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Imagine a future with robots... (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Oct 2, 2005
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United States of America and proud of it!
Political Leaning
Imagine that we are living in the year 2300. Robots live among us, they have feelings, and they hold down jobs. Politically speaking, what rights would you be willing to give robots? Please respond to a list I've assembled:

1.) Would you give them voting rights?

2.) Would you let them hold public office?

3.) Would you let them have sex with other humans?

4.) Would you let them marry other humans?

5.) Would you let them marry each other?

6.) Would you let them join the military?

7.) Would you allow them to run for President?

8.) Would you favor the dealth penalty for robot criminals?

Thanks for your input, I think robots are a very fascinating subjec to discuss.
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George_Washington said:
Imagine that we are living in the year 2300. Robots live among us, they have feelings, and they hold down jobs. Politically speaking, what rights would you be willing to give robots? Please respond to a list I've assembled:

A little scary after watching movies like Terminator, The Matrix and iRobot.

George_Washington said:
1.) Would you give them voting rights?

Only if they're programmed to vote Libertarian.

George_Washington said:
2.) Would you let them hold public office?

Only if they're programmed to adhere to Libertarianism.

George_Washington said:
3.) Would you let them have sex with other humans?

Interesting. I'll say that I'd let humans have sex with them.

George_Washington said:
4.) Would you let them marry other humans?

See answer above.

George_Washington said:
5.) Would you let them marry each other?

If they really "wanted" to.

George_Washington said:
6.) Would you let them join the military?

Yes but only in certain positions, particularly infantry and intel.

George_Washington said:
7.) Would you allow them to run for President?

On a Libertarian platform.

George_Washington said:
8.) Would you favor the dealth penalty for robot criminals?


George_Washington said:
Thanks for your input, I think robots are a very fascinating subjec to discuss.

Agreed, although a little far fetched IMHO but who knows, given the astronomical advances made in technology recently. Most anyone pre-1900 who said we'd be walking on the moon would have been seen a fool.
Yes to all of them (except 8). Not only because it would be the morally right thing to do, but because I think it will be pragmatically impossible NOT to do so (and much sooner than 2300). I really don't buy into the idea that man and machine will continue to be distinguishable entities for more than a few decades at most. Ray Kurzweil has observed that as computers become more human, humans are becoming more artificial. Extrapolating this to its logical conclusion, it doesn't seem like it will be possible to point to an intelligent entity and definitively or meaningfully say "That's a human" or "That's a robot."
George_Washington said:
3.) Would you let them have sex with other humans?

It was written in a sitcom about Dr Johnson's first dictionary that the first thing people did with it was to look up dirty words and one of the first things people did with cameras was to take dirty pictures, ditto movies, let alone the internet.

People are already making machines to have sex with. So, I take it as read that as soon as robots are capable of sex, then people will have sex with them.

George_Washington said:
6.) Would you let them join the military?

Akin to my laast point, the limitary will use any means possible to get an edge of the enemy. The military will use (draft) robots.

It will be a gradual process of making robots 'become' more human or 'look' more human. There will be those who wish to keep robots less human. It will be like the pro-slavery movements: it was in their interests to make slaves look less human. So it will be with robots: if you have an army of robots providing cheap labour, then you don't want to free them and give them rights.
George_Washington said:
Imagine that we are living in the year 2300. Robots live among us, they have feelings, and they hold down jobs.


1.) Would you give them voting rights?

Probably not.

2.) Would you let them hold public office?


3.) Would you let them have sex with other humans?


4.) Would you let them marry other humans?

If the humans so desired.

5.) Would you let them marry each other?

Negative, but you said they have feelings, so we would have to de-program them.

6.) Would you let them join the military?

Of course! Our armies would be alot more efficient if we could replace most of our ground troops with programable robots.

7.) Would you allow them to run for President?

Nope, they should just be programmed to please humans, or do our remedial labor.

8.) Would you favor the dealth penalty for robot criminals?

Not applicable. We won't program them to commit crimes.
Since I am a Futurama geek I will happy play along!

1.) Would you give them voting rights?
I feel another ACLU battle!

2.) Would you let them hold public office?
Robots don't have feelings, and what would happen if they malfunction?
3.) Would you let them have sex with other humans?
Futurama episode where Fry loves a Nappster downloaded robot named "Lucy Lou bot" A MUST SEE!

4.) Would you let them marry other humans?
Refer to last response.

5.) Would you let them marry each other?
I now pronounce you robot and robot, you may shock the bride!

6.) Would you let them join the military?
Always. Will always do as they are programmed to do! Great soldiers, and they don't give into any peace crap!

7.) Would you allow them to run for President?
Refer to public office response.

8.) Would you favor the dealth penalty for robot criminals?
Wouldn't that be called the "Turn off" penalty! rofl.

Thanks for your input, I think robots are a very fascinating subjec to discuss.
Yeap, and thank you for reading my output. keep WYSIYWIG'in. :mrgreen:
Well lets just not make them and that way we don't have to worry.....
George_Washington said:
1.) Would you give them voting rights?

When they demand them. I'd probably be fairly hesitant to allow this, because it seems like a very solid way to allow vote fraud.

The Real McCoy's answers serve as a pretty good demonstration of why I'd be reluctant.

George_Washington said:
2.) Would you let them hold public office?
7.) Would you allow them to run for President?

Only when I could be satisfied that it was impossible to abduct the robot and replace it with an impostor. This is a considerably more difficult task with humans.

George_Washington said:
3.) Would you let them have sex with other humans?

http://www.realdoll.com (NSFW)

Too late.

George_Washington said:
4.) Would you let them marry other humans?

Now, what possible reason is there for robots to marry, or for humans to marry them? ... I'd probably allow this if polygamy were in place, allowing robots to take their place in group or multiple marriages. Or... if the robots were insistent about it.

George_Washington said:
5.) Would you let them marry each other?

Why the hell not?

George_Washington said:
6.) Would you let them join the military?

Heh. Once again, I think you're too late. By the time such robots exist, they will have certainly been developed for military usage.

George_Washington said:
8.) Would you favor the dealth penalty for robot criminals?

If they could be subject to corrective reprogramming, no. Otherwise, yes.
GW said:
Imagine that we are living in the year 2300. Robots live among us, they have feelings, and they hold down jobs. Politically speaking, what rights would you be willing to give robots? Please respond to a list I've assembled:

I would question the possibility.

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