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Indictment of Pennsylvania Democrats biggest power broker... political boss (1 Viewer)


Educating the Ignorant
DP Veteran
Dec 19, 2008
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The indictment of one of Pennsylvania’s most powerful behind-the-scenes political players is rattling Democrats in a state that’s expected to be a key 2020 battleground.

The bombshell charges announced Wednesday against building trades leader John "Johnny Doc" Dougherty — a Philadelphia labor kingpin whose union is the single biggest independent source of campaign funding in the state — threaten to sap statehouse and congressional Democrats of a mega-donor, slow the party’s momentum in the Philadelphia suburbs, and sideline the man who orchestrated the Democratic takeover of the Pennsylvania Supreme Court.

That court radically redrew the state's congressional map last year, leading to the Democratic pickup of a handful of congressional seats in November.

Dougherty's tentacles spread so far that Republicans already think it could be a boon for President Donald Trump’s election chances in 2020.

It’s hard to overstate Dougherty’s power in Pennsylvania:


Looks like PA has some swamp draining going on.
Looks like PA has some swamp draining going on.

Shame his corruption wasn't shot down before they got the DEMOCRAT COURT to gerrymander the state before the midterms.
Shame his corruption wasn't shot down before they got the DEMOCRAT COURT to gerrymander the state before the midterms.
You got it wrong, again.

“The GOP held 13 out of Pennsylvania's 18 congressional seats after the 2016 election cycle. It was one of the most gerrymandered states in the country.

That changed this year. The state supreme court struck down the old district map and made a new one. It wipes away the 13-5 GOP advantage. Suddenly, more than a half-dozen of Pennsylvania's congressional races are newly competitive.”
PA and VA... seem to have serious issues with their party, yet it doesn’t seem to be covered much by the Goebbels Media.

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