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In Memory Of (1 Viewer)

Mixed View

Active member
Mar 7, 2005
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Political Leaning
Slightly Liberal
As a boy went out last Sunday night as he unloaded cows he fell off the truck on some bobwire fence. He had an anurism. He died in 7th grade. I'm just asking for all of your prayers for the family and my school.
My thoughts are with you and yours.
A terrible tragedy indeed.

But that won't be the first friend or colleague of yours who will die. I've prayed that my friends and school-mates, to not get their drivers licenses... now it's a matter of time before our school is hit with another death.

I wish good luck for your school, family, and friends as they recover from a person who'll be missed.
Thanks. It means a lot.
He ,his family, and the school has been added to my list.

I am sorry that I missed this earlier.
I'm so sorry to hear about this. I'll pray for him tonight. :(
satinloveslibs said:
As a boy went out last Sunday night as he unloaded cows he fell off the truck on some bobwire fence. He had an anurism. He died in 7th grade. I'm just asking for all of your prayers for the family and my school.

I’m truly sorry to hear about this. My daughter’s fiancé was just killed a few weeks ago so I can completely understand the pain and sorrow of the loss. It's never easy, certainly not when they're taken so young.

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