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Indiana goes constitutional carry (1 Viewer)


Capitalist Pig
DP Veteran
Aug 6, 2019
Reaction score
Bridgeport, CT
Political Leaning
Libertarian - Right

That makes 24 states. Naturally the pigs in Indiana were against it:

Gov. Eric Holcomb signed a bill into law Monday that eliminates the license requirement to carry a handgun in Indiana, despite initial opposition from the Holcomb-appointed head of state police due to safety concerns.
And watch the number of shootings go up. I bet the cops love that everybody can be carrying.

You can guarantee it unless you are a moron right winger who loves to lie about guns.

That makes 24 states. Naturally the pigs in Indiana were against it:

Good. The 2A clearly states “…the right of the people to keep and bear arms…”. Common sense dictates that keep includes the right to buy, own and possess a gun while bear clearly includes the right to carry a gun outside of the home.

That makes 24 states. Naturally the pigs in Indiana were against it:

I can see why law enforcement would be against it but we have our rights and I'm sure they can put some training material together to figure their side out safely and within our rights.
And watch the number of shootings go up. I bet the cops love that everybody can be carrying.

You can guarantee it unless you are a moron right winger who loves to lie about guns.

No doubt, LC

You can bet we’ll be keepin' tabs on gun violence/deaths in these backward, knuckle-draggin' shithole red states that install these moronic laws...
I can see why law enforcement would be against it but we have our rights and I'm sure they can put some training material together to figure their side out safely and within our rights.

The police objection seems to assume that more ‘prohibited persons’ will be illegally carrying guns, but I have yet to see any evidence to support that assertion.
No doubt, LC

You can bet we’ll be keepin' tabs on gun violence/deaths in these backward, knuckle-draggin' shithole red states that install these moronic laws...
and liberals will be proven right like always. it's guaranteed to go up with this moronic wild wild west nonsense. So, when shootings go up in these states, how do you think they will try to blame liberals for it? Either that or the state, if run by Republicans, will fudge the number to hide the reality
and liberals will be proven right like always. it's guaranteed to go up with this moronic wild wild west nonsense. So, when shootings go up in these states, how do you think they will try to blame liberals for it? Either that or the state, if run by Republicans, will fudge the number to hide the reality

The state of WA only requires a background check/fingerprinting for a cc permit. That's basically the same thing required to legally buy a gun anyway.

If WA St were to do away with cc permits, that's "Const carry," what exactly would be different? Just like now, any person legally allowed to own a gun would be allowed to carry it concealed (open carry is already legal with no permit).

Do you know what the qualifications were for Indiana to qualify for a cc permit? I dont. A background check at least. So what do you think the differences are between needing a permit and not?

Please explain with some specifics.
Pigs? What pigs?

What does this mean?

He's making a derogatory comment about the police...which is odd because the pro-gun lobby with often extoll the nobility of law enforcement, when they say that should a gun ban ever be enacted, no police office would ever enforce such a law.
He's making a derogatory comment about the police...which is odd because the pro-gun lobby with often extoll the nobility of law enforcement, when they say that should a gun ban ever be enacted, no police office would ever enforce such a law.

I've never said that in my life. Cops enforce unconstitutional gun control laws every single day. Here's a video of scumbag cops enforcing a gun ban. Skip to 2:10 where the fat mindless immoral thugs beat up a harmless old woman in order to confiscate a small revolver from her:

I've never said that in my life. Cops enforce unconstitutional gun control laws every single day. Here's a video of scumbag cops enforcing a gun ban. Skip to 2:10 where the fat mindless immoral thugs beat up a harmless old woman in order to confiscate a small revolver from her:

So you don't subscribe to the view that police would never enforce a gun ban, even if it was constitutional ?

With your description of police as "pigs", do I take it that you support calls from the left to defund the police ?
So you don't subscribe to the view that police would never enforce a gun ban, even if it was constitutional ?

Definitely not out of principle. Some might not do it for fear of getting shot.

With your description of police as "pigs", do I take it that you support calls from the left to defund the police ?

Defund means to discontinue funding. The left does not want to defund the police. There are cities all over the US run by leftists, show me one that is even seriously considering the idea. What some of them have done is to cut spending on police a bit.
Can I "Constitutional carry" on the airliner on my way to "Constitutional carry" in Indiana courthouses, their capitol building, outside of the governor's residence, and such? I won't settle for no half-assed "Constitutional carry."

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