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Impeach Tony Blair? (1 Viewer)


Nov 27, 2004
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I recently heard that there are some anti-war activists who are trying to impeach Tony Blair for "bring the UK into the Iraq war for the wrong reasons". If anyone hears any information about this could you please reply to this message? :thinking
Why would anyone want to impeach Tony Blair? He is 1,000 steps away from being a political genius fer cryin' out loud! Actually, I do agree with some of the issues he has been dealing with over the last term, despite the war on Iraq. I mean, the man is trying desperately to get rid of the obese and at the same time, trying to rid the nation of the queen! See what I mean? Political genius. He wants the citizens of England to stop eating junk food and to stop being overweight, because in turn, they are forcing the tax payers to pay for the medical expenses and funeral costs of these "feel sorry for myself" :violin useless tubs. He is basically wanting to make obesity illegal. That is going to cut costs AND deal with health care at the same time. People all around the world are trying to get their governments to deal with health care and medical expenses, and at the same time work out deficit, and are unsuccessful, but he is in the process of making it happen. I say Tony Blair should be a possibility for being chosen as the future Secretary-General of the United Nations. He is the man that is trying to make things happen.
Blair is in some trouble.
He is lucky that Labor has such a majority.
Documentary evidence has emerged showing that the Attorney General, Lord Goldsmith, changed his mind about the legality of the Iraq war just before the conflict began. The damning revelation is contained in the resignation letter of Elizabeth Wilmshurst, a legal adviser at the Foreign Office, in which she said the war would be a "crime of aggression". She quit the day after Lord Goldsmith's ruling was made public, three days before the war began in March 2003.
You may have to pay for the full article. I may be able to find the full article elswhere.

more here:

There is also the issue of his having been advised in mid 2002 that the CIA would "fix" the case for war.

Dennis Miller said:
, trying to rid the nation of the queen!
Why would anyone want to rid England of such a traditional figure?
Arch Enemy said:
Why would anyone want to rid England of such a traditional figure?

Because she's a burden on the British tax payer. It may seem like a good idea when you don't live there, but when the hospitals are more likely to kill you than the disease you came in with, public transport just doesn't work, the government's fleecing you with council tax, inheritance tax, income tax, value added tax - it all seems a bit ridiculous that the Queen and her in-bred family are paid for, by us, from birth to live the high-life and pretend they have any other importance than as a tourist attraction.

We don't even make any money from them - Prince Andrew (some unimportant, never gonna be king, royal family member) demands on flying first class wherever he wishes to go - even if it's only up the road. Thankfully he's been ordered by the government not to do so, but it suggests that there are plenty of other ways that the royal family waste british taxes.
jay123 said:
Because she's a burden on the British tax payer. It may seem like a good idea when you don't live there, but when the hospitals are more likely to kill you than the disease you came in with, public transport just doesn't work, the government's fleecing you with council tax, inheritance tax, income tax, value added tax - it all seems a bit ridiculous that the Queen and her in-bred family are paid for, by us, from birth to live the high-life and pretend they have any other importance than as a tourist attraction.

We don't even make any money from them - Prince Andrew (some unimportant, never gonna be king, royal family member) demands on flying first class wherever he wishes to go - even if it's only up the road. Thankfully he's been ordered by the government not to do so, but it suggests that there are plenty of other ways that the royal family waste british taxes.

Right on, Jay!

Welcome! :2wave:
The only real purpose it seems the British monarchy has is to give the tabloids something to fall back on when they can't find a scandal on anyone else.

And BTW, great avatar Garzuak.
Blue Hobgoblin said:
And BTW, great avatar Garzuak.

I'm not a comic book buyer or collector per se. But I love the mythology of Spiderman and his enemies.

Carnage is my favourite, I haven't read the comic books related to him though. I can't wait until Carnage, Spiderman and Venom is fighting on the big screen. Should be good. Any ideas on the bad guys on the next Spiderman movie? I think it's Green Goblin II and the Lizard.
who was your "before" avatar of? some cool looking warrior.

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