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Independants vote here! (1 Viewer)


New member
May 4, 2005
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Now we all know that Republicans are for the cause of the Iraqi and that liberals want isolationism. But I've often wondered what independants have to say on the issue.
Repub05 said:
Now we all know that Republicans are for the cause of the Iraqi and that liberals want isolationism. But I've often wondered what independants have to say on the issue.
I've been a registered Republican for twenty years. What exactly and specifically is this "cause of the Iraqi" that I'm for?

Fwiw, isolationism has traditionally been the domain of conservatives. Of course, so was fiscal responsibility- but look at that now.

Fyi, the neocons are not really True Scotsmen Conservatives at all just liberals who have successfully pandered to the "Religious Right," that's all.
I'm a liberal and I'm against isolationism.

That's a common view held by the right mostly because it is for some reason hard to comprehend that there is a difference between nonviolence and isolationism.
Gandhi>Bush said:
That's a common view held by the right...
Perhaps here on this board. In my anecdotal existence, I've not found this to be the case.
As a matter of fact I can recall reading a number of articles that seemed to be upset that 'liberals' wanted to work with international organization like the UN. I'm not sure how or if our young friend Repub makes these two things jibe in his mind. Perhaps he fails to register the cognitive dissonance?
Gandhi>Bush said:
I'm a liberal and I'm against isolationism.

That's a common view held by the right mostly because it is for some reason hard to comprehend that there is a difference between nonviolence and isolationism.
Yeah, sorry for butting in, but he is right. Not all liberals are for something and not all conservatives are for soemthing. That simple.

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