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Independent witness says police knocked first (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
May 18, 2019
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Political Leaning
Looks like the boyfriend and the cop acted recklessly with their guns and both should face consequences
Independent witness says police knocked first

And the rest of the residents of that building claimed they did not hear the police who were holding a "no knock warrant" announce before battering down the door.

Remember as well that Law Enforcement Authorities tried to get Ms Taylor's ex-boyfriend to submit that she was part of a drug selling ring, which he refused to do. Law Enforcement appears to have had no evidence that Ms Taylor was part of a drug ring. So in effect, they tried to get the ex-boyfriend to LIE so they could justify having battered down her door in the first place.
Independent witness says police knocked first

And the rest of the residents of that building claimed they did not hear the police who were holding a "no knock warrant" announce before battering down the door.

Remember as well that Law Enforcement Authorities tried to get Ms Taylor's ex-boyfriend to submit that she was part of a drug selling ring, which he refused to do. Law Enforcement appears to have had no evidence that Ms Taylor was part of a drug ring. So in effect, they tried to get the ex-boyfriend to LIE so they could justify having battered down her door in the first place.

Or asked him to admit the truth. You are assuming the worst of cops.
A question that no one is asking is----------------Did the criminal boy friend hold his girl friend in front of him as a shield.
Law Enforcement appears to have had no evidence that Ms Taylor was part of a drug ring. So in effect, they tried to get the ex-boyfriend to LIE so they could justify having battered down her door in the first place.
The AG said that another suspect was observed coming/going from her apartment a few times, to include leaving with a package of some sort. Whether or not that "evidence" should have justified the warrant is debatable though.

The police shouldn't have been sent to enforce Unconstitutional drug laws in the first place. And bashing in a door like that should require that someone is in imminent danger on the other side, not so they can't flush suspected drugs down the toilet (of which there turned out to be NONE in that house). The police are not soldiers and that's not the kind of thing they should be doing to non-violent American citizens. The drug war has corrupted many aspects of our nation and needs to END.
The AG said that another suspect was observed coming/going from her apartment a few times, to include leaving with a package of some sort. Whether or not that "evidence" should have justified the warrant is debatable though.

The police shouldn't have been sent to enforce Unconstitutional drug laws in the first place. And bashing in a door like that should require that someone is in imminent danger on the other side, not so they can't flush suspected drugs down the toilet (of which there turned out to be NONE in that house). The police are not soldiers and that's not the kind of thing they should be doing to non-violent American citizens. The drug war has corrupted many aspects of our nation and needs to END.
Agreed. That wouldn’t put cops In These difficult situations as often. Someone was shooting at them. Calling it murder to shoot back is insane. Though it appears the return fire was not professional, and it will cost him.
Or asked him to admit the truth. You are assuming the worst of cops.
When the cops have been found to try to promote someone to commit perjury , then all actions for that incident are suspect.
When the cops have been found to try to promote someone to commit perjury , then all actions for that incident are suspect.
Evidence for the claim?
A question that no one is asking is----------------Did the criminal boy friend hold his girl friend in front of him as a shield.
Another low-info based post.

Kenneth Walker had no criminal history.

The criminal ex-boyfriend was not there.

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