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** In their own words: Obama/Biden and energy secretary Steven Chu admit they wanted energy prices to SKYROCKET! (1 Viewer)


You should hate the "news" media more
DP Veteran
Jul 22, 2013
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Here's Obama admitting that he WANTED energy prices to skyrocket. That's followed by a cut to a Wall Street Journal article where Obama energy secretary Steven Chu's desire to artificially make US gasoline as expensive as European gasoline! BTW: The leftist "fact checkers" dishonestly claimed that Obama never said this, by deceptively linking to a different press conference! But here he is in his own words....

Here's Obama admitting that he WANTED energy prices to skyrocket. That's followed by a cut to a Wall Street Journal article where Obama energy secretary Steven Chu's desire to artificially make US gasoline as expensive as European gasoline! BTW: The leftist "fact checkers" dishonestly claimed that Obama never said this, by deceptively linking to a different press conference! But here he is in his own words....

WHy does your thread title not have anything to do with the video you showed, in which Obama never actually says he wants energy prices to skyrocket, and has exactly jack shit from Biden and Chu? Do you feel the only way you can make a point is to lie and hope no one notices?
And old and discredited edited video.
Here's Obama admitting that he WANTED energy prices to skyrocket. That's followed by a cut to a Wall Street Journal article where Obama energy secretary Steven Chu's desire to artificially make US gasoline as expensive as European gasoline! BTW: The leftist "fact checkers" dishonestly claimed that Obama never said this, by deceptively linking to a different press conference! But here he is in his own words....

Get ready for the weasel words and the Nuh-uh's from the progressives.

That's why I always say don't listen to their words...look at their actions.

The Obama/Biden pukes are DOING what they talked about.
Here's Obama admitting that he WANTED energy prices to skyrocket. That's followed by a cut to a Wall Street Journal article where Obama energy secretary Steven Chu's desire to artificially make US gasoline as expensive as European gasoline! BTW: The leftist "fact checkers" dishonestly claimed that Obama never said this, by deceptively linking to a different press conference! But here he is in his own words....

It's easy to see it has been purposeful by the Biden administration and is an impeachable offense against the American People.
The agenda is all about Climate Change... money money money........no bigger scam
It's an awesome political strategy.
And old and discredited edited video.
The agenda is all about Climate Change... money money money........no bigger scam
Eventually, you all will have to face the fact that the U.S. is moving toward a carbon free energy environment. As much as conservatives are fighting it, vehicle manufacturers are not. Many other corporations are moving toward carbon free operations.

Sure, it will take some time, but it's not going away. You do realize that the oil companies realize this too. It's why they are gouging us for every penny they can in their limited time left with oil and gas.
Here's Obama admitting that he WANTED energy prices to skyrocket. That's followed by a cut to a Wall Street Journal article where Obama energy secretary Steven Chu's desire to artificially make US gasoline as expensive as European gasoline! BTW: The leftist "fact checkers" dishonestly claimed that Obama never said this, by deceptively linking to a different press conference! But here he is in his own words....

You do know that video doesn't actually say what you claim, right? Even with the cherry-picking and careful editing it doesn't support your title.
Here's Obama admitting that he WANTED energy prices to skyrocket. That's followed by a cut to a Wall Street Journal article where Obama energy secretary Steven Chu's desire to artificially make US gasoline as expensive as European gasoline! BTW: The leftist "fact checkers" dishonestly claimed that Obama never said this, by deceptively linking to a different press conference! But here he is in his own words....

this post is a lie.
Here's Obama admitting that he WANTED energy prices to skyrocket. That's followed by a cut to a Wall Street Journal article where Obama energy secretary Steven Chu's desire to artificially make US gasoline as expensive as European gasoline! BTW: The leftist "fact checkers" dishonestly claimed that Obama never said this, by deceptively linking to a different press conference! But here he is in his own words....

Is there some reason you have not answered the point made by Redress? You've had almost 12 hours. It sounds like you were just BS'ing.

And it was probably BS in more than one regard. See, I can imagine Obama saying something like that it would be a silver lining to higher energy prices that people would be more open to strong pushes towards green energy. I can then imagine you twisting that into Obama wanting energy prices to skyrocket so as to make people pay more money because....um... errr... reasons. The right wing CTs never really bother with the coherent motive thing.
Here's Obama admitting that he WANTED energy prices to skyrocket. That's followed by a cut to a Wall Street Journal article where Obama energy secretary Steven Chu's desire to artificially make US gasoline as expensive as European gasoline! BTW: The leftist "fact checkers" dishonestly claimed that Obama never said this, by deceptively linking to a different press conference! But here he is in his own words....

When you have nothing, you spread lies and disinformation......and you always have nothing. 🤡
Here's Obama admitting that he WANTED energy prices to skyrocket. That's followed by a cut to a Wall Street Journal article where Obama energy secretary Steven Chu's desire to artificially make US gasoline as expensive as European gasoline! BTW: The leftist "fact checkers" dishonestly claimed that Obama never said this, by deceptively linking to a different press conference! But here he is in his own words....

Wow. It shows exactly the gutter level that you live in or even worse, the ignorance that you possess.

I have to clap though, because as a clown, you have done well.

WHy does your thread title not have anything to do with the video you showed, in which Obama never actually says he wants energy prices to skyrocket, and has exactly jack shit from Biden and Chu? Do you feel the only way you can make a point is to lie and hope no one notices?
Alternative Facts!
Here's Obama admitting that he WANTED energy prices to skyrocket. That's followed by a cut to a Wall Street Journal article where Obama energy secretary Steven Chu's desire to artificially make US gasoline as expensive as European gasoline! BTW: The leftist "fact checkers" dishonestly claimed that Obama never said this, by deceptively linking to a different press conference! But here he is in his own words....

The transition to non-fossil sources of energy will occur naturally and with no punishment from the Green Nazis.

That they enjoy punishing is revealing of them, not the process.

The only question is why do they enjoy punishing others and why do they feel they need to lie about the motives and goals.

Who is paying them to do this?
Eventually, you all will have to face the fact that the U.S. is moving toward a carbon free energy environment. As much as conservatives are fighting it, vehicle manufacturers are not. Many other corporations are moving toward carbon free operations.

Sure, it will take some time, but it's not going away. You do realize that the oil companies realize this too. It's why they are gouging us for every penny they can in their limited time left with oil and gas.
Like I said, money-money- money-, just ask the hypocrite Al Gore.
I have to clap though, because as a clown, you have done well.

That's very insulting to clowns who have nothing to do with propaganda and lies.
Eventually, you all will have to face the fact that the U.S. is moving toward a carbon free energy environment. As much as conservatives are fighting it, vehicle manufacturers are not. Many other corporations are moving toward carbon free operations.

Sure, it will take some time, but it's not going away. You do realize that the oil companies realize this too. It's why they are gouging us for every penny they can in their limited time left with oil and gas.

With or without huge government subsidies to the Greenies and with or without draconian mandates, this will happen.

Avoiding do the stupid and assertively opposing the wise are two very different things that Democrats can't seem to distinguish from one another.

When the wise choice is the Green Choice, the Green choice will be made. There is no mystery in this.

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