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In New Hampshire, Trump sows fears about ‘thugs’ to mask-less crowd (1 Viewer)


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In New Hampshire, Trump sows fears about ‘thugs’ to mask-less crowd

The president has resumed holding rallies during the pandemic, but few in the tightly-packed crowd wore masks.

LONDONDERRY, N.H. (AP) — Fresh off accepting the Republican Party’s nomination, President Donald Trump said Friday he was the only thing standing between “democracy and the mob,” as he lashed out at protesters who accosted his supporters as they left the White House the night before.

Sowing fear about the implications of a Joe Biden victory to battleground state voters, Trump held a rally in New Hampshire on Friday evening. Looking to close his Democratic rival’s lead with just over two months until Election Day, Trump was launching an aggressive travel schedule — and continuing to flout coronavirus guidelines.
Few in the crowd wore masks & when it was suggested that they wear them there was a loud booing.

It seems that a substantial number of Trump supporters still believe that the virus is a hoax. In any event, the result of this mostly maskless rally will be a lot fewer Trump voters in Nov.
Trump: "Fear, fear, fear, fear. Only I can save you. I am the way the truth and the light. Fear, fear, fear."

What a compelling message. Unfortunately, there are some who are gullible and afraid and they eat that fear **** up. They are so feckin scared they won't even wear masks or social distance.
In New Hampshire, Trump sows fears about ‘thugs’ to mask-less crowd

The president has resumed holding rallies during the pandemic, but few in the tightly-packed crowd wore masks.

LONDONDERRY, N.H. (AP) — Fresh off accepting the Republican Party’s nomination, President Donald Trump said Friday he was the only thing standing between “democracy and the mob,” as he lashed out at protesters who accosted his supporters as they left the White House the night before.

Sowing fear about the implications of a Joe Biden victory to battleground state voters, Trump held a rally in New Hampshire on Friday evening. Looking to close his Democratic rival’s lead with just over two months until Election Day, Trump was launching an aggressive travel schedule — and continuing to flout coronavirus guidelines.
Few in the crowd wore masks & when it was suggested that they wear them there was a loud booing.

It seems that a substantial number of Trump supporters still believe that the virus is a hoax. In any event, the result of this mostly maskless rally will be a lot fewer Trump voters in Nov.

And due to the amount of violence allowed by the democrats. There will be a lot less innocent people left to vote in Nov as well.

I've also yet to see anyone on the right, who's actually pushing the notion that the Corona virus is a hoax. So there's no indication that your statement is even remotely correct.

All in all, Trump isn't wrong to talk about this. It's a valid point as the democrats are repeatedly appearing to be too weak, or completely unable to stop these riots. Worst of all, there are democrats who are completely supportive of them, acting as though they are just the same as any other peaceful protest and actively forgiving of their actions.

It's a hot button issue. That Trump's campaign would be foolish to not push.
And due to the amount of violence allowed by the democrats. There will be a lot less innocent people left to vote in Nov as well.

I've also yet to see anyone on the right, who's actually pushing the notion that the Corona virus is a hoax. So there's no indication that your statement is even remotely correct.

All in all, Trump isn't wrong to talk about this. It's a valid point as the democrats are repeatedly appearing to be too weak, or completely unable to stop these riots. Worst of all, there are democrats who are completely supportive of them, acting as though they are just the same as any other peaceful protest and actively forgiving of their actions.

It's a hot button issue. That Trump's campaign would be foolish to not push.

All of this violence is happening NOW under Trump. Now if you want to argue that local government isn't doing enough, I wouldn't disagree. However trying to convince people that Biden will cause violence when there is already violence under Trump is idiotic at best. It's like telling people that if they elected Biden, their house will burn down all the while taking a photo op at a burning house.
All of this violence is happening NOW under Trump. Now if you want to argue that local government isn't doing enough, I wouldn't disagree. However trying to convince people that Biden will cause violence when there is already violence under Trump is idiotic at best. It's like telling people that if they elected Biden, their house will burn down all the while taking a photo op at a burning house.

But Trump isn't the one causing the violence and he's not the one allowing it to fester.
But Trump isn't the one causing the violence and he's not the one allowing it to fester.

Biden isn't causing the violence either. So Trump's speech is idiotic and is nothing more than fear mongering. At the local level, sure they could be doing more. At the federal, presidential level there isn't anything the president can do about it. Trump is just being idiotic.
Biden isn't causing the violence either. So Trump's speech is idiotic and is nothing more than fear mongering. At the local level, sure they could be doing more. At the federal, presidential level there isn't anything the president can do about it. Trump is just being idiotic.

No, he could step in and do several things to put his foot down. Unfortunately, the left would most likely take that as yet another chance to just repeatedly call him a fascist dictator. Much like they did when he was finally able to send forces into Portland. After they started to threaten federal property.
But in Biden's case, I don't see them stopping if he gets elected. It looks more like that this snowball has rolled too far and grown too large for the democrats to effectively stop and even his own speech on twitter about "violence not being productive". Was very week, even to other liberals across the board and it was mostly seen as being too little, too late. By most others.

What if him winning emboldens them and they just keep going?
Do you really trust that Biden would be the one to put things in motion to stop them?

Because it's possible that the democrats have spent far too long supporting this insanity to actually stop it, even if they wanted to.
In New Hampshire, Trump sows fears about ‘thugs’ to mask-less crowd

The president has resumed holding rallies during the pandemic, but few in the tightly-packed crowd wore masks.

LONDONDERRY, N.H. (AP) — Fresh off accepting the Republican Party’s nomination, President Donald Trump said Friday he was the only thing standing between “democracy and the mob,” as he lashed out at protesters who accosted his supporters as they left the White House the night before.

Sowing fear about the implications of a Joe Biden victory to battleground state voters, Trump held a rally in New Hampshire on Friday evening. Looking to close his Democratic rival’s lead with just over two months until Election Day, Trump was launching an aggressive travel schedule — and continuing to flout coronavirus guidelines.
Few in the crowd wore masks & when it was suggested that they wear them there was a loud booing.

It seems that a substantial number of Trump supporters still believe that the virus is a hoax. In any event, the result of this mostly maskless rally will be a lot fewer Trump voters in Nov.
He went to Londonderry after remarks by the female mayor of Manchester pissed him off.

Last week, he was in NC, DC, LA, TX, and NH. The week before it was WI, IA twice, MN, and AZ. This week it’s Kenosha on Tuesday for sure.

Meanwhile, Where’s Waldo is virtual.
No, he could step in and do several things to put his foot down. Unfortunately, the left would most likely take that as yet another chance to just repeatedly call him a fascist dictator. Much like they did when he was finally able to send forces into Portland. After they started to threaten federal property.
But in Biden's case, I don't see them stopping if he gets elected. It looks more like that this snowball has rolled too far and grown too large for the democrats to effectively stop and even his own speech on twitter about "violence not being productive". Was very week, even to other liberals across the board and it was mostly seen as being too little, too late. By most others.

What if him winning emboldens them and they just keep going?
Do you really trust that Biden would be the one to put things in motion to stop them?

Because it's possible that the democrats have spent far too long supporting this insanity to actually stop if, even if they wanted to.

LOL I don't trust Trump to stop it so Biden isn't any worse. Sorry but if you are just going to make up ****, the conspiracy forum is below. The FACT is that neither Biden nor Trump is going to stop the violence because it isn't at their level to solve.
you literally can't make this stuff up...

In New Hampshire, Trump sows fears about ‘thugs’ to mask-less crowd

The president has resumed holding rallies during the pandemic, but few in the tightly-packed crowd wore masks.

LONDONDERRY, N.H. (AP) — Fresh off accepting the Republican Party’s nomination, President Donald Trump said Friday he was the only thing standing between “democracy and the mob,” as he lashed out at protesters who accosted his supporters as they left the White House the night before.

Sowing fear about the implications of a Joe Biden victory to battleground state voters, Trump held a rally in New Hampshire on Friday evening. Looking to close his Democratic rival’s lead with just over two months until Election Day, Trump was launching an aggressive travel schedule — and continuing to flout coronavirus guidelines.
Few in the crowd wore masks & when it was suggested that they wear them there was a loud booing.

It seems that a substantial number of Trump supporters still believe that the virus is a hoax. In any event, the result of this mostly maskless rally will be a lot fewer Trump voters in Nov.

Yes, sowing fear into ignorant conservatives who are terrified of everything is the only tool Trump has left.
And due to the amount of violence allowed by the democrats. There will be a lot less innocent people left to vote in Nov as well.

I've also yet to see anyone on the right, who's actually pushing the notion that the Corona virus is a hoax. So there's no indication that your statement is even remotely correct.

All in all, Trump isn't wrong to talk about this. It's a valid point as the democrats are repeatedly appearing to be too weak, or completely unable to stop these riots. Worst of all, there are democrats who are completely supportive of them, acting as though they are just the same as any other peaceful protest and actively forgiving of their actions.

It's a hot button issue. That Trump's campaign would be foolish to not push.

Oh these bad dems. However when fifty or so people from the right all armed to the teeth show up at a state capitol, they are not a menacing mob? Lol. I hope trump uses more thuggish actions. It will only make the protests larger.
All of this violence is happening NOW under Trump. Now if you want to argue that local government isn't doing enough, I wouldn't disagree. However trying to convince people that Biden will cause violence when there is already violence under Trump is idiotic at best. It's like telling people that if they elected Biden, their house will burn down all the while taking a photo op at a burning house.

It's ironic isn't it; Trump tries to terrify his ignorant and gullible fans into believing that the sky will fall under Biden's leadership, totally ignoring the fact that the 'party of law and order' is overseeing lawlessness and mass public protests occasionally lapsing into violence born of frustration, under his watch. You really couldn't make it up.
LOL I don't trust Trump to stop it so Biden isn't any worse. Sorry but if you are just going to make up ****, the conspiracy forum is below. The FACT is that neither Biden nor Trump is going to stop the violence because it isn't at their level to solve.

That's not a conspiracy theory if you were just unable to answer a simple question. Then I suggest you just be up front about it next time and not make something up.
Oh these bad dems. However when fifty or so people from the right all armed to the teeth show up at a state capitol, they are not a menacing mob? Lol. I hope trump uses more thuggish actions. It will only make the protests larger.

No, they aren't. But you wouldn't know that seeing as you can do is paint them as such.
The protestors at the state capitol did not show up to set fire to it. They did not show up to shout verbal insults and racial epitaphs at law enforcement agents. They did not overtly threaten anyone in the vicinity and they did not actively start conflict.

The capital hill protestors abided by all the same laws as anyone else. They even filed into the building and save for a few mask-less members, abided by social distancing guidelines. Hell, they were even letting the staff temperature check them before they could enter and having their gear checked to make sure that weren't carrying any contraband..

So you're comparison is not only weak, it's pathetic.
Donald Trump is really good at the con game. Hell, he's been perfecting it his whole life.
No, they aren't. But you wouldn't know that seeing as you can do is paint them as such.
The protestors at the state capitol did not show up to set fire to it. They did not show up to shout verbal insults and racial epitaphs at law enforcement agents. They did not overtly threaten anyone in the vicinity and they did not actively start conflict.

The capital hill protestors abided by all the same laws as anyone else. They even filed into the building and save for a few mask-less members, abided by social distancing guidelines. Hell, they were even letting the staff temperature check them before they could enter and having their gear checked to make sure that weren't carrying any contraband..

So you're comparison is not only weak, it's pathetic.

Only people who support violence would say a group of fifty people fully armed standing on the capitol steps would say that's not menacing.
Only people who support violence would say a group of fifty people fully armed standing on the capitol steps would say that's not menacing.

You do realize that the same can be said about your, correct?

But if a baled faced lie as an accusation is really all you have. Then you're not really working with much here. Despite what you imagine, those people protested peacefully and in case you're wondering still. That is what a peaceful protest looks like. They were not throwing objects are police, burning buildings, or assaulting random people.

Everything the sate capitol protestors did, was above board and aligned with the law.

Do you have any evidence to show that they were violent, or at least propagating it in some way?
But Trump isn't the one causing the violence and he's not the one allowing it to fester.

what? He is not the one causing the violence? Is this a joke?
what? He is not the one causing the violence? Is this a joke?

Seeing as instances like Portland were either remaining continuous, or escalating well over a month before he sent in federal assistance, yes. He's not the one causing it.

If you actually have something to provide that would prove otherwise. Then you're free to do so.
Seeing as instances like Portland were either remaining continuous, or escalating well over a month before he sent in federal assistance, yes. He's not the one causing it.

If you actually have something to provide that would prove otherwise. Then you're free to do so.

you have not heard him for 4 yaers??????????????????????

Get serious, this violence is at his feet. He worked hard to create a civil war and harder yet to turn it hot. Now he is working to turn up the heat in it.
you have not heard him for 4 yaers??????????????????????

Get serious, this violence is at his feet. He worked hard to create a civil war and harder yet to turn it hot. Now he is working to turn up the heat in it.

That's your opinion. That doesn't look like something that proves you to be correct, only just opinionated.

You expressed something that showed you actually "knew" that he was the cause of this violence and I expected you to provide something other than your opinion.

If him talking is enough for you to be convinced that he's sowing all this hate. Then what does it mean when DAs in these democrat controlled cities, are releasing rioters without charges?
That some democrats are making either active excuses for them to be seen as vindicated in their violence, or that it should just be plainly accepted?
Much less the whole instance of referring to them as peaceful, while fires still burn in their streets.

So which is worse and mind you, many democrats were preaching about being uncivil and there not being peace for some time as well. So if you're going to hold Trump to that standard then you should at least remain consistent and hold them to it as well.

Now, once again. Do you have something to provide that shows he is the cause for this violence?
You do realize that the same can be said about your, correct?

But if a baled faced lie as an accusation is really all you have. Then you're not really working with much here. Despite what you imagine, those people protested peacefully and in case you're wondering still. That is what a peaceful protest looks like. They were not throwing objects are police, burning buildings, or assaulting random people.

Everything the sate capitol protestors did, was above board and aligned with the law.

Do you have any evidence to show that they were violent, or at least propagating it in some way?

You seem to have completely missed the point.
You seem to have completely missed the point.

You're claim was false. That's it.

Because if I actually supported violence, like you attempted to claim. Then I'd be completely fine with what's transpiring in Portland and Kenosha. Which I do not.

So is that factually inaccurate allegation all that you have?
In New Hampshire, Trump sows fears about ‘thugs’ to mask-less crowd

The president has resumed holding rallies during the pandemic, but few in the tightly-packed crowd wore masks.

LONDONDERRY, N.H. (AP) — Fresh off accepting the Republican Party’s nomination, President Donald Trump said Friday he was the only thing standing between “democracy and the mob,” as he lashed out at protesters who accosted his supporters as they left the White House the night before.

Sowing fear about the implications of a Joe Biden victory to battleground state voters, Trump held a rally in New Hampshire on Friday evening. Looking to close his Democratic rival’s lead with just over two months until Election Day, Trump was launching an aggressive travel schedule — and continuing to flout coronavirus guidelines.
Few in the crowd wore masks & when it was suggested that they wear them there was a loud booing.

It seems that a substantial number of Trump supporters still believe that the virus is a hoax. In any event, the result of this mostly maskless rally will be a lot fewer Trump voters in Nov.

I have to wonder when he is going to figure out that gathering his supporters will mean less voters in November because some of them will be DEAD.

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