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Independent experts find no foul play in 2020 election (Arizona Audit) (1 Viewer)


Ice Cream for Crow?
DP Veteran
Sep 30, 2013
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Yet another Arizona audit, and once again, Trump lost. How many of these do the kooks need?

A new report from an independent review of Maricopa County’s 2020 election equipment supports what the county has said all along: the voting machines weren’t connected to the internet, and the county didn’t try to obstruct the state Senate’s audit or delete data.

The report comes after the Arizona Senate and the county agreed in September 2021 that three independent computer security experts would review the county’s routers and answer the Senate’s questions in relation to the 2020 general election. Both parties agreed that former Congressman John Shadegg would act as an impartial “special master” to oversee the process.

Six months later, the findings, which were released late Wednesday, fall in line with the county’s own independent election audits conducted more than a year ago.

The Senate’s election review team, headed by Cyber Ninjas, presented its report in September 2021, offering no evidence of widespread fraud. Its ballot hand count found Joe Biden received 99 more votes than the official tally. However, the Senate still wanted to examine the county’s routers and Splunk logs, which it had also subpoenaed earlier in the year. The county resisted, citing security concerns. But, faced with losing hundreds of millions of state-shared revenues for not complying with the subpoenas, the county eventually settled with the Senate to allow an independent review of the equipment.

Shadegg’s report stated that the team found no evidence that “routers, managed switches, or election devices” connected to the Internet. He and the experts also found no evidence that the county obstructed the audit.

On Thursday, the Arizona Capitol Times reported that yet another audit of the Maricopa County election process ordered by the GOP-controlled Arizona State Senate has concluded — showing, as the others have, no signs of any misconduct in the 2020 presidential election, which President Joe Biden won by just over 10,000 votes.

"The report comes after the Arizona Senate and the county agreed in September 2021 that three independent computer security experts would review the county’s routers and answer the Senate’s questions in relation to the 2020 general election. Both parties agreed that former Congressman John Shadegg would act as an impartial 'special master' to oversee the process," reported Kyra Haas. "Six months later, the findings, which were released late Wednesday, fall in line with the county’s own independent election audits conducted more than a year ago."

The choice of Shadegg as special master was itself a controversial decision, as he was revealed to have attended a November 4 rally for former President Donald Trump where election conspiracy theories were promulgated.

"Maricopa County Board of Supervisors chairman Bill Gates said in a written statement that the report should be 'a final stake in the heart of the Senate’s so-called ‘audit,’' pointing out that it concluded the ballot tabulation system was not connected to the internet and that county routers were not connected to the election tabulation system," continued the report. "He also noted that one of the three independent experts was recommended by the Senate."
I don't understand how Trump and many republicans constant undermining of our free and fair election system isn't sedition. They're pushing this agenda so they can continue to enact needless voting restrictions. They are a threat to our democracy.
I don't understand how Trump and many republicans constant undermining of our free and fair election system isn't sedition. They're pushing this agenda so they can continue to enact needless voting restrictions. They are a threat to our democracy.
They just feel the need to keep lying. That way they can make voting harder, and disenfranchise the opposition, shit never changes. They fear demographics.
I get the feeling that even if Jesus were to pop down with the specific aim to just say "Yep, the 2020 election was all good and there was no fraud!" the Trump fans would still just call it fake news.
They'd claim the fact that he's just turned the entire Mediterranean sea into a lovely Bordeau wine is obviously just part of the anti-Trump agenda.
This should be the end of if the election was stolen in Maricopa County Arizona.
- It also shows how Cyber Ninjas misrepresented some the "findings". Audits of election equipment prior to Cyber Ninjas and the one after Cyber Ninjas proves the County was correct. The election system was air gapped. The "routers" Logan so desperately wanted to review was a red herring. Much to do about nothing.

Cyber Ninjas report has been debunked.

Cyber Ninjas has once again been shown to be incompetent in doing election audits.
Hmm, where are the usual suspects who still believe that Trump won?

Another official audit, and the same result, no foul play, and Trump lost AZ.

Another official audit, and the same result, no foul play, and Trump lost AZ.
You probably don't know because the media won't tell you, but that audit raises some very significant questions about the auditors.

I'll leave it to you to research that...if you care.

I suspect you'll be happy to be unaware, though.
Yet another Arizona audit, and once again, Trump lost. How many of these do the kooks need?

A new report from an independent review of Maricopa County’s 2020 election equipment supports what the county has said all along: the voting machines weren’t connected to the internet, and the county didn’t try to obstruct the state Senate’s audit or delete data.

The report comes after the Arizona Senate and the county agreed in September 2021 that three independent computer security experts would review the county’s routers and answer the Senate’s questions in relation to the 2020 general election. Both parties agreed that former Congressman John Shadegg would act as an impartial “special master” to oversee the process.

Six months later, the findings, which were released late Wednesday, fall in line with the county’s own independent election audits conducted more than a year ago.

The Senate’s election review team, headed by Cyber Ninjas, presented its report in September 2021, offering no evidence of widespread fraud. Its ballot hand count found Joe Biden received 99 more votes than the official tally. However, the Senate still wanted to examine the county’s routers and Splunk logs, which it had also subpoenaed earlier in the year. The county resisted, citing security concerns. But, faced with losing hundreds of millions of state-shared revenues for not complying with the subpoenas, the county eventually settled with the Senate to allow an independent review of the equipment.

Shadegg’s report stated that the team found no evidence that “routers, managed switches, or election devices” connected to the Internet. He and the experts also found no evidence that the county obstructed the audit.
That just means we need 67 more audits
You probably don't know because the media won't tell you, but that audit raises some very significant questions about the auditors.

I'll leave it to you to research that...if you care.

I suspect you'll be happy to be unaware, though.
And once again....you don't have jack shit, just your endless ramblings.

No fraud, Trump lost, get over it.
And once again....you don't have jack shit, just your endless ramblings.

No fraud, Trump lost, get over it.
Enjoy your ignorance.

You are dismissed.
You probably don't know because the media won't tell you, but that audit raises some very significant questions about the auditors.

I'll leave it to you to research that...if you care.

I suspect you'll be happy to be unaware, though.
The cyberninja auditors, you mean.

Good to see you finally seeing the light!
This is one of the things the manipulation industries found when they examined con games. Marks can be hit more than once due to this quirk in our egos.

it reminds of folks who have that absolutely awful SO they keep going back to

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