff but both were masters in keeping witnesses quiet and covering their tracks. In the Plame bs its the other way around-rather than taking a small victory because you can't prove major crimes here you don't even have a crime to start with but you try to get some indictment to look like you have done something Plame doesn't fit the definition of covert operative so the entire investigation was flawed to start with

Ya Maher is a jack ass but I actually saw the episode on Katrina and I believe to the best of my recollection that he agreed it was a state and local matter it was two of his nut case guests that were implying it was a race issue. And don't forget that it was Bush himself who wanted to investigate this situation further that's why he got independent investigator Fitzgerald to investigate it. If it comes down to the perjury issue I doubt anything will come of it, however, if it is found that Rove knowingly outted a covert CIA agent then he needs to be held accountable. I'm still on the fence on this one and I'll wait to see how it all plays out before I make any final judgements.
Last edited:
Trajan Octavian Titus said:
Ya Maher is a jack ass but I actually saw the episode on Katrina and I believe to the best of my recollection that he agreed it was a state and local matter it was two of his nut case guests that were implying it was a race issue. And don't forget that it was Bush himself who wanted to investigate this situation further that's why he got independent investigator Fitzgerald to investigate it. If it comes down to the perjury issue I doubt anything will come of it, however, if it is found that Rove knowingly outted a covert CIA agent then he needs to be held accountable. I'm still on the fence on this one and I'll wait to see how it all plays out before I make any final judgements.
Joe Scarborough (sp) was reporting from NO and Maher continually whined it was all Bush's fault and JS said no and Maher kept on and on. I saw the episode you reference though. Plame was not a covert operative-end of story
TurtleDude said:
Joe Scarborough (sp) was reporting from NO and Maher continually whined it was all Bush's fault and JS said no and Maher kept on and on. I saw the episode you reference though. Plame was not a covert operative-end of story

Ya I think I missed the one you're talking about and I'm still not sure if anyone knows for sure if Plame was covert or not so like I said I'm going to wait and see how the investigation pans out.
First of all, if Plame was not a CIA operative within the meaning of the statute, the case would already be closed. Regardless, I do not believe that there was a violation of the statute. Fitzgerald has started up a website, where he posts the letter that gave him the authority to investigate this case, which included perjury and obstruction of justice.

Sometimes the cover-up on a non-criminal act is worse than the act itself. Those of you who think nothing of the perjury issue forget how that very act is what brought down Clinton and Nixon. So to try to dismiss a perjury claim is a little funny to me.
Breaking news on this.

According to the same site, a Washington DC appellate court has just this morning thrown out of court the Bush's administration's attempt to quash the indictments and fire Fitzgerald. Also, again according to the same site, the number of indictments now stands at 28, which include Cheney and Bush himself.

Article is here.
danarhea said:
Breaking news on this.

According to the same site, a Washington DC appellate court has just this morning thrown out of court the Bush's administration's attempt to quash the indictments and fire Fitzgerald. Also, again according to the same site, the number of indictments now stands at 28, which include Cheney and Bush himself.

Article is here.

danarrhea, is this a reputable site? I have gone onto MSNBC, CNN, and NYT and none of them are reporting this.
aps said:
danarrhea, is this a reputable site? I have gone onto MSNBC, CNN, and NYT and none of them are reporting this.

Of course, this is not a reputable website, which is why I have been putting disclaimers on just about everything that has to do with what this author writes (read my first post in this thread). However, he has hit a couple of home runs in the past, and scooped the mediawhores in the process. Chances are that this story is pure baloney, but am following it for grins, because he has been right a couple of times in the past. Either he is right this time, or he has permanently discredited himself, and will never be heard from again. LOL.
danarhea said:
Of course, this is not a reputable website, which is why I have been putting disclaimers on just about everything that has to do with what this author writes (read my first post in this thread). However, he has hit a couple of home runs in the past, and scooped the mediawhores in the process. Chances are that this story is pure baloney, but am following it for grins, because he has been right a couple of times in the past. Either he is right this time, or he has permanently discredited himself, and will never be heard from again. LOL.

oops! Was I caught in not having read teh first post? :3oops: We shall see what happens. His claims really sound quite outrageous.
Guess what? Time for me to debunk Tom Flocco myself. I started this, and now is the time for me to finish it. LOL.

I just found out something very interesting. Under the terms of Fitzgerald's appointment, he has all the powers of the Attorney General. Not only that, but according to the terms of the appointment, not even Bush, has the legal authority to fire him. I guess Tom Flocco wasnt looking at that.

Its all in this article.

Buh bye Tom. Crawl back to your hole. :)

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